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发回[fā huí, ㄈㄚ ㄏㄨㄟˊ,   /  ] send back; return #23,500 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
madam president, we have a secure transmission from the "U.S.S. Brighton,"the lead rescue ship.[CN] 总统阁下 我们有"Brighton号"救援指挥船 从安全线路发回的回音 No Nukes Is Good Nukes (2006)
[ Echoing ] Domination ! Domination ![CN] [ 发回声 ] 控制 ! Bring It On (2000)
To find out more, over to Armand Pecci at the Velodrome.[CN] 欲知详情,请看阿曼德·佩西 在维洛德罗姆体育场为您发回的报道 To find out more, over to Armand Pecci at the Velodrome. Taxi 4 (2007)
You pick out a girl and drag her back to your house.[CN] 你选一个姑娘 然后拖着她的头发回家就行了 Asterix and the Vikings (2006)
This is Thomas Anders reporting in Georgia.[CN] (这是托马斯安德斯在格鲁吉亚发回的报道) 5 Days of War (2011)
Well, we should have these remains sent back to the Jeffersonian and parts of vehicle that may contain trace evidence.[CN] 好吧 我们应该把所有这些 包括可能含有微量证据淤泥 和车的零件等等发回到实验室 The Yanks in the U.K.: Parts 1 and 2 (2008)
Hi, I'm Mary Kitchen, live here at HiIIhaven High school where Morgan Carter has been a student at our very own local high school.[CN] 嗨 我是玛丽尅恩 这是从山港高中发回的现场报道 摩根卡特在这里读书 就在我们这所本地高中 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
This is Thomas Anders reporting in Gori, Georgia.[CN] 我是托马斯安德斯 在格鲁吉亚哥里市发回的报道 5 Days of War (2011)
This is Roxanne Ritchi, reporting live from the dedication of the Metro Man Museum.[CN] 来自Roxanne Ritchi 在大都会侠博物馆 落成典礼发回的现场报道 Megamind (2010)
However, I said we could ask... that this fighting is raised at the United Nations.[CN] 但是假设这场战争 在联合国引发回 Balibo (2009)
[ Echoing ] Domination, domination.[CN] [ 发回声 ] 控制, 控制。 Bring It On (2000)
Sending it back is a way of saying, "Hello, we heard you."[CN] 被记录并发回来,无非是说,"喂,我们听到了。" Contact (1997)
From Dallas, Texas the flash, apparently official:[CN] 这是从德克萨斯州达拉斯 发回的官方报道 An American Affair (2008)
The smallest thing can send us running back to our room.[CN] 最小的事 发回给我们的房间。 The Invisible Circus (2001)
The data which it has sent back contain the first clear indications that there may have been life on Mars.[CN] 目前还不知道 火星探测器是怎么 进入了裂隙 但有一点可以肯定 它发回的数据中 第一次清楚显示 The Lizard-Spock Expansion (2008)
Good afternoon.[CN] 下午好 这是我们从大A体育场为您发回的现场直播 The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988)
They say he left for Paris tonight.[CN] 说是他出发回巴黎去了 Emmanuelle 3 (1977)
Domination ![CN] [ 发回声 ] 控制 ! Bring It On (2000)
"Getting my answer sheet"[CN] "当发回考卷时" Love Letter (1995)
But to the water strider, it's a giant trampoline.[CN] 但望远镜发回的结果出人意料 Speed Limits (2010)
I'm returning your papers on the salem witch trials.[CN] 我把你们有关塞勒姆女巫的论文发回 The Hot Chick (2002)
Sterling Bosch released the mail?[CN] Sterling Bosch发回邮件了吗? Unfinished Business (2010)
The code for the bombs like these to self-activate is usually eleven numerals, the first seven numerals wake the bombs up, ten there follow 20 seconds of testing and sending stand-by signals, that's when we can track down the location of bombs, [CN] 这种级别的核弹激活 通常需要11位的数字 前七个让他们从"苏醒"过来, 随后大概20秒钟进行自我检测 和发回信号准备实施爆炸 Kod apokalipsisa (2007)
You have seen monitoring the satellite's report![CN] 你看到监测卫星发回的报告了 RocketMan (1997)
Whoa, okay.[CN] 哇,好吧。 发回去。 Crate (2014)
or to give me my hair back...[CN] 或者给我我的头发回来 ... Camino (2008)
