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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
関節炎[かんせつえん, kansetsuen] (adj-na, n) arthritis [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The victim showed symptoms of arthritis.[JP] 関節炎の症状があるわね ミノサイクリンのせいかも The Corpse at the Convention (2014)
Nancy's chronic arthritis[JP] ナンシ―の慢性関節炎を Blessed Are the Damned (2014)
She's the one with arthritis.[JP] 彼女は持病の関節炎が I Ain't a Judas (2013)
My arthritis.[JP] 関節炎なんだ 13 Sins (2014)
You make my arthritis flare up.[JP] 関節炎がひどくなる All In (2013)
Fun fact about this one- he actually painted it with his left hand due to severe arthritis.[JP] 彼は実はそれの1つを 左手で塗ったという厄介な事実 重度の関節炎で The Promise (2014)
Or maybe our brains, they just get a bit, er, old and arthritic, like, er... like George's knee.[JP] もしくは 脳がジョージのヒザのように 関節炎を起こしてるのかも 45 Years (2015)
She didn't have early onset arthritis. She had a degenerative bone condition.[JP] 関節炎じゃなく 変性の骨の病気だ Best Foot Forward (2015)
- Not well. My arthritis is killing me.[JP] 持病の関節炎に殺されそうだ。 Takiawase (2014)
Anaemia, circulatory conditions... Arthritis and... Hm.[JP] 貧血症、循環系疾患 関節炎、それと Mr. Holmes (2015)
- Anti-arthritic.[JP] - 抗関節炎薬だ Best Foot Forward (2015)
- She has arthritis.[JP] ジュールズ! 関節炎なのよ The New World (2015)
Well, if you're gonna get in a gunfight, it's best to get in one with an arthritic shooter.[JP] 銃撃戦に巻き込まれたら 関節炎患者を相手にするのが一番だわね Red and Itchy (2013)
He suffered crippling arthritis.[JP] 彼はとてもひどい関節炎を 患っていた。 Takiawase (2014)
Yes, the dislocation caused degenerative arthritis in his hip socket, see?[JP] そうよ その脱臼が 退行性関節炎の原因になった The Fury in the Jury (2013)
Neither ran nor sleet nor cataracts and arthritis.[JP] 雨にも関節炎にも負けず 郵便は届く And My Paralyzing Fear of Death (2007)

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