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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
套装[tào zhuāng, ㄊㄠˋ ㄓㄨㄤ,   /  ] a suit (of clothes) #6,467 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- A suit?[CN] - 套装? The Rebound (2009)
All right, the Santa suit is in this closet.[CN] 那好,圣诞套装就在这个衣橱里。 The Search for Santa Paws (2010)
Sand, sun, cheesy matching outfits.[CN] 沙滩 阳光 潇洒的配套装 VS. (2009)
I teased her about her power suit. We just hit it off.[CN] 我取笑她的职业套装 我们很合得来 Phoenix (2010)
Um... skirt suit, blazer, and a Tumi bag.[CN] 呃... 裙套装 夹克 塔米包 干嘛? Pink Chanel Suit (2010)
Our new Norton internet security suite has sonar behaviour based protection that defends against any unknown online threats[CN] 我们的最新互联网安全套装采用声纳技术 防止任何未知网络威胁 Killers (2010)
I gave him your blue suit. It's too small.[CN] 我把你的蓝色套装给他,太小了 Inspector Bellamy (2009)
This is a warm-up suit.[CN] 这是我的热身套装 Despicable Me (2010)
Look, a two-for-one girlfriend special.[CN] 瞧啊 买一送一女友套装 太有才了 And Strokes of Goodwill (2011)
I don't know if you have your own or whatever, but if you don't mind, we would love for you to wear my grandfather's old Santa suit.[CN] 我不知道你是不是有自己的装备,但是,如果你不介意的话, 你可以穿我祖父的旧圣诞套装 The Search for Santa Paws (2010)
Narrating: Beano.[CN] 他们的尾牙和绳套装 Shank (2010)
But our costumes are official.[CN] 咱的套装是当局批准的 To Serve or Protect (2010)
Difference is, we follow the law, and we don't put on a costume to do it.[CN] 区别是 警察依法行事 不乱穿套装 To Serve or Protect (2010)
That's a nice outfit.[CN] 套装扮不错 { \3cH202020 }It's a nice outfit. Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (2011)
Dov, we kind of do.[CN] 警服也算套装 To Serve or Protect (2010)
The blonde in the lavender sheath.[CN] 穿着薰衣草色套装的金发女人 Every Rose Has Its Thorn (2011)
They got my enchanted weapons, my vicious gladiator armor, my wand of untainted power, and all my gold![CN] 他们抢走了我那些附了魔的武器 凶恶角斗士套装(S9套) 纯净能量之杖 还有我所有的金币 The Zarnecki Incursion (2011)
We haven't even tested your big battle suit yet.[CN] 我们还没测试你的大战斗套装 Megamind (2010)
For the bath.[CN] 这是沐浴套装 Trick the Movie: Psychic Battle Royale (2010)
They're all dressed up for snow in their White Stag ensembles for winter sportswear, colorful outfits that will light up any festive occasion.[CN] 作为冬天的休闲装 人们都穿上了白鹿皮套装 已经为雪的到来精心打扮好了 多彩的服饰使节日气氛更加浓烈 Alien Trespass (2009)
Your father just got the catering bill.[CN] 保险套装白粉? 对, 葛汉从大麻药头那里偷来的 A Few Best Men (2011)
Why is he wearing a suit?[CN] 他为什么穿个套装? Bullhead (2011)
She spent $800 on a skirt suit, blazer, and a handbag.[CN] - 花800块买了裙套装 夹克和手包? Pink Chanel Suit (2010)
Skirt suit, blazer, Tumi bag.[CN] - 裙套装 夹克 塔米包 Pink Chanel Suit (2010)
It's a bathroom set.[CN] 浴室套装 Rabbit Hole (2010)
Oh! A suit or a dress. Probably a suit.[CN] 套装或裙子 可能是套装 It's Complicated (2009)
Oh, yes. And a first-aid box with a snakebite kit.[CN] 有 还有个蛇咬急救套装 Bottle Shock (2008)
I wanna see the outfit, the flying...[CN] 我要看你的全套装束 看你飞... Green Lantern (2011)
This Haines guy walks up to the counter serious type, expensive suit, good-looking, little thinning on top and he says he wants to buy some perfume for his wife.[CN] 那个Haines走到柜台... ... 看起来挺庄重 穿着昂贵的套装 长相也不错 头顶有点稀... ... 然后他说想给老婆买点香水 The Women (2008)
- Look at that.[CN] -看他的套装 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
It's actually a birdhouse kit.[CN] 是套鸟屋DIY套装 The Mother Lode (2009)
- Ok, great, now why don't you put your suit on.[CN] - 先去把套装穿上吧 The Rebound (2009)
I'm sure the suit is still around here somewhere.[CN] 套装备现在肯定还在 The Search for Santa Paws (2010)
- With this suit?[CN] - 穿这套装备吗? Old Dogs (2009)
An advanced cybernetics heads-up display helmet, which feeds into the suit.[CN] 这是个加强的智能控制显示头盔 它与套装相连接 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Hand me my "me" suit.[CN] 把我的"本色"套装递给我 Arthur Christmas (2011)
We got high-density padding, reinforced spine, [CN] 套装配有高密度气垫 加固脊骨 To Serve or Protect (2010)
Laura Ashley, court shoes, the works.[CN] 劳拉阿什利的外套 , 盛装女鞋 , 一整套装 Chelsea Girl (2010)
You boarded the plane wearing a suit but no wedding ring.[CN] 你在飞机上穿着职业套装 但却没带结婚戒指 Valentine's Day (2010)
Bio suits. Combat model. High impact flexi-polymer.[CN] 生物套装 战斗型 高影响弹性聚合物 Doomsday (2008)
Full package.[CN] 套装备,催泪瓦斯 S.W.A.T.: Firefight (2011)
Standing in front of you are Delta-6 Accelerator suits.[CN] 在你们面前的 是德耳塔 -6型加速套装 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
I do not design Halloween costumes.[CN] 我怎么会设计万圣节套装 The Runway Job (2010)
Get your stuff.[CN] - 带上你的套装 To Serve or Protect (2010)
Hawaii, Honolulu, the silver package please.[CN] 夏威夷,檀香山,银级套装行程 Grandma Gangsters (2010)
My mother helped me pick out the perfect ensemble.[CN] 我妈帮我挑的完美套装 Ramona and Beezus (2010)
Take that! How's your fancy suit working out for you now, fur face?[CN] 听着 你那身奇怪套装能帮你度过难关吗 毛毛脸 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
I'd like the 1 2 piece wrinkle care set.[CN] 我想要那种除皱套装 My Girlfriend Is an Agent (2009)
Yeah, well, it used to be.[CN] 是啊,这身套装 Hell Ride (2008)
That's two chairs, dining room set... sofa, big screen plasma TV.[CN] 那就是两张椅子,餐室套装 沙发,宽屏等离子电视 Ca$h (2010)

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