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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
控诉[kòng sù, ㄎㄨㄥˋ ㄙㄨˋ,   /  ] accuse; denounce #16,887 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Yoυ don't Wanna mention lawsuit or beard after psychotherapy.[CN] 你不想提到心理治疗后的控诉或胡子的事吧 What Just Happened (2008)
We're investigating a cruelty to animal charge.[CN] 我们正在调查虐待动物的控诉 The Mother Lode (2009)
I talked the cops out of pressing charges for the riot and stuff but the bottom line, this is an immigration issue.[CN] 我说服警察撤销暴动控诉 底线是你触犯了移民法 Across the Universe (2007)
The prosecutor became the persecutor.[CN] 控诉变成了迫害 Find Me Guilty (2006)
The Katyn Forest blood is calling to us out loud... calling us to take a merciless... revenge...[CN] 卡廷森林的鲜血... ... 在无声的控诉... Katyn (2007)
From West Virginia comes accusations by the Carnegie coal company of Red influence on the United Mine Workers' strike.[CN] 卡耐基公司控诉在东弗吉尼亚 进行罢工的美国煤矿工人 是受到红色左翼思潮的影响 Public Enemies (2009)
We're happy to hear the Chinese government cleared all charges.[CN] 我们很高兴听到中国政府 撤销了所有的控诉 The Invincible Iron Man (2007)
The charges against me been dropped?[CN] 所有控诉都撤销了吗? Chapter Twelve 'Godsend' (2007)
Ma'am, we can't charge him without evidence, and if he walks, he can do what he wants with the originals.[CN] 女士 没有证据 我们就没办法控诉他 而如果他被无罪释放 他会随便处理底片 God, That's Good (2007)
A dream shot to work with Harold Ramis our first big face-to-face scene, and he has to have Yiddish words on a piece of paper, taped on the brim of his hat so I can't see his eyes.[CN] 是,我只想说,我很喜欢你的节目 希望你继续好好做 这通话是不是电台直播? 我的罪行都写在控诉书上 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Texaco, which is now owned by Chevron so it's against Chevron, but for activities conducted by Texaco.[CN] 罪魁祸首是德士古石油公司,由于德士古已被雪佛龙并购, 所以现在控诉针对雪佛龙石油公司 Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
I don't think you need to lodge an official complaint of sexual harassment. - Shirley...[CN] 我觉得 你没必要提出性骚扰的正式控诉 Death Be Not Proud (2005)
The thing that really amazed me about this scene where it just really blew me away, is not only is it in Yiddish which John doesn't speak, but John is reading the Yiddish off of Harold's hat.[CN] 你好 罪行 我的罪行都写在控诉书上 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Your honor, ms.Hewes' claim of relevance is based solely on a vacation mr.Malina took to palm beach.[CN] 法官大人 赫威斯女士的相关控诉 是纯粹基于马里纳先生 去棕榈滩的一次度假 We Are Not Animals (2007)
We must prosecute many for crimes against humanity.[CN] 我们必须控诉不人道的罪行 The Colonel (2006)
You're gonna press charges.[CN] 你应该控诉 Powerless (2007)
They're both, like, way overqualified for this particular scene but were so funny.[CN] 看这里 我的罪行都写在控诉书上 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Someone filed a complaint. We need to take you in.[CN] 有人提出了控诉 我们不得不查你 Tazza: The High Rollers (2006)
But I categorically deny any allegations of doing so with the intention of killing anyone.[CN] 但我绝不承认任何 杀人的控诉 April Fool's Day (2008)
That you would pursue a charge of this magnitude without a thorough investigation is unconscionable.[CN] 你没有经过全面调查就提出控诉 是很不合情理的 Home (2009)
is an indictment against the institution.[CN] 就该对整个教育体系提出控诉 Stick It (2006)
Not before she stops to tell them lies, catalog my atrocities.[CN] 在她停下对他们撒谎 控诉我的暴行之前 The Last Station (2009)
