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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
庫裏[くり, kuri] (n) monastery kitchen; priests' quarters [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This carpet will end up in a government locker somewhere.[CN] 這塊地毯最後只會被鎖在政府倉庫裏 確實如此 Redacted (2011)
Alan must have gotten them from the vault.[CN] 是上兩月的 艾倫肯定是從金庫裏 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)
They're in our cargo hold.[CN] 它們在我們的倉庫裏 They're in our cargo hold. Pilot - Part 1 (2015)
I just want to take it out of the vault, all alone, just look at it now and then.[CN] 我只想在獨自一人時, 把它從保險庫裏拿出來, 偶爾看上兩眼. How to Steal a Million (1966)
There's something wrong with you. This argument started in the garage.[CN] 你這樣有點兒問題 我們還在車庫裏的時候就在爭論這個了 Steve Jobs (2015)
- Dinkler took the money from this vault. - Yes.[CN] 迪克勒是從這金庫裏把錢劫走的嗎 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)
Kougri, stop squawking about it...[CN] 庫裏 不要喊叫了... Yaaba (1989)
In the warehouse.[CN] 在倉庫裏. Lost Embrace (2004)
Why? That's weird.[CN] 剩下的就留在保險庫裏 為什麼呢 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)
Better than leaving them in your warehouse.[CN] 總比放在你倉庫裏好. Lost Embrace (2004)
If he's in the system, we'll have an I.D. In ten minutes.[CN] 只要指紋庫裏有 十分鐘後就能查出來 Ball of Fire (2010)
There's a car in the garage.[CN] 車庫裏有部車 Deep in the Woods (2000)
He got $50, 000.[CN] 要求到金庫裏去 劫走了5萬塊 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)
I sat in a fucking garage with Wozniak and invented the future.[CN] 而我他媽和沃茲尼克在個破車庫裏就創造了未來 Steve Jobs (2015)
He thought we'd suffocate.[CN] 然後他把我們鎖在了金庫裏 Strawberries and Cream: Part 1 (2011)

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