People of the whole world are watching as the probe sent into space is transferring data exceeding even the most optimistic expectations.[CN] 此行星是唯一一颗人类已知的真正类地行星。 世人都在关注从太空发回的信息。 Pandorum (2009)
You pick out a girl and drag her by the hair back to your house.[CN] 你选一个姑娘 然后拖着她的头发回家就行了
Try our best to beat him.[CN] 被都察院发回本县重审 Hail the Judge (1994)
Does he understand that everything depends on his first report from the station?[CN] 一切都取决于他从空间站发回的第一份报告 这点他明白么? Solaris (1971)
Mr. Perrin left on the evening flight for Paris, Madame.[CN] 刚才 出发回巴黎去了 Emmanuelle 3 (1977)
Transmitting from P6X-437.[CN] -437上发回的信号 Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008)
Now Morgan's set to be here at any minute.[CN] 全球首映式的红地毯现场发回的报道 True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet (2008)
And then some of the radiation that is absorbed and warms the Earth is reradiated back into space in the form of infrared radiation.[CN] 再以红内线形式... 散发回太空 部份往外传的红内线幅射... An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
- But ...[CN] 在他出发回罗马前不让任何人知道 Elecciones (2012)
I just received the report from an officer on the scene.[CN] 我刚收到现场警官发回的报告 The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
My fiancé has sent his woman back to her people. He's waiting for me. I must go to him.[CN] 我未婚夫把他妻子打发回家了 他在等我 Death on the Nile (1978)
But they sent him back this file, which he showed me... and I have in a very safe place.[CN] 不过他们把这些文件有发回给他了, 然后他又给我看了... 然后我放在一个很安全的地方了 Happy Endings (2005)
- Late battle reports indicate... - Panic on, Charlie.[CN] -最近从战场发回的报道显示- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
It was almost another miscarriage ofjustice, but this time the lead investigator displayed great humanity.[CN] 现在请听我们从刑场发回的报道 虽然这是一起普通的凶杀案 但是也体现了我们警察的细心 Love Crime (2010)
When you have photos of the Voyager, in search of rings were surprised.[CN] 因此当旅行者的图像源源不断发回时 星环猎手激动不已 The Hunt for Ringed Planets (2009)
our reporter Rodrigo Castelar has updated information...[CN] 现场记者从监狱现场发回的报道... Plastic City (2008)
This is Jim Finnerty reporting for KJSF in Richmond.[CN] 这里是吉米・芬尼迪 从KJSF里士满发回的报道 The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
JOSE: Anthony just sent this photo from the house.[CN] 这是Anthony刚刚发回的照片 Reparation (2010)
- From Tomonari? - No, the third group leader, sir.[CN] 是不是队长发回的电报 Hawai Middowei daikaikûsen: Taiheiyô no arashi (1960)
We report from a Parisian fire station.[CN] "我们从巴黎消防队发回的报道" Before I Forget (2007)
Send the waiters and the musicians home and call a doctor.[CN] 把服务生和乐师打发回去,找一个 医生来。 Pocketful of Miracles (1961)
These reports are coming back saying that Thierry had found this huge warehouse and then he'd broken his leg and it was all kind of going a little bit wrong.[CN] 发回来的这些报告表示 泰瑞走上了艺术道路 然后他摔断了脚 Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
The mother had a big boil on her back - that "popped."[CN] 妈妈一直在脓肿突发回来。 The Aristocrats (2005)
Our diplomatic correspondent says the US is pressuring the UK to take Cuban refugees.[CN] 分社发回消息 美国正在施压 Our diplomatic correspondentsays the US is pressuring the UK 要求英国接收古巴难民 to take Cuban refugees. The Compassionate Society (1981)

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