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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -bishop-, *bishop*
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English Phonetic Symbols

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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
bishop(n) ตำแหน่งบาทหลวงที่มีอำนาจปกครองบาทหลวงอื่นๆ, See also: แต่มีชั้นต่ำกว่า archbishop ซึ่งเป็นตำแหน่งบาทหลวงสูงสุด, Syn. prelate
bishop(n) ตัวหมากรุกที่มีวิธีเดินทแยงมุม
bishopric(n) ตำแหน่งของ bishop

English-Thai: HOPE Dictionary [with local updates]
bishop(บิช'เชิพ) n. หัวหน้าบาทหลวง, สังฆนายก, ตัวหมากรุกฝรั่งที่เทียบเท่ากับโคนของหมากรุกไทย, See also: bishopric adj. ดูbishop
archbishop(อาร์ค'บิเชิพ) n. หัวหน้า bishop หัวหน้าบาทหลวง (chief bishop)
archbishopric(อาร์คบิช'ชัพริค) n. ตำแหน่งหัวหน้า bishop (office of an archbishop)

English-Thai: Nontri Dictionary
bishopric(adj) เกี่ยวกับหัวหน้าบาทหลวง
archbishop(n) หัวหน้าบาทหลวง, พระสันตปาปา

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The last move, I took your rook with my bishop. Right there.ตาสุตท้ายพ่อกินเรือแก The Bodyguard (1992)
Your Excellency and my brother the Bishop will marry my daughtersพี่ชายผมซึ่งเป็นพระราชาคณะ จะแต่งกับลูกสาวของผม Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Bishop Reardon represents millions of Roman Catholics.ท่านบิช๊อปเรียเดนเป็นตัวแทน ของชาวคาทอลิกนับล้าน Oh, God! (1977)
Bishop Marcos, multitudes of Greek Orthodoxers.ท่านบิช๊อปมากอสเพิ่มจำนวน ชาวกรีกออโธด็อกซ์ Oh, God! (1977)
- I found him, Mr. Bishop.- ผมเป็นคนเจอมัน คุณบิชอบ As Good as It Gets (1997)
Hello, this is Fred Bishop. We're unable to take yourcall.ฮัลโล นี่เฟรด บิชอบ ตอนนี้เรารับโทรศัพท์ไม่ได้ As Good as It Gets (1997)
Joey Bishop.โจอี้ บริสชอป The Story of Us (1999)
That's right. I was choking the bishop, chafing the carrot.ผมเช็ดปืน ผมเล่นแครอท American Beauty (1999)
Harry, you take the empty bishop's square.แฮร์รี่ นายไปยึดครองที่ว่างของบิชอบ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
I do know another joke about the Nun and the full standing bishop.ฉันรู้เรื่องโจ๊กเกี่ยวกับแม่ชี / กับบิชอปผู้โง่เขลาแต่รักมั่น The Notebook (2004)
Bishop Stevens told me that.บิชอบ สตีเวนท์ / บอกฉันอย่างนั้น The Notebook (2004)
King to King's Bishop 8.คิงคิงส์บิชอป 8 Cubeº: Cube Zero (2004)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
bishopThe bishop felt pity for the immigrants who were abandoned, and gave them help.
bishopThe bishops were in favor of the proposition.
bishopThe bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants.
bishopThe irreligious scoffed at the bishop's interpretation.

Thai-English: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
โคน(n) bishop, Example: เวลาเล่นงานผมไม่จับแต่เบี้ยนะครับ แต่จะเล่นงานขุนม้าโคนทั้งหลาย, Count Unit: ตัว, Thai Definition: ชื่อตัวหมากรุกที่ใช้เดินทแยงมุมและไปข้างหน้าเท่านั้น

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
โคน[khōn] (n) EN: bishop (Thai chess)  FR: fou [ m ] (échecs)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (pronunciation guide only)
Bishop Auckland
Bishop's Cleeve
Bishop's Stortford

WordNet (3.0)
bishop(n) a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ
bishop(n) port wine mulled with oranges and cloves
bishop(n) (chess) a piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color
bishop pine(n) two-needled or three-needled pinon mostly of northwestern California coast, Syn. bishop's pine, Pinus muricata
bishopry(n) the office and dignity of a bishop, Syn. episcopate

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English (GCIDE) v.0.53

v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Bishoped p. pr. & vb. n. Bishoping. ] To admit into the church by confirmation; to confirm; hence, to receive formally to favor. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ OE. bischop, biscop, bisceop, AS. bisceop, biscop, L. episcopus overseer, superintendent, bishop, fr. Gr. &unr_;, &unr_; over + &unr_; inspector, fr. root of &unr_;, &unr_;, to look to, perh. akin to L. specere to look at. See Spy, and cf. Episcopal. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

