(唖唖) (adv) (arch) caw (cry of a crow, etc.) [EDICT]
(唖々) (adv) (arch) caw (cry of a crow, etc.) [EDICT]
(此の) (adj-pn) (uk) (See 何の・どの,此れ・1,其の・1,彼の) this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker); (P) [EDICT]
(斯の) (adj-pn) (uk) (See 何の・どの,此れ・1,其の・1,彼の) this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker); (P) [EDICT]
(じんしん;ひとみ) (n) the human body; one's person [EDICT]
(rén shēn, ㄖㄣˊ ㄕㄣ) personal; on one's person [CE-DICT]
(ばいばい) (n,vs) trade; buying and selling; (P) [EDICT]
() (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle) [EDICT]
() (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P) [EDICT]
(丹) (n) red earth (i.e. containing cinnabar or minium); vermilion; (P) [EDICT]
(土) (n) (arch) soil (esp. reddish soil) [EDICT]
(尼) (n,n-suf) (abbr) (See 比丘尼) bhikkhuni (fully ordained Buddhist nun) [EDICT]
(弐) (num) two (used in legal documents) [EDICT]
(つかう) ใช้ [LongdoJP]
(つかう) (v5u,vt) (1) to use (a thing, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use; (2) (See 人使い) to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.); to employ; to handle; to manage; to manipulate; (3) to use (time, money, etc.); to spend; to consume; (4) (See 言葉遣い) to use (language); to speak; (5) (id) to take (one's lunch); to circulate (bad money); (P) [EDICT]
() (aux-v,v, ) (1) (れる for 五段 verbs, られる for 一段. Follows the imperfective form of (v5) and (vs) verbs) (See 未然形,迷惑の受身・めいわくのうけみ) indicates passive voice (inc. the "suffering passive"); (2) (no imperative form. Infrequently used in modern Japanese, e.g. 歩ける is favoured over 歩かれる) (See ら抜き言葉・らぬきことば) indicates the potential form; (3) (no imperative form) indicates spontaneous occurrence; (4) (hon) (no imperative form) used as an honorific for others' actions [EDICT]
(照る) (v5r,vi) (1) to shine; (2) (from 面照る) (See 曇る・くもる・4) to look slightly upward (of a noh mask; indicating joy, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
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