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梵语[Fàn yǔ, ㄈㄢˋ ㄩˇ,   /  ] Sanskrit [Add to Longdo]

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The Kama Sutra was originally written in Sanskrit... by an indian man called Vatsyayana... whose name literally means "split the bamboo."[CN] 爱神的圣经最初来源于梵语的 是个印第安人写的 照字面翻译他的名字是竹子的裂痕 Pledge This! (2006)
The leaders spoke Sanskrit.[CN] 这些部落的首领讲梵语 Beginnings (2007)
Sanskrit, Russian, Latin, Greek- that's Classical Greek and modern Greek, Umbrian.[CN] 梵语,俄语,拉丁语, 希腊语... 那是古典的希腊语和现代的 希腊语,翁布利亚语 Compulsion (1959)
It's the root of the languages spoken by almost a billion people.[CN] 梵语是现在接近十亿人语言的根源. Beginnings (2007)
So where had Sanskrit come from?[CN] 梵语源自哪 ? Beginnings (2007)
They've got this design of dolphins and our names engraved in Sanskrit.[CN] 那上面有海豚的设计,有梵语刻的名字。 Sideways (2004)
And most amazing, the key word for horse in Sanskrit, aszwa, is exactly the same thousands of miles away in Lithuania.[CN] 最令人惊讶的是,梵语中「马」的关键字aszwa 竟然和千里之外的立陶宛的完全相同. Beginnings (2007)
Like others before him, he noticed a very close similarity between Sanskrit, Latin and Greek, [CN] 像之前的学者一样, 他注意到 梵语, 拉丁语和希腊语非常相似 Beginnings (2007)
He persuaded a Brahmin scholar to teach him Sanskrit, and what he found would rewrite the history of the world's languages, including our own.[CN] 他说服一位婆罗门学者教他学梵语 他的发现将改写世界语言的历史 包括我们自己的 Beginnings (2007)
That's " pathet. " Sanskrit for "really cool way to live."[CN] 抱歉, 是pathet 在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式 The One with the Monkey (1994)
Take the word for "father", pater in Greek and pater in Latin, is pitar in Sanskrit.[CN] 以单词「父亲」为例,希腊语是pater, 拉丁语是pater,梵语是pitar Beginnings (2007)
The word for "mother", mater in Latin, meter in Greek, in Sanskrit is matar.[CN] 而"母亲"这个词,拉丁语是mater, 希腊语是meter 梵语是matar Beginnings (2007)


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