1. A spiritual overseer, superintendent, or director. [ 1913 Webster ]

Ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls. 1 Pet. ii. 25. [ 1913 Webster ]

It is a fact now generally recognized by theologians of all shades of opinion, that in the language of the New Testament the same officer in the church is called indifferently “bishop” ( &unr_; ) and “elder” or “presbyter.” J. B. Lightfoot. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. In the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Anglican or Protestant Episcopal churches, one ordained to the highest order of the ministry, superior to the priesthood, and generally claiming to be a successor of the Apostles. The bishop is usually the spiritual head or ruler of a diocese, bishopric, or see. [ 1913 Webster ]

Bishop in partibus [ infidelium ] (R. C. Ch.), a bishop of a see which does not actually exist; one who has the office of bishop, without especial jurisdiction. Shipley. --
Titular bishop (R. C. Ch.), a term officially substituted in 1882 for bishop in partibus. --
Bench of Bishops. See under Bench.
[ 1913 Webster ]

3. In the Methodist Episcopal and some other churches, one of the highest church officers or superintendents. [ 1913 Webster ]

4. A piece used in the game of chess, bearing a representation of a bishop's miter; -- formerly called archer. [ 1913 Webster ]

5. A beverage, being a mixture of wine, oranges or lemons, and sugar. Swift. [ 1913 Webster ]

6. An old name for a woman's bustle. [ U. S. ] [ 1913 Webster ]

If, by her bishop, or her “grace” alone,
A genuine lady, or a church, is known. Saxe. [ 1913 Webster ]


v. t. [ imp. & p. p. Bishoped p. pr. & vb. n. Bishoping. ] [ From the name of the scoundrel who first practiced it. Youatt. ] (Far.) To make seem younger, by operating on the teeth; as, to bishop an old horse or his teeth. [ 1913 Webster ]

The plan adopted is to cut off all the nippers with a saw to the proper length, and then with a cutting instrument the operator scoops out an oval cavity in the corner nippers, which is afterwards burnt with a hot iron until it is black. J. H. Walsh. [ 1913 Webster ]


n. Jurisdiction of a bishop; episcopate. “Divine right of bishopdom.” Milton. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Resembling a bishop; belonging to a bishop. Fulke. [ 1913 Webster ]


a. Bishoplike; episcopal. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


adv. In the manner of a bishop. [ Obs. ] [ 1913 Webster ]


n. [ AS. bisceoprīce; bisceop bishop + rīce dominion. See -ric. ] 1. A diocese; the district over which the jurisdiction of a bishop extends. [ 1913 Webster ]

2. The office of a spiritual overseer, as of an apostle, bishop, or presbyter. Acts i. 20. [ 1913 Webster ]

Bishop's cap

(Bot.) A plant of the genus Mitella; miterwort. Longfellow. [ 1913 Webster ]

Bishop sleeve

A wide sleeve, once worn by women. [ 1913 Webster ]

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
主教[zhǔ jiào, ㄓㄨˇ ㄐㄧㄠˋ,  ] bishop #27,796 [Add to Longdo]

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Bischof { m } | Bischöfe { pl }bishop | bishops [Add to Longdo]
Läufergabel { f } (Schach)bishop fork [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
[うま, uma] (n) (1) horse; (2) promoted bishop (shogi); (P) #536 [Add to Longdo]
[つの, tsuno] (n, n-suf) (1) angle; (2) square (or cube); (3) bishop (shogi); (4) (See 五音) third degree (of the Japanese & Chinese pentatonic scale); (5) (See 角宿) Chinese "horn" constellation (one of the 28 mansions); (6) (See 元・げん) jiao (monetary unit of China; one-tenth of a yuan); (P) #1,734 [Add to Longdo]
司教[しきょう, shikyou] (n) (1) (See 主教) bishop (Catholic); prelate; (adj-no) (2) episcopal; potifical #7,096 [Add to Longdo]
主教[しゅきょう, shukyou] (n) (1) (See 司教) bishop (Orthodox, Anglican, etc.); prelate; primate; (adj-no) (2) episcopal #8,380 [Add to Longdo]
大司教[だいしきょう, daishikyou] (n) (See 大主教) archbishop (Catholic) #12,054 [Add to Longdo]
竜馬;龍馬[りゅうめ, ryuume] (n) (1) splendid horse; (2) promoted bishop (shogi) #16,875 [Add to Longdo]
赤木[あかぎ, akagi] (n) (1) (uk) bishop wood (Bischofia javanica); (2) (See 黒木) barked tree; (3) red tree #17,007 [Add to Longdo]
アーチビショップ[a-chibishoppu] (n) archbishop [Add to Longdo]
テレビショッピング[terebishoppingu] (n) home shopping network (wasei [Add to Longdo]
ビショップ[bishoppu] (n) bishop [Add to Longdo]


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