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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
柏林[Bó lín, ㄅㄛˊ ㄌㄧㄣˊ,  ] Berlin (capital of Germany) #9,102 [Add to Longdo]
都柏林[Dū bó lín, ㄉㄨ ㄅㄛˊ ㄌㄧㄣˊ,   ] Dublin, capital of Ireland #52,579 [Add to Longdo]
柏林墙[bó lín qiáng, ㄅㄛˊ ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄑㄧㄤˊ,    /   ] Berlin Wall #58,040 [Add to Longdo]
柏林工业大学[Bó lín Gōng yè Dà xué, ㄅㄛˊ ㄌㄧㄣˊ ㄍㄨㄥ ㄧㄝˋ ㄉㄚˋ ㄒㄩㄝˊ,       /      ] Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Technische Universitaet zu Berlin) #388,651 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Can I go now?[CN] 克莱姆少校 我去柏林的航班是什么时候 The Tiger's Cave (2016)
The man that pulled nitrogen out of thin air.[CN] 我得为我的女儿们考虑 我举家搬来柏林是为了你 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)
Get the Berlin team up.[CN] 他在柏林 Jason Bourne (2016)
And there have been conversations in the household about a new posting to Paris.[CN] 我们其中一个联系人在堡垒里看到了 命令海德里希回柏林的信件。 Anthropoid (2016)
- Jean, get into the pilots heads.[CN] - 它就像柏林围墙一样 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Yo, what's happening, man?[CN] 见鬼 那家伙扮成了齐柏林飞船(乐队) Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)
A Venus, named after the goddess of beauty and love.[CN] 我不能搬去柏林 爱尔莎 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
It would be so lovely to make you breakfast in the morning.[CN] 德国 柏林 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
Fire up the chopper.[CN] 從柏林警方優先上傳 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
He tries anything and I will find him.[CN] 告诉他这儿不是柏林 Inferno (2016)
But as long as you're married, we can not be together.[CN] 爱尔莎 我举家搬来柏林是为了你 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
What do we have on the location?[CN] 柏林小组展开行动 Jason Bourne (2016)
Only then will people learn to understand there is a better way to manage the world.[CN] 像华盛顿,柏林这样的大城市,都将变成墓地 Criminal (2016)
And now the founder and chairman of Deep Dream, Aaron Kalloor.[CN] "科维兹广场49号,28764,柏林" Jason Bourne (2016)
How long has it been since you left the Agency?[CN] 奥托·都灵在柏林的大使官邸 You were introduced by Otto During in Berlin 向她推荐了你 at the ambassador's residence. A Flash of Light (2017)
Dr. Albert Hirsch CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER[CN] "柏林中央车站" Jason Bourne (2016)
What'd she say?[CN] 在柏林呢 And in Berlin? Imminent Risk (2017)
I said I expected it.[CN] 柏林的麻烦 Trouble in Berlin. The Return (2017)
Berlin Hauptbahnhof (main railway station in Berlin, Germany)[CN] 柏林 -德国 Jason Bourne (2016)
To keep me from your moods.[CN] 自我们在柏林落脚你就没说过一句支持的话 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
When does he leave?[CN] 这意味着他一旦回了柏林, 他也许将不会回来了。 Anthropoid (2016)
The war is finished.[CN] 德国 柏林 停战日 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)
Why don't you take a little hike up Mount Kaferberg?[CN] 很复杂 柏林... Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
And now, finally, you're already here.[CN] 你不该急着去柏林 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
You can trust me with this.[CN] 所以我要回去柏林剪接 Snowden (2016)
Dad! Dad![CN] 你期待去柏林吗 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
And we can predict this because his personal carriages are prepared several days in advance.[CN] 但是每一个月, 他都会乘火车去一次柏林。 Anthropoid (2016)
No need, this way.[CN] 哈伯府 战时柏林 晚上好 长官 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)
At long last, we, too, possess the data to build a Heisenberg device.[CN] 科技大臣志村在他的兜里发现了一个胶卷盒 盒内是微缩胶卷 是从柏林的帝国研究院偷运出来的 The Tiger's Cave (2016)
"The police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes."[CN] 他在柏林的酒店房間發現死亡 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
YES![CN] 东柏林 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
We were. Thank you.[CN] 我是穆勒队长 柏林警察 Einstein: Chapter One (2017)
You most certainly did... twice.[CN] 在柏林的时候 我和我的叔叔阿姨一起住 Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
But e-even if I were, so what?[CN] 普鲁士科学院 柏林 1912年 为什么不愿意 Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
Hey, Cap![CN] 6號門 - 柏林機場莫斯科 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
I'd...[CN] 我不能搬去柏林 爱尔莎 Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
Albert, are you even listening to me?[CN] 恐怕你继续留在柏林就不安全了 Einstein: Chapter One (2017)
In one transcript, the agent refers to his source as, [CN] 通过无线电从伦敦发往柏林. 我们没有追踪到具体的信号来源,但是... 信号来源就在伦敦北部的高门区,信息和... Allied (2016)
Surely they read in the papers of the Archduke's murder.[CN] 你觉得柏林怎么样 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
So we inform London that you are refusing to cooperate with our mission.[CN] 他就在只有300公里开外 一个叫柏林的一个小村子里。 Anthropoid (2016)
You've really never seen this?[CN] 是在柏林 It was in Berlin. The Man in the Basement (2017)
Very well.[CN] 没有答复 我无法安心地回柏林 Einstein: Chapter Five (2017)
You have to arrest them.[CN] 海德里希在柏林还有盟友 The Tiger's Cave (2016)
Istanbul...[CN] 柏林 Snowden (2016)
Eduard sank our boat into the well.[CN] 柏林 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
- Yes Dad.[CN] 搬来柏林是为了你 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
It is the Prussian Academy, Mileva.[CN] 柏林 Einstein: Chapter Six (2017)
- Right.[CN] - 在柏林,聯合恐怖分子專案組 Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Make no mistake, we are facing a bloody surrender.[CN] 先生们 我们国家的命运 十六年后 柏林 1914年 就指望在座各位了 Einstein: Chapter Seven (2017)
I can put in a word for you.[CN] 我是柏林的男性时装记者 Personal Shopper (2016)

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