What about the charges you are facing?[CN] 那些对你提出的控诉怎么办? The Bank Job (2008)
Cleared of all charges.[CN] 撤销所有控诉 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
"Oh, no, it's the cops." We have a complaint.[CN] "糟了,是警察" 我们接获控诉 Superbad (2007)
- Everything, all charges.[CN] - 一切 所有的控诉 Sona (2007)
Is that who you're accusing me of hiding?[CN] 控诉我藏人吗? Chapter Seventeen 'Company Man' (2007)
Out of this Boston investment firm. We're gonna freeze a lot of Saudi cash[CN] 提起控诉 我们要冻结很多沙特的资金 The Kingdom (2007)
- You will be held in contempt![CN] - 你会被控诉藐视法庭 Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
All we have is some crazy woman's accusations.[CN] 我们只听到一个疯女人的控诉 It Takes Two (2006)
The charges against you have been dropped, Miss Sanders.[CN] 所有对你的控诉,桑德斯小姐 都已经撤销了 Chapter Fourteen 'Distractions' (2007)
And Willow the nurse, is a very good friend and she's so funny doing this.[CN] - 事情和你们看到的有出入 我的罪行都写在控诉书上 停下! Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?[CN] 认为该撤销所有控诉的人请举手 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
v. Katherine Harris.[CN] 关于Albert Gore控诉Katherine Harris Recount (2008)
One of the scenes we cut out was lan Roberts selling drugs to John.[CN] 我的罪行都写在控诉书上 你觉得杜威是不是不开心? Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
There isn't one. She withdrew the complaint.[CN] 这里没有 她撤消了控诉 Powerless (2007)
In 1969 there was a Minnesota court case involving a man named Jerome Daly who was challenging the foreclosure of his home by the bank, which provided the loan to purchase it.[CN] 1969年在明尼苏达有宗案件 涉案人叫杰罗. 戴利 控诉贷款给他购屋,现在要强制没收他房子的银行 Zeitgeist: Addendum (2008)
But this is an animated LSD sequence by Geoff McFetridge who's a great graphic artist and artist and animator and friend of the organization, and....[CN] 我们也都是你的忠实歌迷 "艰苦的夜晚"就好比是我们写的 "罪行写在控诉书上" - 伟大的唱片 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
And they filed a complaint.[CN] 他们下了控诉 Revanche (2008)
The Vergis Corporation have made certain accusations.[CN] Vergis公司提出了控诉 Pilot (2009)
Because I'd turn back and he'd be like, this shocked looked on his face.[CN] 罪行都写在控诉书上 罪行都写在控诉书上... 杜威! Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
But I'm afraid Mr. Fiske's motion to dismiss is beginning to feel like it has some merit.[CN] 但我恐怕 菲斯克先生的控诉撤消申请 开始让人 感觉到有点好处了 And My Paralyzing Fear of Death (2007)
I am making an official complaint.[CN] 我是在提出正式控诉 Death Be Not Proud (2005)
See if we can help you with these charges you've got pending.[CN] 看看能不能帮你解决下 你被控诉的那些罪名 Red Tide (2008)
The 25-count indictment unsealed yesterday charges the charity organization used hospitals, islamic committees, student and other organizations controlled by fundamentalist organizations in the middle east to direct money to plotters of extremist causes.[CN] 于昨天启封的包含25项控告的起诉书 控诉慈善组织 利用被中东原教旨主义组织控制的医院 伊斯兰教委员会 学生和其他组织 Civic Duty (2006)
# And criticize all fears #[CN] # 控诉所有恐惧的人# I'm Not There (2007)
And I already wrote a letter of complaint and I wrote a request for an appeal.[CN] 我已经写好了一封控诉信 我要提出呼吁 Smart People (2008)
Given the reaction to my costume this party is a scathing indictment of the American education system.[CN] 鉴于人们对我扮相的反应 这次派对对美国教育制度 提出了严厉的控诉 The Middle Earth Paradigm (2007)
His appeals process has started already.[CN] 对他的控诉程序已经启动了 Sweet Caroline (2007)

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