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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
手本[てほん, tehon] (n) (1) copybook; (2) model; pattern; (P) [Add to Longdo]
手本[てほんがみ, tehongami] (n) (arch) paper used for copybooks [Add to Longdo]
手本[てほんちょう, tehonchou] (n) book of calligraphy samples; copybook; portfolio [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Chief Judge SHIN Jaeyeol has been reassigned to this case.[CN] 法院安排申在烈审判长接手本 Unbowed (2011)
You must be good at that.[CN] 這肯定是你的拿手本 The Descendants (2011)
Yeah, I need a live animal in order to-- to shift.[JP] 変身する時は 手本にする動物を見ながら I Don't Wanna Know (2008)
Aye, that be true.[CN] 这是我的拿手本 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.[CN] 圣人的手本该让信徒接触 掌心的密合远胜过亲吻 Romeo + Juliet (1996)
What an agreeable man he is! That is my idea of good breeding.[JP] あの方こそ 上品な育ちのお手本だわ Episode #1.1 (1995)
Oh, yes. My assistant was going to give you a call.[CN] 啊 对 我的助手本要打给你来着 Foreign Affairs (2011)
From him. The killer.[CN] - 凶手本人给的 是叫Jarvis吗? Killer Song (2011)
If you wonder what a duke could be, take another look at me.[JP] 公爵になりたきゃ 私が手本 Gosford Park (2001)
The male alpine skiers Benjamin Raich and Reinfried Herbst won their events, [CN] 阿爾卑斯山滑雪選手本傑明·萊希 和萊菌菲爾德·赫布斯特奪冠 The Robber (2010)
It's just that a boy needs a man in his life to teach him what it means to be a man.[JP] 男の子には 手本となる人が必要だ Plaisir d'amour (2008)
Banks is a delusional paranoid who's given Scotland Yard information that only the killer could possibly know.[CN] 班克斯是一个妄想狂 他向苏格兰场提供的信息 只有凶手本人才能知道 Scoop (2006)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
手本[てほん, tehon] Muster, Vorlage [Add to Longdo]

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