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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
忍受[rěn shòu, ㄖㄣˇ ㄕㄡˋ,  ] bear; endure #6,909 [Add to Longdo]
不堪忍受[bù kān rěn shòu, ㄅㄨˋ ㄎㄢ ㄖㄣˇ ㄕㄡˋ,    ] unbearable [Add to Longdo]
无法忍受[wú fǎ rěn shòu, ㄨˊ ㄈㄚˇ ㄖㄣˇ ㄕㄡˋ,     /    ] intolerable [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Do you know, it was hard to live with.[CN] 这让人很难忍受 Still (2014)
As we stand, we've got enough food for a month.[CN] 当我们忍受,有足够的食物 一个月。 Ironclad: Battle for Blood (2014)
Night coach from Brighton proved to be an heinous travail.[CN] 布莱特的夜间航班简直无法忍受 Night coach from Brighton proved to be an heinous travail. Mr. Turner (2014)
I mean, Pete had, like, 30 scientists working on a major new monograph on Tyrannosaurus Rex, so you got to suck it up.[CN] 皮特已经招来了30多个科学家 帮忙来编写暴龙的科学日志, 所以,你不得不忍受. Dinosaur 13 (2014)
The problem, of course, is that there's no way of knowing... that your last good day is your last good day.[CN] 痛苦有片刻变得可以忍受 问题是病患无从得知... 这是不是真正最后的好日子 The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
She'll endure so much pain because of what I do.[CN] She'll endure so much pain because of what I do. 她将因为我的所作所为而忍受这么多苦楚 Predestination (2014)
So instead of watching hot-looking guys with washboard stomachs on the beach, we're gonna hang out with Edgar, the 300-pound axe murderer, instead.[CN] 因此而非看 热的-看人 与洗衣板忍受 在海滩上, 我们正在去到 和埃德加一起玩, Jersey Shore Massacre (2014)
And the lady at the boutique told me to buy this and no one else is wearing this.[CN] 和夫人在店里告诉我买它。 没有人能够忍受。 A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
Who's getting thrashed to endure?[CN] 谁在忍受重创 Happy New Year (2014)
I know that, and I know he does, and he's gonna have to live with it for the rest of his life.[CN] 我知道,我知道他做什么, 而且他会不得不忍受 这为他的余生。 Frontera (2014)
I can't be surrounding myself with people like that anymore.[CN] 我无法忍受和这样的人在一起 By the Gun (2014)
But if you can't bear to disagree with Hawking's thinking, then I suggest that you turn to page five of his book, where he insists philosophy is dead.[CN] 但是,如果你不能忍受不同意 与霍金的思想, 那么我建议你把他的书的第五页, God's Not Dead (2014)
If you bear with me, [CN] 如果你忍受我, Ragamuffin (2014)
I can't take it anymore.[CN] 我不能再忍受了。 Rage (2014)
Because if both of our goals had come true, then I'd be just as much of an insufferable piece of shit as you, you fuckin' Jew bastard![CN] 因为如果我们两个 目标已经实现, 然后我会一样 太多的难以忍受的 一坨屎,你的, 你他娘' 犹太人的混蛋! Listen Up Philip (2014)
Uh, you know, I thinks it's an eczema breakout or something but it's actually kind of all over, it's itching like hell.[CN] 我觉得应该是湿疹发作什么的 几乎遍布我的全身 痒的难以忍受 Reality (2014)
It will be excruciating.[CN] 这将是难以忍受的。 Lost Time (2014)
Where the common man suffers from poverty and hunger.[CN] 普通百姓经常忍受... 贫穷与饥饿 Happy New Year (2014)
- Can't Stand it.[CN] - "无法忍受" Get on Up (2014)
I can't take the heat no more.[CN] 我不能再忍受这热度了。 Against the Sun (2014)
Unable to stand it any longer, [CN] 无法不再忍受, Listen Up Philip (2014)
I knew I could never bear to say goodbye.[CN] 我无法忍受有一天和你永别 Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014)
IF YOU CAN'T STAND THE HEAT, DON'T ENJOY[CN] 如果你不能忍受 热,不享受 The Lookalike (2014)
I would find a lot of things newsworthy who would stand to be this boredom.[CN] 我一定可以找到其他新鲜有趣的玩意 不必忍受这极致的无聊 Winter Sleep (2014)
I couldn't live with myself if we weren't giving most of the money to charity.[CN] 我不能忍受我自己 如果我们不给 Believe Me (2014)
- his shit wages his insufferable stupidity.[CN] 和他难以忍受的愚蠢所奴役的滋味 { \3cH202020 }... his insufferable stupidity. I. (2014)
I could not bear to listen to the phone.[CN] 我不能忍受,所以没有听那电话。 Dinosaur 13 (2014)
Why the hell do we get all that snow? I don't know how we stand it.[CN] 我们这里为什么要下这么多雪 我不明白我们怎么忍受这雪 Kraftidioten (2014)
It was unbearable.[CN] 我无法忍受 The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
I can't stand that condescending tone of yours![CN] 我不能忍受你那优越感十足的口气 Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
I don't know how Peter did it.[CN] 我不知道皮特是怎么忍受得了. Dinosaur 13 (2014)
It was the hardest thing I ever did.[CN] 这是我这辈子做过的最难忍受的事情了. Dinosaur 13 (2014)
The advantages of an intolerable relationship.[CN] 的优点 无法忍受的关系。 And So It Goes (2014)
I can't stand it.[CN] 我无法忍受. Two Days, One Night (2014)
I see. It's unbearable to you, actually.[CN] 我懂了 你觉得难以忍受 Winter Sleep (2014)
We all live with dualitynevery day.[CN] 我们每天都要忍受二元性。 The Scribbler (2014)
Can't Stand it.[CN] - "无法忍受" Get on Up (2014)
Oh, God, you know which one I can't stand, but watch all the time and kind of love secretly?[CN] 哦,上帝,你知道哪些 一个我无法忍受, 但是要注意所有的时间 和那种爱偷偷? They Came Together (2014)
IT'S UNBEARABLE.[CN] 不堪忍受的 Bird People (2014)
Very soon you'll miss me to death.[CN] 马上就会 想念我到无法忍受了 Black Butler (2014)
Uh, my folks call them "encouragements."[CN] 我爸妈说这是"励志格言" 想要彩虹 得先忍受雨水 The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
How on earth are you enduring such pain?[CN] 鬼知道你怎能忍受那样的巨痛 Happy New Year (2014)
"If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain."[CN] 想要彩虹 得先忍受雨水 The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
Yeah, except the not talking is starting to get louder and louder, and soon it will be deafening, and I don't know if I can put up with that.[CN] 是啊,除了不说话开始变得响亮 高涨,很快就会被震耳欲聋, 我不知道我是否可以忍受的。 God's Not Dead (2014)
When the pain gets to be unbearable, [CN] 要是以后痛得难以忍受了 Life Itself (2014)
He broke up with her because she wouldn't stop getting wasted... cheating on him in public.[CN] 他和她分手 是因为不能再忍受她 忍受他在公众面前乱来乱搞 Clouds of Sils Maria (2014)
I couldn't take it anymore.[CN] 我再也无法忍受了 Life Itself (2014)
I can't live with myself if something happens to her.[CN] 我不能忍受我自己 如果事情发生在她的。 See No Evil 2 (2014)
To be able to stand over somebody and stare 'em down.[CN] 要能忍受過有人盯'我失望。 Rage (2014)
And I had to endure a really weird, very long... walk of shame.[CN] 我不得不忍受 一个非常奇怪的, 很长... ... Walk of Shame (2014)

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