ติดโพย (PopThai)


(děng)一下 (yī xià) () (chāo) (ài) (zhè) (Zhāng)


  • (とう) (n,n-suf,ctr) (1) class; order; rank; (suf) (2) (See 等・など) et cetera (etc.); and the like; (pref) (3) equal [EDICT]
  • (ら) (suf) (1) pluralizing suffix (often humble, derogatory or familiar); and others; et alios; and the like; and followers; (2) (See あちら,いくら) or so (rough indicator of direction, location, amount, etc.); (3) (See 清ら) (after the stem of an adjective) nominalizing suffix [EDICT]
  • (など) (n,n-suf,prt) (1) (uk) et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth; (2) (indicating an approximate quote or vague suggestion) or something; (3) (lessening the significance or value of the previous word) the likes of; (P) [EDICT]
  • (děng, ㄉㄥˇ) class; rank; grade; equal to; same as; wait for; await; et cetera; and so on; et al. (and other authors); after; as soon as; once [CE-DICT]
  • (いち(P);ひと) (num,pref) (1) (ひと when a prefix) one; (suf) (2) (いち only) best in; the most (...) in (where an adjective follows); (P) [EDICT]
  • (yī, ) one; 1; single; a (article); as soon as; entire; whole; all; throughout [CE-DICT]
  • (か) (suf) under (being in said condition or environment) [EDICT]
  • (げ) (n) (1) lowness (of degree, value, etc.); inferiority; (2) second volume (of two); third volume (of three) [EDICT]
  • (した) (n) (1) below; down; under; younger (e.g. daughter); (2) bottom; (3) beneath; underneath; (4) (as 下から, 下より, etc.) just after; right after; (n,adj-no) (5) inferiority; one's inferior (i.e. one's junior); (n) (6) (See 下取り) trade-in; (n-pref) (7) (See 下準備) preliminary; preparatory; (P) [EDICT]
  • (しも) (n) (1) (ant [EDICT]
  • (もと) (adv) (sometimes written 元) under (esp. influence or guidance); (P) [EDICT]
  • (xià, ㄒㄧㄚˋ) down; downwards; below; lower; later; next (week etc); second (of two parts); to decline; to go down [CE-DICT]
  • (わ) ฉัน ข้าพเจ้า กู ข้า [LongdoJP]
  • (が) (n) (1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego [EDICT]
  • (われ(P);わ(我;吾);あれ(ok);あ(我;吾)(ok);わぬ(我;吾)(ok);わろ(我)(ok)) (pn,adj-no) (1) I; me; (2) (われ, わ only) oneself; (3) (われ, わ only) (arch) you; (pref) (4) (わ only) (arch) (also 和) prefix indicating familiarity or contempt; (P) [EDICT]
  • (わが) (adj-pn) my; our; one's own; (P) [EDICT]
  • (wǒ, ㄨㄛˇ) I; me; my [CE-DICT]
  • (ちょう(P);チョー) (n,n-suf,pref) (1) (uk) super-; ultra-; hyper-; very; really; (2) (after 割, percent, etc.) over; more than; (P) [EDICT]
  • (chāo, ㄔㄠ) to exceed; overtake; surpass; transcend; ultra-; super-; to pass; to cross [CE-DICT]
  • (ài, ㄞˋ) to love; affection; to be fond of; to like [CE-DICT]

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