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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
熟悉[shú xī, ㄕㄨˊ ㄒㄧ,  ] to be familiar with; to know well #2,087 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You men know the dark forest?[CN] 你们熟悉黑暗森林吗? Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
That doesn't look familiar. - The placeholder.[CN] - 这看起来并不熟悉 Extracted (2012)
The traditional game of fetch, which I'm sure you are familiar with.[CN] 传统游戏 捡球运动 我想你应该很熟悉 The Magic of Belle Isle (2012)
I know the bog inside out.[CN] 我对这沼泽再熟悉不过了 This Life (2012)
The dirt is all I know.[CN] 周围都是熟悉的气息 Casa de mi Padre (2012)
Are you familiar with a 5150 hold?[CN] 与5150保持你熟悉吗? Imogene (2012)
As well as some familiar ones.[CN] 同样也有一些熟悉的朋友 Sucker Punch (2011)
Phantom shadows on the floor[CN] 熟悉的身影 恍惚映在地面 Phantom shadows on the floor Les Misérables (2012)
We've been acquainted with the mousetrap for quite some time, you know.[CN] 我们对老鼠夹太熟悉了 超出你的想象 Ernest & Celestine (2012)
I mean, I know your work well.[CN] 我是说,我非常熟悉妳的作品 Black Butterflies (2011)
Guessing you would have loved this guy.[CN] 你们对他可能再熟悉不过了 The Baytown Outlaws (2012)
It's nice to see a familiar face.[CN] 很高興能看到一個熟悉的面孔 Zambezia (2012)
Janie, can you spell familiar?[CN] 珍妮,你能拼熟悉吗? The Playroom (2012)
-lt's just you look very familiar to me.[CN] 这只是你看起来很熟悉,我 Playing for Keeps (2012)
We have five days to bring her up to speed.[CN] 我们还有五天时间让她熟悉形势 Game Change (2012)
I'm not really familiar with American football, but thank you.[CN] 我真的不熟悉 与美式足球, 但还是谢谢你。 Jayne Mansfield's Car (2012)
Her face.[CN] 那张熟悉的... The Hypnotist (2012)
It sounds familiar.[CN] 听起来很熟悉 Visible Scars (2012)
Very familiar.[CN] - 非常熟悉 Chronicle (2012)
At first I was a bit intimidated, but in the end we connected.[CN] 一开始我有点害怕 但后来我们就熟悉 Angels of Sex (2012)
You're not familiar with that weapon.[CN] 你对那武器不熟悉 Cosmopolis (2012)
...out of New Orleans, so I have quite a bit of practice with theater types.[CN] 我来自纽奥良 所以我很熟悉戏班子 Django Unchained (2012)
Idiots. Luckily, Svend knows the terrain, so he can pull them out.[CN] 白痴,幸运的是,斯温熟悉地形,能把他们拉出来 This Life (2012)
And if you want to climb on stage has some songs that General knows well.[CN] 您愿意作为嘉宾登台表演吗 我想有一首歌您非常熟悉 HOUBA! On the Trail of the Marsupilami (2012)
It's all too familiar.[CN] 熟悉 Killing Them Softly (2012)
They're classics. Of course she know them perfectly. It's not like they change.[CN] 当然熟悉,都是经典剧 又不会经常变 Passion (2012)
Do you know me well enough that if I did something that looked a little strange and was maybe even a little bit dangerous, but I told you to trust me anyway, that you could do that?[CN] 有沒有熟悉到即便我做怪事還能信任我 還說不定有點危險,你能做到嗎? Source Code (2011)
Sometimes you just need to hear a familiar voice.[CN] 有时候, 你只想听到熟悉的声音 Extracted (2012)
Looks familiar.[CN] 看起来很熟悉 Besties (2012)
Someone who knows it.[CN] 一个熟悉幽暗森林... Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
It does sound familiar.[CN] - 听起来是很熟悉 Chronicle (2012)
Sure you don't want to find your rack first?[CN] 确定不用先熟悉一下环境吗 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (2012)
Sounds familiar.[CN] - 听起来很熟悉 Chronicle (2012)
Are you familiar with ceramic ball bearings?[CN] 你对 陶瓷球熟悉么? Act of Valor (2012)
Jason has a deep, deep well of experience about Greenland's glaciers, about Greenland logistics, about what the glaciers were doing.[CN] 杰森经验丰富 熟悉格陵兰岛的冰川及岛上的后勤工作 也很了解冰川的动态 Chasing Ice (2012)
From this point on, the world as we know it has forever been altered.[CN] 从这一刻开始 我们熟悉的世界将被彻底改变 The Thing (2011)
Are you familiar with cryptography?[CN] 熟悉密码学吗 Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
Sound familiar to you, Sheriff?[CN] 你对此很熟悉吧 警长? 没错吧? The Baytown Outlaws (2012)
So then you're familiar with this kind of predicament, we're talking about iris' life here, now is your chance to finally play daddy."[CN] 这么说你已经熟悉了这种危险局面 我们现在讨论的 是艾利丝的性命 你现在终于有机会当一回父亲了 The Samaritan (2012)
Do you know your way around here?[CN] 熟悉这里的路吗 The Collection (2012)
Phantom faces at the window[CN] 熟悉的面容 恍惚就在窗边 Phantom faces at the window Les Misérables (2012)
A police official familiar with the investigation denied rumors Mexican drug cartels are responsible for the murders.[CN] 传闻墨西哥贩毒集团是此次凶杀案主谋 熟悉此项调查的一名警官对此做出了否定 End of Watch (2012)
She knew the three ballets perfectly.[CN] 她对那三场芭蕾剧非常熟悉 Passion (2012)
A coat of arms why does that look familiar?[CN] 一枚纹章 怎么这么熟悉 The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
I'm looking for something to remind me.[CN] 我只要找到熟悉的路标 Contraband (2012)
I got a guy to take you around and all.[CN] 我找个人带你熟悉环境 Killing Them Softly (2012)
You look familiar.[CN] 你看起来很熟悉 Breaking the Girls (2012)
but keeping our humanity?[CN] 我们熟悉的世界是没了 但是保持人性呢? Judge, Jury, Executioner (2012)
I've been speaking to some people who are very close to the NTSB investigation, and they are confident they will soon be able to determine exactly what brought this plane down.[CN] 我常说有些对NTSB调查事务很熟悉的人 他们有信心他们将很快找出真相 是什么原因造成飞机迫降的 Flight (2012)
- Do you know it?[CN] 熟悉吗? Django Unchained (2012)

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