ติดโพย (PopThai)


- 夹生 (jiā shēng)鸡蛋 (jī dàn) (de) (shēng)汉堡 (Hàn bǎo)


  • (jiā, ㄐㄧㄚ) to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder [CE-DICT]
  • (jiá, ㄐㄧㄚˊ) hold between; lined; narrow lane [CE-DICT]
  • (うぶ) (adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) (esp. 初, 初心) innocent; naive; unsophisticated; inexperienced; green; wet behind the ears; (n-pref) (2) (産, 生) birth- [EDICT]
  • (いく) (pref) (arch) vital; virile; lively [EDICT]
  • (き) (n,pref) pure; undiluted; raw; crude [EDICT]
  • (せい;しょう) (n) (1) life; living; (n,n-suf) (2) (せい only) (male) (hum) I; me; myself [EDICT]
  • (なま) (adj-no,adj-na,n,n-pref) (1) raw; uncooked; fresh; (2) natural; unedited; unprocessed; crude; (3) (col) unprotected (i.e. not wearing a condom); (4) live (i.e. not recorded); (5) inexperienced; unpolished; green; (6) (abbr) (See 御生,生意気) impudence; sauciness; (7) (abbr) (See 生ビール) unpasteurized beer; draft beer; draught beer; (pref) (8) partially; somewhat; half-; semi-; (P) [EDICT]
  • (ふ) (n,n-suf) (See 芝生) area of thick growth (of trees, grass, etc.) [EDICT]
  • (なまり) (n) (uk) (abbr) (See 生り節) boiled and half-dried bonito [EDICT]
  • (shēng, ㄕㄥ) to be born; to give birth; life; to grow [CE-DICT]

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