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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
便失禁[べんしっきん, benshikkin] (n) anal leakage; (fecal) incontinence [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I said, he can't hold since yesterday.[CN] 他昨天小便失禁 A Separation (2011)
It's "incontinent."[CN] 这是"大小便失禁。" Pain & Gain (2013)
Men loaded their pants and everything else.[CN] 有些人(大小便失禁)拉在他们的裤子里 Morning: June-August 1944 (1974)
Don't wet your pants if you run into a Titan! Right![CN] 就算碰到了巨人 也不要吓到小便失禁 Female Titan: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 1 (2013)
Victims of strangulation often urinate and defecate at the point of death.[CN] 被勒死的受害者在死亡时 Victims of strangulation often urinate 通常会大小便失禁 and defecate at the point of death. Darkness Visible (2013)
Worst case, he'll shit all over himself and die without revealing anything.[CN] 情况再糟点 他可能会大小便失禁 什么有用的情报 Worst case, he'll shit all over himself and die 都没透露 就死了 without revealing anything. Colonia (2015)
Well, neither would I if I was having trouble controlling my pee-pee.[CN] 是的,或者我也是 如果我也有小便失禁的问题 Sports Medicine (2005)
Nausea, cramps, a little diarrhoea, vomiting, mild anal leakage.[CN] 恶心、痉挛、一点腹泻 呕吐、大便失禁 Cooties (2014)
The word "Please" will disappoint us.[CN] 你让我好失望,而导致 内分泌失调,大小便失禁 Flirting Scholar (1993)
Makes everyone go nappy-time unless you are in armor, apparently.[CN] 可以让人大小便失禁... 除非你有盔甲护体 这很明显 Superman vs. The Elite (2012)
You do it right, sometimes they pee themselves.[CN] 如果做得好 他们甚至会吓得小便失禁 Legendary (2010)
I am going to be the voice of incontinence.[CN] 我要代言大小便失禁 Bear Audition (2013)
She can't speak, she can't walk, she had no control over her bowels.[CN] 不能說話 不能走路 大小便失禁 Superhero Movie (2008)
You choke him until shit runs down his leg.[CN] 紧紧扼住直到他大小便失禁 Concussion (2015)
They vomited, urinated and defecated themselves.[CN] 他们会呕吐且大小便失禁 Apt Pupil (1998)
Especially if it is incompetent.[CN] 尤其是他已经大小便失禁 L'amour braque (1985)
Are you incontinent?[CN] 你大小便失禁吗? When the Lights Went Out (2012)
You'll start to sleep for longer and longer periods, and you will suffer loss of bladder and bowel control.[CN] 你的睡眠时间会逐渐延长 然后会出现大小便失禁的情况 Blackbird (2014)
Before you know it, your shit will start sagging, leg veins will pop up, and you won't be able to screw without handfuls of astroglide.[CN] 用不了多久 你也会大小便失禁 静脉曲张 不用润滑剂下面就干得像什么似的 Summer Loving (2012)
And not an ounce of shame in saying it. I'm scared shitless.[CN] 說出來沒什麼好害羞的 我怕得大小便失禁 The Grey (2011)
Wait. Are you saying I'm going to be the spokesperson and face of incontinence?[CN] 等等,你是说,我要成为代言人吗,大小便失禁代言人! Bear Audition (2013)
Before your shriveling cock wets the sand.[CN] 别让我把你阳痿的老二打到小便失禁 Party Favors (2010)
I shit my pants.[CN] 我大小便失禁 Control Alt Delete (2008)
I was too busy trying not to defecate.[CN] 当时我在竭尽全力不让自己大便失禁 I was too busy trying not to defecate. The Skywalker Incursion (2015)
I think he crapped himself.[CN] 他好像大小便失禁 Sweet Dee Has a Heart Attack (2008)
"Side effects may include cardiac arrhythmia, memory loss, seizures and incontinence."[CN] "副作用可能包括 心律不齐, 记忆丧失,癫痫发作 和大小便失禁。" The Scribbler (2014)
This will knock the shit out of your ass.[CN] 这会让你乐得大小便失禁 The Onion Movie (2008)
I shoot you with 50, 000 volts which may cause respiratory failure, organ malfunction, internal burns, and loss of bowel and bladder control.[CN] 我用五萬伏特電擊你 可能造成呼吸衰竭、器官失常 內部灼燒、大小便失禁 RoboCop (2014)
I want to be so terrified, I'm letting out little involuntary shits. Okay?[CN] 我想要非常恐怖,我有点大小便失禁 Ride Along (2014)
Maybe find a way to sustain a healthy relationship with a woman so I don't, you know, grow old and die alone, incontinent and unloved.[CN] 或许想办法和一个女人维持一段正常的感情 这样 我就不会 孤独终老 大小便失禁 还没人爱 If My Hole Could Talk (2008)
Who is that man?[CN] 吓死我了 差点小便失禁 Ballad (2009)

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