
从来没有人听过 名麦道夫 在不可同日而语 作为一个基金经理。

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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -从来没有人听过 名麦道夫 在不可同日而语 作为一个基金经理。-, *从来没有人听过 名麦道夫 在不可同日而语 作为一个基金经理。*

ทราบความหมายของคำศัพท์นี้? กด [เพิ่มคำศัพท์] เพื่อใส่คำนี้พร้อมความหมาย เพื่อเป็นวิทยาทานแก่ผู้ใช้ท่านอื่น ๆ

ติดโพย (PopThai)


从来 (cóng lái)没有 (méi yǒu) (rén) (tīng) (guò) (míng)麦道 (Mài dào) () (zài)不可同日而语 (bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ) 作为 (zuò wéi)一个 (yī gè)基金 (jī jīn)经理 (jīng lǐ) ()


  • (cōng, ㄘㄨㄥ) lax; yielding; unhurried [CE-DICT]
  • (cóng, ㄘㄨㄥˊ) from; to obey; to observe; to follow; surname Cong [CE-DICT]
  • (zòng, ㄗㄨㄥˋ) second cousin [CE-DICT]
  • (らい) (n) (1) next (year, etc.); (2) since (last month, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
  • (lái, ㄌㄞˊ) to come; to arrive; to come round; ever since; next [CE-DICT]
  • (な) (n) name; reputation; (P) [EDICT]
  • (めい) (ctr) (1) (hon) counter for people (usu. seating, reservations and such); (n) (2) first name; (pref) (3) (See 名探偵) famous; great; (suf) (4) (See コード名,学校名) name [EDICT]
  • (míng, ㄇㄧㄥˊ) name; noun (part of speech); place (e.g. among winners); famous; classifier for people [CE-DICT]
  • (むぎ) (n) wheat; barley; oat (oats); (P) [EDICT]
  • (mài, ㄇㄞˋ) wheat; barley; oats; surname Mai; transliteration of Mac- [CE-DICT]
  • (どう) (n) (1) (abbr) road; (2) way; (3) Buddhist teachings; (4) Taoism; (5) modern administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido); (6) historical administrative region of Japan (Tokaido, Tosando, etc.); (7) province (Tang-era administrative region of China); (8) province (modern administrative region of Korea) [EDICT]
  • (みち) (n) (1) road; street; way; path; course; route; lane; (2) distance; ways (e.g. "a long ways"); (3) the way (of proper conduct, etc.); one's way; morals; (4) teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist); dogma; (5) field (of medicine, etc.); subject; (6) way; method; means; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ち;ぢ) (n) (1) (arch) (ち only) (See 路・じ) way; road; (n-suf) (2) (usu. ぢ) way to ...; road to ... [EDICT]
  • (dào, ㄉㄠˋ) direction; way; method; road; path; classifier for long thin stretches, rivers, roads etc; principle; truth; morality; reason; skill; method; Dao (of Daoism); to say; to speak; to talk [CE-DICT]
  • (ざい) (n) (1) country; countryside; (2) outskirts; suburbs; (pref) (3) situated in; resident in [EDICT]
  • (zài, ㄗㄞˋ) (located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the middle of doing sth; (indicating an action in progress) [CE-DICT]
  • (ふ) (pref) un-; non-; negative prefix [EDICT]
  • (ぶ) (pref) (1) un-; non-; (2) bad ...; poor ... [EDICT]
  • (bù, ㄅㄨˋ) (negative prefix); not; no [CE-DICT]
  • (か) (n,n-suf) passable; acceptable; tolerable; fair; (P) [EDICT]
  • (kě, ㄎㄜˇ) can; may; able to; to approve; to permit; certain(ly); to suit; (particle used for emphasis) [CE-DICT]
  • (どう) (pref) the same; the said; ibid.; (P) [EDICT]
  • (tóng, ㄊㄨㄥˊ) like; same; similar; together; alike; with [CE-DICT]
  • (か) (n-suf) (1) day of month; (ctr) (2) counter for days [EDICT]
  • (にち) (n) (1) (abbr) (See 日曜) Sunday; (suf) (2) (also んち or ち) day (of the month); (suf,ctr) (3) (also んち or ち) counter for days [EDICT]
  • (ひ) (n-adv,n-t) (1) (日 only) day; days; (2) sun; sunshine; sunlight; (3) (日 only) (as 〜した日には, 〜と来た日には, etc.) case (esp. unfortunate); event; (P) [EDICT]
  • (rì, ㄖˋ) day; sun; date; day of the month; abbr. for Japan [CE-DICT]
  • (ér, ㄦˊ) and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicates causal relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast) [CE-DICT]
  • (yǔ, ㄩˇ) dialect; language; speech [CE-DICT]
  • (yù, ㄩˋ) to tell to [CE-DICT]
  • (さく) (n,n-suf) a work; a harvest; (P) [EDICT]
  • (zuò, ㄗㄨㄛˋ) to do; to make; to regard as; to take sb for [CE-DICT]
  • (wéi, ㄨㄟˊ) as (in the capacity of); to take sth as; to act as; to serve as; to behave as; to become; to be; to do [CE-DICT]
  • (wèi, ㄨㄟˋ) because of; for; to [CE-DICT]

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