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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
海狸[hǎi lí, ㄏㄞˇ ㄌㄧˊ,  ] beaver #81,437 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
海狸[かいり;うみだぬき;びぜばぜ, kairi ; umidanuki ; bizebaze] (n) beaver [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Very busy beaver.[CN] 非常忙碌的海狸。 Dead Man on Campus (1998)
There are many more examples better than an old Eisbiber like me. Have you...[JP] こんな海狸獣の年寄りを殺したって 手本になるもんか The Hour of Death (2012)
- I saw it. - Bud is an Eisbiber.[JP] - バッドは"海狸獣"(ビーバー)だ Tribunal (2015)
- Beaver, is that you?[CN] - 海狸,是你吗? 13 Going on 30 (2004)
I mean, it's the Leave It To Beaver house that everybody wants.[CN] 该离开这里,到海狸屋去,那是每个人都想要的. Father of the Bride Part II (1995)
Say, how are the Beavers doing this season?[CN] - 海狸队这个赛季打的怎么样? The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
Here's one. "Eager Beaver."[CN] 就这匹吧. "卖力的海狸." Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Or something like that. or beetroot juice.[CN] 或是 海狸血 The Lobster (2015)
Sorry, Beave-head. Majority rules.[CN] 对不起,海狸头,少数服从多数 13 Going on 30 (2004)
Go Beavers.[CN] 加油 海狸隊 The Bus Pants Utilization (2011)
That unifying the administration would remove protected statusfrom this beaverwhatsit?[CN] 警告我 统一这些管理部门 That unifying the administration 会取消这个海狸什么的保护区? would remove protected statusfrom this beaverwhatsit? The Right to Know (1980)
Oh, Beaver ![CN] 海狸! Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
- But beavers also have a dick. - Rabbits do too.[CN] 不过海狸也有小鸡鸡 /兔子也是 French Twist (1995)
Why did you encourage me to saythat unifying the administration meant no loss of amenity, when I've signed a death warrant fora whole army ofbeavers?[CN] 为什么你让我告诉议会和媒体 这个统一法案 Why did you encourage me to saythat unifying the administration 毫无隐患 结果我在给一支 meant no loss of amenity, when I've signed a death warrant 海狸陆战队判死刑? The Right to Know (1980)
Known only to a handful of white men lonely trappers wandering its vastness in search of beaver.[CN] 只有少数几个白人才知道这里 孤单的捕兽皮者在这片 广阔荒原里寻找海狸 How the West Was Won (1962)
And Rip Taylor, is that a toupee... or did a beaver curl up and die on your head?[CN] 还有瑞普・泰勒 那是假发... 还是海狸趴在你头上死了? Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
Come on, Beaver ![CN] 加油, 海狸! Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
Beavers would have a navy.[CN] 海狸只有海军 Beavers would have a navy. The Right to Know (1980)
He was dying to do the comedy that he loved doing.[CN] 海狸只有海军 Beavers would have a navy. 你怎能让我这样说? Yes Minister (1980)
Aren't both of your mascots beavers?[CN] 你们的吉祥物不都是海狸么 Aren't both of your mascots beavers? Choke Hold (2014)
22. Beaver fur coat. Skiwear underneath.[CN] 22岁 海狸皮大衣 底下是滑雪服 Love Is My Profession (1958)
The beaver said something about Aslan![CN] 那只海狸提到什么亚斯蓝的 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
It... It's a beaver.[CN] 是一只海狸 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
I said beaver pelts.[CN] 我说过是海狸皮毛 How the West Was Won (1962)
- Eager Beaver continues to drop back.[CN] - "卖力的海狸" 一直落后. Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
A waxed moustache and a beaver coat A pony cart and a billy goat[CN] 打了蜡的小胡子 和海狸毛皮大衣 小马车和雄山羊 Pinocchio (1940)
That is exactly what the beavers would want.[CN] 那是海狸所想要的. Zombeavers (2014)
Cute as a beaver.[CN] 还象海狸般可爱 Bandits (2001)
How's everything at the dam?[CN] (海狸喜欢在水坝上打洞) 13 Going on 30 (2004)
Mr. Rawlings.[CN] 我从没见过海狸皮毛 罗林先生 How the West Was Won (1962)
Beaver.[CN] 海狸毛 French Twist (1995)
Time is money. I'm a busy beaver.[CN] 我是一个忙碌的海狸。 Dead Man on Campus (1998)
No beaver. Man into bear. That's it.[CN] 不是海狸 人变成熊,就这样 Brother Bear (2003)
What's going on?[CN] 海狸陆战队判死刑? Yes Minister (1980)
They've picked on Eisbibers for generations.[JP] 何世代にもわたって 海狸獣を苦しめたんです The Grimm Who Stole Christmas (2014)
Beaver fever?[CN] 海狸热? Zombeavers (2014)
Beavers and ducks![CN] 海狸和鸭子 Bandits (2001)
we had to tie them tail-to-tail just to drag them down the mountain.[CN] 抓到好多海狸 多到必须将他们尾巴绑起来... 才能把它们拖下山 How the West Was Won (1962)
Hi, Beaver.[CN] 嗨,海狸(又指女性私处) 水坝那里怎么样啊? 13 Going on 30 (2004)
- Beaver ![CN] - 海狸! Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
-Beaver pelts.[CN] -海狸皮毛 How the West Was Won (1962)
Y-You're sure you want to bet on Eager Beaver ?[CN] 你确定你要押在"卖力的海狸"上? Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
- Eager Beaver. He's paying.[CN] - 我们买"卖力的海狸". Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
# I saw a beaver, I saw a goose #[CN] # 我看见了海狸 我看见了小鹅 # One Week (2008)
Beavers prepare for the ravages of cold weather ahead by repairing their lodges.[CN] 海狸修整著它们的巢穴 以防备寒冬的侵袭 Alaska: Spirit of the Wild (1998)
that line of beaver pelts.[CN] 有一哩长呢 那些海狸皮毛 How the West Was Won (1962)
[ Announcer ] Next up, the Fighting Beavers of San Bernardino.[CN] [ 广播员 ] 下一个提高, San Bernardino的海狸队。 Bring It On (2000)
fighting their way into the trap.[CN] 溪里满满都是海狸 争先恐后挤进陷阱里 How the West Was Won (1962)
- [ Linda ] Come on, Beaver ![CN] - 加油, 海狸! Mighty Aphrodite (1995)
That is the biggest damn beaver i have ever seen.[CN] 这是我见过的最大的海狸 Shanghai Knights (2003)


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