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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
下降[xià jiàng, ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄤˋ,  ] to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease #925 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
下降[かこう, kakou] (n, vs) downward; descent; fall; drop; subsidence; (P) #17,366 [Add to Longdo]
下降[かこうき, kakouki] (n) downturn; decrement phase [Add to Longdo]
下降気流[かこうきりゅう, kakoukiryuu] (n) (See ダウンバースト) downward air current [Add to Longdo]
下降[かこうせん, kakousen] (n) downward curve [Add to Longdo]
下降調[かこうちょう, kakouchou] (n) falling intonation; falling tone [Add to Longdo]
物価下降[ぶっかかこう, bukkakakou] (n) price fall; fall in prices [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
His popularity is falling.彼の人気は下降線をたどっている。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest stairwell and descend to level 40.[JP] 最寄りの階段の 吹き抜けに整然と進んで下さい そして レベル40まで下降して下さい The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to begin our descent.[JP] これより下降を始めます Non-Stop (2014)
The Arrow just took down another one of the city's most wanted, and there's no denying that the city's crime rate has plummeted in the past five months.[CN] 绿箭侠 第三季 第一集 绿箭侠又一次拿下了一个城市重案犯 不可否认市犯罪率在过去五个月直线下降 The Calm (2014)
It could have slowed his descent.[CN] 以此缓冲了他的下降速度 A Thousand Suns (2014)
- They're spread out all over the ship and the comms are down, we won't be able to reach them.[CN] - 他们摊开全船 和通讯科下降,我们将无法达到这些目标。
It's the money from the drops.[CN] 它是下降的钱。 A Good Man (2014)
Proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest stairwell and descend to level 40.[JP] 整然と進んで下さい 最寄りの階段の吹き抜けに進み レベル40まで下降して下さい The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
They're not trying to contact anyone, but they just descended to 1, 500.[JP] 誰とも交信していないようですが 1, 500フィートに向けて下降しています Day 7: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2009)
He's on final, but way too hot. He'll overshoot at this rate.[JP] 既に最終段階に入ってますが 下降スピードが速すぎます Space Cowboys (2000)
My boat is down by the dock.[CN] 我的船是下降了被告席。 SnakeHead Swamp (2014)
We're experiencing some rough air, encountering some severe downdrafts.[JP] 荒れた気流の中ひどい下降気流に遭いました Flight (2012)
Proceed to your nearest stairwell and descend to level 40.[JP] 最寄りの階段の吹き抜けに進み レベル40へ下降して下さい The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 (2014)
Oh, holy father, let him be okay, and I'll never have another drop.[CN] 哦,神圣的父亲,让他好起来, 我永远不会有另一个下降 Reach Me (2014)
This downturn boosted the German stock market.[JP] この下降はドイツの株式市場を 押し上げました Who Am I (2014)
On my mark, each pair will rappel down the side of the building to the 20th floor, land at the balcony, breach, and eliminate the threat inside.[JP] 合図とともに 20階へと― 懸垂下降してもらう バルコニーから侵入し 敵を倒す Fast (2016)
The radiation is falling a little bit, but it's still off the charts.[CN] 辐射是下降了一点 位,但它仍然是关闭的图表。 Aftermath (2014)
I'm gonna spiral down on top of it.[CN] 我接下来要螺旋下降 大家坐稳! I'm gonna spiral down on top of it. Interstellar (2014)
Jackie, help me take the rest of these supplies down to Dr. Bryce.[CN] 成龙,帮我把这些物资的休息 下降到布莱斯博士。
Northeast three, roger, we're starting our descent now.[JP] 北東第三管制、了解 下降を開始する Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009)
- I saw a guy and a girl heading into one of the bedrooms down the hall...[CN] - 我看到了一个男人和一个女孩的标题 进入其中一间卧室下降 大厅. Dead on Campus (2014)
We've been down this path before.[CN] 我們這條道路之前,一直在下降 Thank You (2014)
If he really is gone, then the number of people I trust on this planet just plummeted.[CN] 如果他真的走了 那这个世界上 我能相信的人数又直线下降 What They Become (2014)
