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*本当は 私は 嘘をつくのがうまいんだ*

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*本当は(ほんとうは) (わたし) (うそ)つくうまい*


  • (あたし(P);あたくし;あたい;あて) (pn,adj-no) (fem) I; me; (P) [EDICT]
  • (あっし;わっち;わっし) (pn,adj-no) I (mainly used by working men); myself [EDICT]
  • (わい;わて) (pn) (1) (arch) (ksb [EDICT]
  • (わたい) (n) (arch) (ktb [EDICT]
  • (わたし(P);わたくし(P)) (pn,adj-no) (1) I; me; (n,adj-no) (2) (わたくし only) private affairs; personal matter; secrecy; (3) (わたくし only) selfishness; (P) [EDICT]
  • (わらわ) (pn,adj-no) (arch) (hum) (fem) I; me [EDICT]
  • (わし) (pn,adj-no) (uk) I; me (used by elderly males) [EDICT]
  • (sī, ) personal; private; selfish [CE-DICT]
  • (葉) ใบไม้ [LongdoJP]
  • () (int) (1) (pol) yes; (2) OK (used to get attention prior to an utterance); okay; (3) giddy-up; giddap; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (v5r,aux-v,suf) (hon) (ksb [EDICT]
  • () (suf) (ksb [EDICT]
  • (歯) (n) tooth; (P) [EDICT]
  • (刃) (n) edge (of a knife or sword); (P) [EDICT]
  • (派) (n,n-suf) clique; faction; school; (P) [EDICT]
  • (破) (n) (See 序破急) (in gagaku or noh) middle section of a song [EDICT]
  • (葉) (n) leaf; (P) [EDICT]
  • (うそ) เรื่องไม่จริง, เรื่องโกหก [LongdoJP]
  • (うそ) (n) (1) lie; falsehood; incorrect fact; (2) (col) Really!; Unbelievable!; No way!; (P) [EDICT]
  • (xū, ㄒㄩ) exhale; hiss [CE-DICT]
  • () (prt) (arch) (See を) marks object of action, etc. (also adds emphasis) [EDICT]
  • (就く) (v5k) (1) (See 付く・つく・1) to ascend (the throne); to accede; (2) (就く only) to take (seat, position, course, etc.); to assume; (3) (就く only) to start (on a journey); to commence; to depart; (4) (就く only) to study (under teacher); to be an apprentice; (P) [EDICT]
  • (即く) (v5k) (1) (See 付く・つく・1) to ascend (the throne); to accede; (2) (就く only) to take (seat, position, course, etc.); to assume; (3) (就く only) to start (on a journey); to commence; to depart; (4) (就く only) to study (under teacher); to be an apprentice; (P) [EDICT]
  • (着く) (v5k) (1) to arrive at; to reach; (2) (See 席に着く) to sit on; to sit at (e.g. the table); (P) [EDICT]
  • (漬く) (v5k,vi) (1) to be immersed; (2) (漬く only) to be pickled [EDICT]
  • (浸く) (v5k,vi) (1) to be immersed; (2) (漬く only) to be pickled [EDICT]
  • (点く) (v5k,vi) (1) to be lit (e.g. electricity comes on); to be lighted; (2) (See 火がつく,付く・つく・9) to catch fire; (P) [EDICT]
  • (吐く) (v5k,vt) (1) to breathe out; to breathe; (2) to tell (a lie); to use (foul language); (3) (See 吐く・はく・1) to vomit; to throw up; to spit up; (P) [EDICT]
  • (突く) (v5k,vt) (1) to prick; to stab; (2) to poke; to prod; to push; to thrust; to nudge; to hit; to strike; (3) to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with; to press against (the floor, etc.); (4) to attack; (5) to brave (the rain, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
  • (衝く) (v5k,vt) (1) to prick; to stab; (2) to poke; to prod; to push; to thrust; to nudge; to hit; to strike; (3) to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with; to press against (the floor, etc.); (4) to attack; (5) to brave (the rain, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
  • (撞く) (v5k,vt) (1) to prick; to stab; (2) to poke; to prod; to push; to thrust; to nudge; to hit; to strike; (3) to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with; to press against (the floor, etc.); (4) to attack; (5) to brave (the rain, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
  • (捺く) (v5k,vt) (1) to prick; to stab; (2) to poke; to prod; to push; to thrust; to nudge; to hit; to strike; (3) to use (a cane); to prop oneself up with; to press against (the floor, etc.); (4) to attack; (5) to brave (the rain, etc.); (P) [EDICT]
  • (付く) (v5k,vi) (1) to be attached; to be connected with; to adhere; to stick; to cling; (2) to remain imprinted; to scar; to stain; to dye; (3) to bear (fruit, interest, etc.); (4) to be acquired (of a habit, ability, etc.); to increase (of strength, etc.); (5) to take root; (6) to accompany; to attend; to follow; to study with; (7) to side with; to belong to; (8) (See 憑く) to possess; to haunt; (9) (See 点く) to be lit; to be lighted; (10) to be settled; to be resolved; to be decided; (11) to be given (of a name, price, etc.); (12) to be sensed; to be perceived; (13) (from 運がつく) to be lucky; (suf,v5k) (14) (See 付く・づく) (after -masu stems, onomatopoeic and mimetic words) to become (a state, condition, etc.) [EDICT]
