(zhè, ㄓㄜˋ) this; these; (commonly pronounced zhei4 before a classifier, esp. in Beijing) [CE-DICT]
(これ) (pn) (1) (uk) (See 何れ・1,其れ・1,彼・あれ・1) this (indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic); (2) (hum) this person (usu. indicating someone in one's in-group); (3) now; (4) (arch) here; (5) (arch) I (me); (6) (arch) certainly; (P) [EDICT]
(ぜ) (n) righteousness; justice; right [EDICT]
(shì, ㄕˋ) is; are; am; yes; to be [CE-DICT]
(か;カ) (ctr) counter for the ichi-ni-san counting system (usu. directly preceding the item being counted); a noun read using its on-yomi [EDICT]
(gè, ㄍㄜˋ) individual; this; that; size; classifier for people or objects in general [CE-DICT]
(あし) ขา, เท้า [LongdoJP]
(そく) (suf,ctr) counter for pairs (of socks, shoes, etc.) [EDICT]
(あし) (n) (1) (esp. 足) foot; (2) (esp. 脚,肢) leg; (3) gait; (4) pace; (5) (usu. 脚) bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji; (6) (足 only) means of transportation; (P) [EDICT]
(zú, ㄗㄨˊ) foot; to be sufficient [CE-DICT]
(きゅう) (n) (1) {math} sphere; (suf,ctr) (2) counter for balls (in baseball); (P) [EDICT]
(たま) (n) (1) ball; sphere; globe; orb; (2) bead (of sweat, dew, etc.); drop; droplet; (3) (esp. 球) ball (in sports); (4) pile (of noodles, etc.); (5) (esp. 弾; also written as 弾丸) bullet; (6) (esp. 球) bulb (i.e. a light bulb); (7) lens (of glasses, etc.); (8) (esp. 玉,珠) bead (of an abacus); (9) (sl) (abbr) (esp. 玉) (See 金玉・きんたま) ball (i.e. a testicle); (10) (esp. 玉,珠; also written as 璧) gem; jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively); pearl; (11) female entertainer (e.g. a geisha); (12) (derog) person (when commenting on their nature); character; (13) item, funds or person used as part of a plot; (n,n-suf) (14) (See 玉子・2) egg; (n-suf) (15) (usu. だま) coin; (16) precious; beautiful; excellent; (P) [EDICT]
แสดงได้ทั้งความหมายของคำเดี่ยว และคำผสม ได้อย่างถูกต้อง
เช่น Secretary of State=รัฐมนตรีต่างประเทศของสหรัฐฯ (ในภาพตัวอย่าง),
High school=โรงเรียนมัธยมปลาย