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Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
慣れる[なれる, nareru] TH: คุ้นเคย

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
し慣れる;仕馴れる[しなれる, shinareru] (v1) to be used to doing; to be experienced in [Add to Longdo]
慣れる(P);馴れる;狎れる[なれる, nareru] (v1, vi) (1) to grow accustomed (to); to get too familiar with; to get used (to); (2) to become domesticated; to become tame; (P) [Add to Longdo]
見慣れる(P);見馴れる;見なれる[みなれる, minareru] (v1, vi) to become used to seeing; to be familiar with; (P) [Add to Longdo]
呼び慣れる;呼慣れる[よびなれる, yobinareru] (v1) to be used to calling (someone by a certain name) [Add to Longdo]
使い慣れる;使いなれる;使い馴れる[つかいなれる, tsukainareru] (v1) to get accustomed to using [Add to Longdo]
耳慣れる;耳馴れる[みみなれる, miminareru] (v1, vi) to be something familiar [Add to Longdo]
手慣れる;手馴れる[てなれる, tenareru] (v1, vi) to get used (to); to get familiar with; to get skillful with [Add to Longdo]
住み慣れる;住み馴れる[すみなれる, suminareru] (v1) to get used to living in [Add to Longdo]
食べ慣れる;食べなれる[たべなれる, tabenareru] (v1) to be used to eating; to become used to eating; to be accustomed to eating; to acquire a taste for [Add to Longdo]
人慣れる;人馴れる[ひとなれる, hitonareru] (v1, vi) to become accustomed to people [Add to Longdo]
世慣れる;世馴れる[よなれる, yonareru] (v1, vi) to become used to the (ways of the) world; to become worldly or sophisticated [Add to Longdo]
読み慣れる;読慣れる;読み馴れる;読みなれる[よみなれる, yominareru] (v1, vi) to be accustomed to reading [Add to Longdo]
聞き慣れる;聞き馴れる;聞慣れる;聞馴れる[ききなれる, kikinareru] (v1, vt) to get used to hearing [Add to Longdo]
旅慣れる;旅馴れる[たびなれる, tabinareru] (v1, vi) to be accustomed to traveling (travelling) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
"I'm not accustomed to working day and night." "You'll soon get used to it."「私は昼も夜も働くのにまだ慣れてない」「すぐに慣れるよ」
Can I be of any assistance to you?あなたの助力に慣れるでしょうか。
You'll soon get accustomed to your new college life.あなたはすぐに新しい大学生活に慣れるだろう。
You will soon be used to rural life.あなたはもうすぐ田舎の生活に慣れるでしょう。
You will soon accommodate yourself new ways of living.あなたは新しい生活様式にすぐ慣れるでしょう。
You'll soon get used to driving on the right.あなたは道路の右側を運転することにすぐに慣れるでしょう。
You will soon get accustomed to the noises.あなたもすぐ騒音には慣れるでしょう。
You will soon get accustomed to living in this country.すぐにこの国に住むのに慣れるよ。
You will soon adapt yourself to this new life.すぐにこの新しい生活に慣れるでしょう。
You will soon get used to the climate here.すぐに当地の気候に慣れるでしょう。
You will soon get accustomed to the work.その仕事にすぐ慣れるだろう。
It took a long time to accustom myself to the noise.その騒音に慣れるのに長い時間かかった。
It will not be long before you accommodate yourself to the new circumstances.やがてあなたは新しい環境に慣れるだろう。
Complaining about something is one way to adapt yourself to a new environment.何かについて文句を言うことが、新しい環境に慣れる1つの方法である。
Our eyes take time to adjust to the darkness.我々の目は暗闇に慣れるのに時間がかかる。
A sailor frequently has no time to get his sea legs after leaving port before a sea battle starts.海戦に先立って出港したからには、乗組員が船に慣れる時間がないことが、しばしばあるものだ。
It's difficult to feel at home in a foreign language.外国語に十分慣れることは困難だ。
It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese meals.外国人が日本の食事に慣れる事とは難しい。
