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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
识字[shí zì, ㄕˊ ㄗˋ,   /  ] to learn to read #17,263 [Add to Longdo]
不识字[bù shí zì, ㄅㄨˋ ㄕˊ ㄗˋ,    /   ] illiterate [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He can't read.[CN] 他不识字 Shock Corridor (1963)
Is it the water, or the known issues of literacy and ignorance here.[CN] 水的问题 不识字的文盲都懂 Till Marriage Do Us Part (1974)
Hey, Smitty, can you read?[CN] 喂 史密斯 你识字吗? Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
Well, if you didn't know how to read, you might have mistaken this restaurant for a whorehouse.[CN] 是这样的,不认识字的人到餐厅来 会把餐厅当舞厅 Heart of a Dragon (1985)
I don't even know how to read.[CN] 我甚至不识字 Spartacus (1960)
I know how to read now.[CN] 我现在识字了 Léon: The Professional (1994)
I taught him to read and write.[CN] 我教他识字, Pirosmani (1969)
You can't?[CN] 不识字? Kissed by Fire (2013)
Gentlemen, do you not know how to read'?[CN] 这几位先生 你们是不是不认识字? Heart of a Dragon (1985)
I never learned to read.[CN] 我从来都不认识字 Moonraker (1979)
Can you read?[CN] 你识字吗? Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
I can't read.[CN] 我不识字 Scent of a Woman (1974)
We're not in school now.[CN] -我们不识字 1900 (1976)
She don't read too good no how.[CN] 她也不大认识字 Platoon (1986)
That's an educated pencil.[CN] 这是一会识字的笔 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
Can't you read?[CN] 你不识字吗 Episode #1.7 (2004)
I knew that when I saw you couldn't read.[CN] 我发现你不识字时 就知道了 Spartacus (1960)
- Then you can't read?[CN] -那么你不识字了? The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Can't your mother read?[CN] 你妈不识字吗 是连字都看不懂的傻瓜吗 Episode #1.2 (2004)
- What's the matter? Can't you read?[CN] -怎样 你不识字吗 Lady and the Tramp (1955)
But I don't know whether he's subliterate or pre-verbal or what.[CN] 但我不知道他是否不太认识字,还是不会说话,或其他. 9½ Weeks (1986)
I'm glad you can read.[CN] 算你识字 The Millionaires' Express (1986)
Your file says you can't read and you're accused of stealing.[CN] 档案说你不识字 而且还被指控偷东西 我没有偷东西 The Young and the Damned (1950)
Is your mom stupid to read words?[CN] 都那么大了还不识字 Episode #1.2 (2004)
You can read.[CN] 你认识字 The Devil's Rejects (2005)
I'm just looking at the pictures. Oh, you can't read, huh?[CN] 我只是看照片 哦 你不识字? Daughters of Darkness (1971)
- Are they literate?[CN] 她们识字吗? Doctor Zhivago (1965)
She taught me to read and write.[CN] 她教我读书识字 El Sur (1983)
I thought he couldn't read.[CN] 我以为他不识字。 10 Rillington Place (1971)
- You know damn right well I can't read. To hell with him anyway.[CN] 你明明知道我不识字 去它的 Hannie Caulder (1971)
I know my alphabet.[CN] 我识字的 Do Not Resuscitate (2000)
Is it now?[CN] 连录音带都有,但我识字 Ghostbusters (2016)
Can you read English, or do I have to tell you what it says?[CN] 你识字吗 我不得不告诉你意思吗? The Night Strangler (1973)
You can read?[CN] 你识字 Bodyguards and Assassins (2009)
And I'll tell the Hsien Chang that in Peh-Chu all the toes can wiggle and everyone can read.[CN] 我会告诉县长... 在佩福所有的脚趾都能动... 每一个人能识字 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)
Whoever you are, you obviously can't read.[CN] 不管你们是谁 你们显然不识字 到别处去 Gently Upside Down (2011)
A clever dog is still a dog.[CN] 识字的狗,也还是一条狗 The Great Magician (2011)
I know you can read... because my reports say you foolishly spend your time in bed reading books![CN] 我知道你认识字... 因为我看到报告说你 愚蠢地把你的时间花在读书上! The Scarlet Empress (1934)
Well, sure I can read.[CN] 我当然识字 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
- Sign here. - I can't write. - Draw a cross.[CN] 我不识字打个x就可以了 The Young and the Damned (1950)
You can read very impressive.[CN] 你识字 真是让人印象深刻 Redemption (2009)
In that same century... in the conquered Greek province of Thrace... an illiterate slave woman added to her master's wealth... by giving birth to a son whom she named Spartacus.[CN] 就在同一世纪 希腊色雷斯省被征服的同时 一名不识字的女奴 增加了她主人的财富 Spartacus (1960)
- Sure I can.[CN] -我当然识字 The Tarnished Angels (1957)
Can't you read?[CN] 你不识字的 Miss Granny (2015)
Are you aware that Joey can't read? That Travis only reads smut magazines?[CN] 你注意到Joey不识字而 Travis经常看色情杂志 Overboard (1987)
Can't you read?[CN] 你不识字吗? T-Men (1947)
Don't know their ABCs.[CN] 不识字 Andrei Rublev (1966)
She learned how to read.[CN] 她学会了识字看书 A Nest of Gentry (1969)
- Some of them.[CN] 有些是识字的 Doctor Zhivago (1965)
What does she do?[CN] -我妈不识字 Lion (2016)


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