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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
养育[yǎng yù, ㄧㄤˇ ㄩˋ,   /  ] foster; rear #20,525 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I know who you are.[CN] 你是吕西安,出生于一个好家庭 但并没把你养育 Port of Shadows (1938)
I'd be of no use off the battlefield but somehow I've managed.[CN] 我便会变得没用了 但除了养育小孩子之外 Harakiri (1962)
That's why we had you brought here, to provide Russia with an heir to the throne.[CN] 这是我们把你带到 这来的原因 为俄罗斯养育一个皇位继承人 The Scarlet Empress (1934)
And giving me so much love.[CN] 把我养育成这么出色的人 他以永无止境的爱 Episode #1.4 (2004)
You've raised a pretty child.[CN] 养育了一个漂亮的孩子 The Scarlet Empress (1934)
In this world, the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone.[CN] 在这个世界中, 地球家园是富有的 它能养育每个人. The Great Dictator (1940)
I only bore them and fed them. But they've all become fine people.[CN] 我所做的只是生下他们,养育他们, 但是他们长大成为了好人 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
I like to feed you beautiful things. You have such a good appetite.[CN] 我爱用美丽的东西养育 Gilda (1946)
She couldn't live with a blind girl.[CN] 养育盲女实在太辛苦 Ballad of Orin (1977)
It's my fault maybe I didn't do better for her.[CN] 也许都是我的错 是我没有好好养育 The Naked City (1948)
You know that right? I love you, mom.[CN] 把我养育成这么出色的人 Episode #1.2 (2004)
Don't you think sometimes in raising boys... a woman's influence can be carried too far?[CN] 你不认为有些时候 在养育孩子方面... 一个女人的影响不应该那么深远? The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)


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