  • (憑く) (v5k) (See 付く・つく・8) to possess; to haunt [EDICT]
  • (搗く) (v5k,vt) (uk) to hull (rice, barley, etc.); to pound (rice); to polish (rice); to stamp (ore) [EDICT]
  • (舂く) (v5k,vt) (uk) to hull (rice, barley, etc.); to pound (rice); to polish (rice); to stamp (ore) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) endorsing and questioning the preceding statement (sentence ending particle); lamenting reflections on the preceding statement (sentence ending particle) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) (1) although; when; and yet; despite this; in spite of; even though; but even so; but even then; however; nevertheless; for all that; notwithstanding that; (2) while; (3) if only; I wish; (4) I tell you; you should do; (5) in order to; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (suf,prt) (literary equiv. of だけ) only; nothing but; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (n) (See スラグ) slag [EDICT]
  • (乃) (prt) (1) (uk) (occasionally ん) indicates possessive; (2) verb and adjective nominalizer (nominaliser); (3) substituting for "ga" in subordinate phrases; (4) (often ん) indicates a confident conclusion; (5) emotional emphasis (sentence end) (fem); (6) indicates question (sentence end); (P) [EDICT]
  • (之) (prt) (arch) possessive (used on tombs, etc.) [EDICT]
  • (幅) (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm) [EDICT]
  • (布) (n,n-suf,ctr) (after a number in the hito-, futa-, mi- counting system) unit of measurement for cloth breadth (30-38 cm) [EDICT]
  • (箆) (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica) [EDICT]
  • (篦) (n) (1) (arch) shaft (of an arrow); (2) (arch) (See 矢竹・2) arrow bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) (positive sentence end) I dare say; (negative sentence end) though, honestly [EDICT]
  • () (suf,v5r) (1) to feel (on adj-stem to represent a third party's apparent emotion); (2) to behave as if one were [EDICT]
  • () (n) scree [EDICT]
  • () (adv-to) (1) (on-mim) thump; thud (dull sound representing something being hit); (2) severe; difficult; hard [EDICT]
  • (我) (n) (1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego [EDICT]
  • (画) (n) picture; drawing; painting; sketch [EDICT]
  • (蛾) (n) moth [EDICT]
  • (賀) (n) (See 賀の祝) congratulation [EDICT]
  • (雅) (n,adj-na) (1) (ant [EDICT]
  • (旨い) (adj-i) (1) (esp. 上手い,巧い) skillful; clever; expert; wise; successful; (2) (esp. 美味い,甘い) delicious; appetizing; appetising; (3) (esp. 旨い) fortunate; splendid; promising; (P) [EDICT]
  • (美い) (adj-i) (1) (esp. 上手い,巧い) skillful; clever; expert; wise; successful; (2) (esp. 美味い,甘い) delicious; appetizing; appetising; (3) (esp. 旨い) fortunate; splendid; promising; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ....; given that...; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (exp) the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; it is that ...; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) (1) (as …たり…たり, after the ren'youkei forms of multiple verbs) -ing and -ing (e.g. "coming and going"); (2) (used adverbially) doing such things as...; (3) (as …たり…たり at sentence-end, after the ren'youkei forms of a repeated verb) expresses a command; (aux-v) (4) (たり only) (arch) (from とあり) (See たる) (after a noun) to be; (5) (たり only) (arch) (from 〜てあり, after the ren'youkei form of a verb) indicates completion or continuation of an action; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) (1) (fam) marks wh-question (what, where, who); (2) (chn) strengthens one's judgment or conclusion; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (exp) if it's the case; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (prt) even [EDICT]
  • () (suf,prt) and; or; and the like; and so forth; and what not; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (exp) (1) (See でしょう) seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope; (2) don't you agree?; I thought you'd say that!; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (n) (col) (abbr) (See 友達) friend [EDICT]
  • () (n) undercut (of a machined edge) [EDICT]
  • (駄) (pref) (1) (See 駄文・1) poor; low-grade; trivial; insignificant; worthless; (n-suf,ctr) (2) (See 一駄) load; pack; horse load; (n) (3) packhorse [EDICT]
  • (兌) (n) dui (one of the trigrams of the I Ching [EDICT]

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