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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
世人[shì rén, ㄕˋ ㄖㄣˊ,  ] (common) people #7,970 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
世人[せじん, sejin] (n) the people; the public; the world [Add to Longdo]
世人[とせいにん, toseinin] (n) gambler; yakuza; person without a legitimate job [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But ignorant people out there don't understand my intentions.[CN] 不会有无知的世人曲解我的想法 Apostasy (1948)
The world's choosing up sides. I know who I'm with.[CN] 世人选择正途 我也懂作出抉择 Saboteur (1942)
Make 'em laugh[CN] 世人开怀大笑吧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
I think I should tell the world about this now.[CN] 我认为世人现在应说知道 The Fly (1986)
In the eyes of the world, very few take notice... but earthly honors and rewards are not for you.[CN] 世人的眼中 他们中很少有人注意到 但是世俗的荣耀和奖励 却都不会授予您 The Bells of St. Mary's (1945)
What an accomplishment.[CN] 我到底为世人作了什么? The Fly (1986)
Really? That's fantastic, Michi![CN] 道间慎这个名字 我一定会在短期内让世人知晓的 Appeal (2017)
Yes, sir. I'm gonna show him up for what he is.[CN] 我就要给世人揭露他的真面目了 The Whole Town's Talking (1935)
I hate to be distrusted by others.[CN] 我这世人最恨人家不相信我 Yes, Madam! (1985)
No one would understand[CN] (但世人始终不会,始终不了解) City on Fire (1987)
For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. "[CN] 因为我来不是要审判世人 因为我来不是要审判世人 Elmer Gantry (1960)
Hey, come on! Why are you so negative?[CN] 还没让世人都了解到 道间老师的小说是多么地有趣 Appeal (2017)
You can have it back.[CN] 这么一来 世人也会发觉道间慎真正的实力了吧 Disbanded (2017)
It's because my father is a murderer.[CN] 我一定会在短期内让世人知晓的 Appeal (2017)
What difference does it make who you marry... so long as he's a Southerner and thinks like you?[CN] 世人为它工作,为它而战 Gone with the Wind (1939)
Don 't you know everyone--[CN] 难道你不知道世人 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
Professor, the world chooses its heroes.[CN] 教授,谁是英雄,世人心知肚明 Insignificance (1985)
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to treat you like my manager.[CN] 因为世人很容易 对这种催泪的事件感到动容啊 Ready (2017)
I am giving out a warning.[CN] 我在警告世人 Cowboy Funk (1999)
By all our people?[CN] 世人所爱吗? By all our people? The Persecution (2015)
Of all people, why Van Meer?[CN] 世人同感哀痛他为何遭暗杀? Foreign Correspondent (1940)
He has taken the world of our sins onto Himself.[CN] 他将我们世人的罪恶一肩挑起 Ben-Hur (1959)
They call you the mommy and the daddy of the H-bomb.[CN] 世人称你为氢弹之父 Insignificance (1985)
Evening.[CN] 只是还没得到世人认可而已 The Mysterious Million Yen Women (2017)
The trial date finally came.[CN] 终于作为检察官站到了法庭上 终于到了为世人瞩目的公审这一天 Taki no shiraito (1933)
They can't believe that you're in love with me.[CN] *世人惊于你我相爱* Detour (1945)
Anyway you fit in better with the Arabs, than with us, Zurich people.[CN] 跟我们苏黎世人比起来 您跟阿拉伯人想必能处得更好 It Happened in Broad Daylight (1958)
Col. Drummond, the man that I believe came into the world to save mankind from sin taught that it was godly to forgive.[CN] 德鲁蒙德上校 我所相信的那个人来到这个世界 就是为了拯救世人于罪恶 Inherit the Wind (1960)
And an offence to pride, to Christian humility and common sense itself.[JP] そしてキリスト教徒を卑下し 誇りを傷つけている これは 世人共通の認識である The Mill and the Cross (2011)
The Lord judgeth human sins.[CN] 上帝重罚世人的罪恶 Night Train (1959)
My confessor will never know[CN] 我才会向世人昭告 Le Plaisir (1952)
Where the world could see them, yet no one would know where they were... except the man who gave them to her, watching from the royal box.[CN] 世人都看得到 却没人知道珠宝在哪里 只有把珠宝交给她的人才知道 坐在包厢里监视着一切 Gaslight (1944)
Make 'em laugh Make 'em laugh[CN] 世人开怀大笑吧 Singin' in the Rain (1952)
I can commit those crimes that people thinks bad[CN] 我可以犯下世人眼中的罪惡 And Then (1985)
We all have our flaws, kitten.[CN] 世人皆不完美 小貓咪 Mommy (2015)
Well, I thought so, but people didn't understand him.[CN] -我觉得很好 但世人不理解他 Rebecca (1940)
Mr. Moriguchi, [CN] 你这样只是在逃避世人的评论而已 不是吗? Disbanded (2017)
However, conventional perceptions and mere ignorance were still in existence.[CN] 可是长时间的旧习和无知 部落民仍然受到世人 Apostasy (1948)
Doesn't matter, I haven't lost in all my life.[CN] 赌什么都行,我这世人没有输过 Yes, Madam! (1985)
You had Nanaka and Minami killed for that?[CN] 在育幼院长大的女高中生被烧死 世人会更高兴 反应会更热烈吧 Confrontation (2017)
It's a trial in front of the world![CN] 世人面前的一次考验! Paheli (2005)
Why, I love everybody so much...[CN] 我太爱世人 The Grapes of Wrath (1940)

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