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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
领略[lǐnglu:è, ㄌㄧㄥˇlu:ㄜˋ,   /  ] to have a taste of; to realize; to appreciate #12,261 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Today I finally understand Homer. The journey's the thing.[CN] 今日,我终于领略到荷马所说的 读万卷书不如行万里路的道理 White Squall (1996)
I don't think you fully appreciate the seriousness of your situation.[CN] 我不认为你充分领略 您的情况的严重性。 Lord of War (2005)
Slave to the Emperor a taste really fit the taste of[CN] 奴才再给皇上领略真正合体的滋味 Sex and the Emperor (1994)
- How about one of those Arabian nights?[CN] -去领略阿拉伯风情 The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
Just as we see Rome's plazas, domes, fountains, ruins... you want to lock yourself in a studio?[CN] 在我们领略罗马的广场教堂喷泉废墟之后 你还想在演播室闭门造车? The 10th Victim (1965)
Learn a thing or two. I need this towel. I want it.[CN] 领略一二 我需要这浴巾 我想要它 Of Unknown Origin (1983)
Lying there , I had a wonderful vision of myself on a Monte Carlo beach where l'd never been.[CN] 躺在蒙特卡洛海滩 能让我领略从未看到过的最美的风景 The Confession (1970)
Oh, to get the most out of it, it's best to take it straight down in one go.[CN] 要想充分领略妙处 最好一饮而尽 Carry On Screaming! (1966)
You promised you would introduce me to the mysteries of voodoo.[CN] 你答应会带我领略神秘巫毒教的 Voodoo Passion (1977)
Since we never really had any understanding of a romantic nature...[CN] 既然我们从没有真正领略过浪漫情怀~ Lilith (1964)
Will reign over the countless and play the harp so beautifully[CN] 领略无穷,弹起那美妙的竖琴 Babette's Feast (1987)
Finally seeing it all from the tower was an experience that's almost too thrilling.[CN] 终于在塔上领略它的全貌 带来的感觉太心惊肉颤了 Lover Boy (1975)

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