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绰号[chuò hào, ㄔㄨㄛˋ ㄏㄠˋ,   /  ] nickname #18,586 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
My nickname is Chairman Mao[CN] 我的绰号毛主席 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }My nickname is Chairman Mao Biao jie, ni hao ye! (1990)
A schoolmaster with the nickname of Blind Tom doesn't last long.[CN] 背着"瞎眼汤姆"这样个绰号, 老师是当不长的. The Desert Rats (1953)
"Monty", as he was soon known, was not going to be rushed.[CN] "蒙蒂", 就如他很快(以此绰号)为人所知, 将不会被逼得仓促行事 The Desert: North Africa - 1940-1943 (1973)
We were talking about it. All the great ones have nicknames.[CN] 我们都讨论过了 所有优秀的球员都有绰号 Bull Durham (1988)
No. No? .. alias Shorty Larson, to hang by the neck until dead.[CN] 我们判汤姆斯来森 绰号矮子来森以吊刑处死 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
That name won't mean anything to you, because here in London he is known as...[CN] 这名字对你可能没有意义 因为在伦敦他以绰号闻名... The Mysterious Magician (1964)
The lorry drivers had nicknamed the area between Paris and the front line "lnjun country".[CN] 卡车司机给巴黎和前线之间的 这片区域起绰号为"印第安人乡村" Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
What was his nickname?[CN] 他绰号叫什么? Paranoiac (1963)
- with jolly pirate nicknames![CN] - 都有杂耍海盗的绰号! The Crow (1994)
You think I need a nickname? I think I need a nickname.[CN] 你觉得我该起个绰号吗 我觉得有需要 Bull Durham (1988)
They'd call you anything if you gave 'em a chance.[CN] 他们一有机会 就会帮你乱取绰号 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)
Better known as the morgue.[CN] 停尸房绰号更闻名 Better known as the morgue. Lunch Hour (1963)
- Yes, sir.[CN] 过去查查关于绰号的文件 The Enforcer (1951)
You need a nickname, honey.[CN] 你需要起个绰号 亲爱的 Bull Durham (1988)
Special K. Any good dancer has a street name.[CN] 小才女 跳得好的人都有绰号 Breakin' (1984)
-All the dancers have them.[CN] 这都是些绰号 这帮跳舞的都有 Breakin' (1984)
I was so impressed by his skill as a marksman by his success as a hunter that I named him "Buffalo Bill."[CN] 他是神枪手 还是个优秀的猎人 所以我给他起了水牛比尔这个绰号 Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson (1976)
I'm one of the Royal HK Police Force also known as Scissors Legs.[CN] 我是皇家香港警察, 绰号夺命剪刀脚 Fight Back to School (1991)
No nicknames![CN] 我说了不许叫绰号! Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)
The victim is Chan Kam Wah, alias Wah 7 knife wounds, he bled to death[CN] 死者叫陈锦华,绰号叫烂命华 身中七刀,是失血过多而死的 City on Fire (1987)
I hate that name.[CN] 我讨厌那个绰号 Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Tell me, has he found a nickname for you yet?[CN] 告诉我他给你起过绰号吗? Leave Her to Heaven (1945)
No jargon and no nicknames![CN] 不许说黑话,不许说绰号! Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)
is that what they call you, or do you have a nickname?[CN] 他们就这样称呼你 还是你有什么绰号 Rebel Without a Cause (1955)
(narrator) The Germans brought their biggest siege gun, the dreaded giant mortar nicknamed "Thor", each of whose shells weighed more than two tons.[CN] 德国人甚至带来了他们最大的攻城炮, 绰号"雷神托尔"的令人畏惧的 巨大臼炮(又称"卡尔"臼炮), 它的每发炮弹重量超过两吨(口径600mm) Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
"earned him the nickname 'Mad Dog.'"[CN] 爲他赢得"癫狗"的绰号 Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Share in the excitement of a fabulous winning streak that earned him the nickname "The Luckiest Man on Earth."[CN] 手气好得难以置信 他因此获得 "世界最幸运的人"的绰号 Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Annie says it's my new nickname.[CN] 这是安妮新给我起的绰号 Bull Durham (1988)
That bandit was just my namesake. Am I right?[CN] "土匪"不过是我的绰号罢了 我没说错吧 Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future (1973)
Darryl Roskow, also known as "Mother. "[CN] 达伦罗斯克绰号老妈 Sneakers (1992)
Do they know you are nicknamed Vanni The Plague?[CN] 他们知道你的绰号瘟疫万尼吗? Allonsanfan (1974)
Well, we checked him against the alias file.[CN] 当我们检查绰号档案时 The Enforcer (1951)
And his right hand man, Ying[CN] 还有他的相好,绰号单眼英的 Once Upon a Time in China V (1994)
I am called "The Number One distich writer" Tu Chuen Chang[CN] 绰号"对王之王" 的对穿祥,未请教? Flirting Scholar (1993)
Nickname, "The Mule." The only pro athlete from here.[CN] 以前绰号叫马子 此地的唯一职业运动员 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
- You had a nickname after what you have done?[CN] - 后来你有个绰号 Allonsanfan (1974)
According to Squealie the diamond job was done by him, King Kong, also known as Superman.[CN] 根据线人给我的资料 那批钻石就是这小子抢的 他叫金刚 绰号飞天妙贼 Mad Mission (1982)
- The Magician? Arthur never liked this name, although it's completely incorrect.[CN] 阿瑟从来不喜欢这绰号 它完全不适当 The Mysterious Magician (1964)
A skid row character named "Shorty. " A professional informer.[CN] 从贫民窟出来的绰号叫"矮子" 是一个职业线人 T-Men (1947)
"Keith Mallory, the human fly."[CN] 基思·马洛里 苍蝇人是你的绰号 The Guns of Navarone (1961)
Well, I'm waiting for a report from the alias file now.[CN] 我现在在等着绰号文件 The Enforcer (1951)
I've nicknamed him Zépherin, after the guy who was so messy his room only had 10 square feet of clear space the only place the cleaning lady was allowed to sweep.[CN] 我给他起绰号泽费林, 照那个有名邋遢家伙起的... ...他的房间只有10呎空闲地方... ...就是让清洁妇睡觉的地方 A Tale of Springtime (1990)
They're going to call me filthy names.[CN] 他们会用下流绰号叫我 They're going to call me filthy names. Victim (1961)
- Pylorus. I've heard all the rumours and nicknames about you, Rachel.[CN] 我听过妳有绯闻和绰号 Flatliners (1990)
I can see the Interceptor.[CN] 我看见了"拦截机"(绰号) Mad Max (1979)
You promised me you wouldn't call me that.[CN] 你答应过不叫我绰号 Breakin' (1984)
We have found the accused, Thomas Larson, alias Shorty Larson, guilty of the following crimes:[CN] 我们判决被告汤姆斯来森 绰号矮子来森 犯有以下罪状 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The only information we can get from Washington is in the nickname files.[CN] 我们能从华盛顿得到的只有些绰号档案里的信息 T-Men (1947)
- Hence the nickname.[CN] - 所以学校有了"垃圾"这个绰号 Toy Soldiers (1991)
"Cinderella Man." That'll stick to him for the rest of his life.[CN] ,,新版灰姑娘,, 他一辈子摆脱不了这个绰号了 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936)


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