ติดโพย (PopThai)


ヘブライ聖書(せいしょ) 授かっ(さずかっ)


  • () (n) Hebrew [EDICT]
  • (せいしょ) (n,adj-no) Bible; scriptures; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) (arch) (See を) marks object of action, etc. (also adds emphasis) [EDICT]
  • (さずかる) (v5r,vt) (1) to be awarded (e.g. a prize); to be given an award; to receive (e.g. a title); (2) to be gifted or endowed (e.g. with a talent); (3) to be blessed (e.g. with a child); (4) to be initiated (e.g. into a secret); (P) [EDICT]
  • () (aux-adj) (1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) want to ... do something; would like to ...; (prt) (2) (kyu [EDICT]
  • () (exp) (abbr of ...ていたの) (See 乃・の・5,わ) (usu. sentence end) indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. [EDICT]
  • () (aux-v) (after a noun, usu. as 〜たる者, etc.) (See たり,たるや) (those) who are; (that) which is; often used in relation to qualifications and requirements for a position; in the capacity of [EDICT]
  • () (suf) (m-sl) (fam) (fem) (See ちゃん) (cute) suffix for familiar person [EDICT]
  • (他) (n-adv,n,adj-no) other (esp. people and abstract matters); (P) [EDICT]
  • (多) (n,pref) multi-; (P) [EDICT]
  • (田) (n) rice field; (P) [EDICT]

เราทราบดีว่าท่านผู้ใช้คงไม่ได้อยากให้มีโฆษณาเท่าใดนัก แต่โฆษณาช่วยให้ทาง Longdo เรามีรายรับเพียงพอที่จะให้บริการพจนานุกรมได้แบบฟรีๆ ต่อไป ดูรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม
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