ติดโพย (PopThai)


() (yǒu)护士 (hù shi)执照 (zhí zhào)而且 (ér qiě) () ()打点 (dǎ diǎn) (guò) (le) ()只要 (zhǐ yào)装疯卖傻 (zhuāng fēng mài shǎ) (jiù)可以 (kě yǐ) (le)


  • (tā, ㄊㄚ) she [CE-DICT]
  • (う) (n) {Buddh} bhava (becoming, existence) [EDICT]
  • (ゆう) (n) (1) existence; (n,n-pref) (2) possession; having; (3) (abbr) (See 有限会社) limited company; (P) [EDICT]
  • (yǒu, ㄧㄡˇ) to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be [CE-DICT]
  • (hù, ㄏㄨˋ) protect [CE-DICT]
  • (shì, ㄕˋ) scholar; warrior; knight [CE-DICT]
  • (ér, ㄦˊ) and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicates causal relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast) [CE-DICT]
  • (qiě, ㄑㄧㄝˇ) further; moreover [CE-DICT]
  • (nǐ, ㄋㄧˇ) you [CE-DICT]
  • (ただ) (adj-no) (1) (uk) ordinary; common; usual; (2) (esp. 只) free of charge; (3) (usu. as ただでは...) unaffected; as is; safe; (adv) (4) only; merely; just; simply; (5) (esp. 但) but; however; nevertheless; (P) [EDICT]
  • (zhǐ, ㄓˇ) only; merely; just; but [CE-DICT]
  • (zhǐ, ㄓˇ) but; only [CE-DICT]
  • (zhī, ) classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc [CE-DICT]
  • (かなめ) (n) (1) pivot; (2) vital point; cornerstone; keystone; (3) (See 要黐) Japanese photinia; (P) [EDICT]
  • (よう) (n) (1) cornerstone; main point; keystone; (2) requirement; need; (adj-f) (3) necessary; required [EDICT]
  • (yāo, ㄧㄠ) demand; ask; request; coerce [CE-DICT]
  • (yào, ㄧㄠˋ) important; vital; to want; to be going to; must [CE-DICT]

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