It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food.外人が日本食に慣れることはむずかしい。
Familiarity breeds contempt.慣れると軽視するようになる。
Returnees have trouble getting used to life in Japan.帰国者たちは日本の生活に慣れるのに苦労している。
You'll soon get accustomed to this cold weather.君のこの寒さにすぐ慣れるだろう。 [ M ]
You'll soon get accustomed to this cold weather.君はこの寒さにすぐ慣れるだろう。 [ M ]
You will soon get accustomed to your new school.君はすぐに今度の学校に慣れるでしょう。 [ M ]
You will soon get accustomed to living here.君はすぐに当地での生活に慣れるでしょう。 [ M ]
You will soon get used to speaking in public.君は人前で話をすることにはすぐに慣れるだろう。 [ M ]
You will soon get used to speaking in public.君は人前で話をすることにはすぐ慣れるだろう。 [ M ]
You will soon be used to living in a big city.君もすぐに大都市で生活することに慣れるだろう。 [ M ]
My wife had a hard time getting into the swing of our new life in America.妻はアメリカでの新しい生活のリズムに慣れるのにえらい苦労した。
Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings.子供は新しい環境に慣れるのが早い。
My daughter won't find easy to get accustomed to the new school.私の娘は新しい学校に慣れるのがたやすいとは思わないだろう。
Young people adapt themselves to something sooner than old people.若い人は老人より早く何にでも慣れる。
You must quickly accustom yourself to your new school.新しい学校にすぐ慣れるようにすべきです。
You'll soon get used to living in the country.田舎の生活にすぐ慣れるでしょう。
He will soon get used to the class.彼はすぐにこのクラスに慣れるでしょう。
He will soon get used to the climate here.彼はまもなく、ここの天候に慣れるでしょう。
It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.私がここの生活に慣れるのに時間がかかりそうです。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well, I've had a few days to get used to it, and I feel okay.[JP] ええ、慣れるまでに何日かあったし、もう大丈夫よ When Harry Met Sally... (1989)
You'll get used to it.[JP] 慣れるわよ Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)
You'll get used to it.[JP] そのうち慣れるわ Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (2009)
It'll feel less weird once you get used to it.[JP] すぐに慣れるわ Corporal Punishment (2007)
You'll get used to it.[JP] 慣れるよ Downfall of a Droid (2008)
- You get used to it.[JP] ちょっと? -すぐに慣れるさ。 Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
I'll deal.[JP] 慣れるようにするわ Fruition (2010)
I assume I'll get used to you.[JP] その状況に私は慣れるだろうが Lincoln (2012)
'Things are what they are. Get used to 'em. '[JP] "そのうちに慣れる"ってね Stake Land (2010)
I've been a miner all my life. You get used to low oxygen.[JP] 一生を鉱山で過ごしたんだ 低酸素に慣れることだな Terra Prime (2005)
but you sleep well in them.[JP] 寝心地はイマイチだが すぐ慣れる Julie (2012)
- My mother calls me Sam-- - it's not going to get any easier, you know?[JP] - 母はサムと呼ぶんだ - 慣れるもんじゃないんだぞ、いいか? Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things (2011)
You might want to squeeze off a few rounds while you have the chance. Just work the bugs out of the system.[JP] 射撃の練習だ これに慣れるいい機会だしな The Last Starfighter (1984)
I will never get used to it.[JP] 私は決して慣れることはない La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
Get used to it.[JP] それに慣れる。 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
[ sighs ] You'll begin to compensate within a day or two.[JP] 2日以内に慣れるでしょう United (2005)
You're just a a little more used to it driving you crazy. [ Footsteps ][JP] 神経が磨り減るのには慣れる The Callback (2012)
It won't be easy, you're not used to it.[JP] 平気さ慣れるよ Tikhiy Don (1957)