If ryan was on drugs, we can argue diminished capacity.[CN] 假如说Ryan当时嗑药了 我能可以说他是行为能力下降 We're Not Friends (2014)
Gsa 117, enter descent for 1, 500.[JP] GSA 117 1500フィートまで 下降し始めろ Day 7: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2009)
Juliet-Mike-21, do you have that traffic at your 9 o'clock?[JP] ウェイファーラー515 高度1万フィートまで下降 ABQ (2009)
It doesn't matter whether the market goes up or down, the Fund will always prove to have a financial return that's acceptable.[CN] 就是无论市场是否上升或下降 Z基金都保证能提供回报 而且是投资者接受的 Z Storm (2014)
PRICES WERE GOING DOWN.[CN] 价格正在下降 Kid Cannabis (2014)
Either we'd go down the east side of Restrepo, down behind this cliff side or we'd go up on the West Side where you had to run off the side of the road right there, because sometimes they'd ambush us[CN] 要麼我們就順著東面 雷斯特雷波,同比下降背後的懸崖邊 或者我們會去了上西城,你只好跑 Korengal (2014)
Who's dropping you?[CN] 谁在下降吗? The Brittany Murphy Story (2014)
Our investigators have concluded that the jackscrew snapped and the elevator was frozen in a fixed position, locking the elevator in a down position, which forced the plane into a dive.[JP] 我々の結論は ジャックスクリューが折れて 水平安定板が下降する位置で Flight (2012)
You mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back requesting information on penny stocks that had huge upside potential with very little downside risk.[JP] あなたは、会社に ハガキを送りました 上昇傾向の 低位株の情報です 下降リスクは 極めて少ない The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Down to 1, 500 feet to catch a signal.[CN] 我为了捕捉信号 曾下降1500英尺 Pilot (2014)
Listen, fixed wing planes like this can glide pretty steady as long as they keep descending.[JP] 聴いて 下降しながら − 翼を固定すれば 滑空できます Cease Forcing Enemy (2016)
And my heart dropped, because my dad's birthday is actually Christmas.[CN] 而我的心脏下降,因为我 爸爸的生日其实是圣诞节。 The Fluffy Movie: Unity Through Laughter (2014)
Descend and maintain flight level 300, SouthJet 227.[JP] 227便、下降してフライトレベル300を維持 Flight (2012)
Oh, what brings our esteemed XO down to the lower decks?[CN] 哦,是什么让我们尊敬的XO 下降到下甲板? Chapter One (2014)
Recover One, this is Falcon. Beginning descent now.[JP] リカバリー・ワン こちらファルコン これより下降する Space Cowboys (2000)
Descend and maintain flight level 300.[JP] 下降してフライトレベル300を維持して下さい Flight (2012)
Okay, okay, uh, we keep descending, you keep your knots up, you glide into position, pull the nose up, and extend the gear at the last second.[JP] 下降を続けて 現状を維持し 所定の場所に滑空します 頭を上げて Cease Forcing Enemy (2016)
Meanwhile, the population exploded, and intelligence continued to decline... until humanity was incapable of solving even its most basic problems.[JP] その間 人口は爆発的に増加 人類の知的レベルは下降し続けた・・ そして人類は 基礎的な問題解決能力すら失った Idiocracy (2006)
It's not too long till the operation's bombs start falling.[CN] 这不是太长 直到操作的炸弹 开始下降 Ardennes Fury (2014)
Dive right now! Dive.[JP] 下降しろ! Red Tails (2012)
Our switchboard's down.[CN] 我们的交换机的下降 Reach Me (2014)
They've been instructed to shoot us down if we try to descend.[JP] 下降したら撃墜だ Non-Stop (2014)
- We're losing pressure![CN] 水压下降了! Apologies Are Dangerous (2014)
Uh, well, if the marine layer rolls in and the temperature drops, it could be about 20 minutes.[CN] 要是海洋层涌入 气温下降 可能要20分钟吧 Inelegant Heart (2014)
We have to get out of here before these bombs start falling.[CN] 我们必须让 离开这里之前, 这些炸弹开始下降 Ardennes Fury (2014)
Temperatures fell everywhere.[CN] 全球气温下降 Temperatures fell everywhere. The Immortals (2014)
Full reverse. Come about starboard, 90°. Drop us down underneath them, Sulu.[JP] 面舵90度で下降 Star Trek (2009)
Let's get them as close as we can, then abort the landing.[JP] 出来るだけ下降させて着陸は 諦めましょう Space Cowboys (2000)

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