I'll get used to things... you know?[JP] いずれ慣れるわ 知っている人と 話をしたかったの Se7en (1995)
It's gonna take me a little time to adjust.[JP] だが、慣れるのに少し時間が必要だ The Augments (2004)
You go out for a jog, you give yourself some routines and pretty soon you find your legs.[JP] 外でジョギングをしたり 少し運動したほうが良い 日課を作るんだ すぐに慣れるよ Up in the Air (2009)
You'll get used to living here.[JP] 少しずつ ここに慣れるでしょう Raise the Red Lantern (1991)
Hardly had time to get used to this... but I'm sure everything's gonna be fine, okay?[JP] こう言う事に慣れる余裕なんて 普通 無いから でも心配しないで どう? Welcome to the War (2010)
You get used to it. I don't even see the code.[JP] すぐ慣れるさ 俺なんか読んでもいねえ The Matrix (1999)
GREY: Funny how quick a guy gets used to it.[JP] 面白いか 出来る男は慣れるもんだ Forbidden Planet (1956)
I know it's taken me some getting used to, but as long as you're stuck here, you make a good partner.[JP] 慣れるのが遅かったけど―― ここにいる限り あなたは良いパートナーよ Making Angels (2012)
Working with a guy who's barely qualified?[JP] 慣れるさ Ring Around the Rosie (2011)
Humans... get used to it.[JP] 人間なの... 慣れることね. Heavy Metal (2008)
- You get so you like it after a while.[JP] - すぐ慣れるさ Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (2004)
I can live without a hat.[JP] 帽子ない生活に慣れる Future Echoes (1988)
It's not bad. You'll get used to it. Try a little more.[JP] すぐ慣れる もっと飲め To Love Is to Bury (2008)
You get used to it. You turn a blind eye.[JP] 彼女も、、、 時間が経つと慣れる。 RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
Settle in... it'll be good.[JP] よくなる やがて慣れるよ Se7en (1995)
Then you get used to it.[JP] それに慣れることね We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
Get used to it.[JP] そのうち見慣れるようになるわ 8 Women (2002)
So settle in because you are here for the long haul.[JP] まあ 慣れることだな 君は長時間労働の為に ここにいるのだから Horrible Bosses (2011)
It's hard... Adjusting to a new city.[JP] 新しい土地は 慣れるまで大変 Wallflower (2011)
You get used to it.[JP] そういう慣れるよ Destroy Malevolence (2008)
It takes some getting used to. They're good people, though.[JP] 慣れるには時間がかかるが 皆言い人達だよ Flipped (2010)
Bet that's taking some getting used to. Is he helping?[JP] 慣れるのにちょっと時間がかかるわ 彼は助けになってる? Pilot (2009)
Get over it.[JP] 慣れるわよ Excision (2012)
Yeah. The beds take a little getting used to.[JP] ベッドに慣れるまではね Eggtown (2008)
I'll bet it'll take a while getting used to the humidity again.[JP] 湿気に慣れるのに 時間かかるだろうな These Are the Voyages... (2005)
I think a man could get used to this and grow to love it.[JP] 男は、好きになれば何にだって慣れるさ Forbidden Planet (1956)
Yeah, well, don't get used to it.[JP] うん、まあ、それに慣れることはありません。 Bolt (2008)
Did you tell your people to familiarise themselves with my face?[JP] 私の顔に慣れるようにと 皆に言ったか? The Raven (2012)
Yeah, well, it's an acquired taste.[JP] 慣れるさ。 Safe and Sound (2008)
I'm glad someone's gotten used to it.[JP] 慣れるのが早いんだ The North Remembers (2012)
You get used to it.[JP] その内慣れるわ The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Olivia says that, eventually, all of this is going to seem run of the mill.[JP] オリビアは "そのうち慣れる"と Wallflower (2011)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
慣れる[なれる, nareru] sich_gewoehnen [Add to Longdo]
見慣れる[みなれる, minareru] sich (an_einen_Anblick) gewoehnen [Add to Longdo]


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