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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
百八十度[ひゃくはちじゅうど, hyakuhachijuudo] (n) 180 degrees; complete change; (P) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But the second he heard Bert was gone, well it was almost funny the effect it had on him.[CN] 但是他一听说伯特走了 态度立马就一百八十度大转弯 Part One (2011)
You know, the theory of internal transfer loops, you take a three dimensional cylindrical loop, give it a 180 degree twist, transform it into a two dimensional... you are a spy for Tor.[CN] 摩比斯场入口 听我说,内部转换循环理论 三维圆柱体循环,还有,将它旋转一百八十度 Thru the Moebius Strip (2005)
This just took a turn.[CN] 真是一百八十度大转弯 Crazy for You (2014)
When a three dimensional cylindrical loop is given a 180 degree twist, it becomes a two dimensional mathematical oddity known as a Moebius strip.[CN] 简单点儿 是这样的,维尔太太,如果将三维圆柱体循环扭转 一百八十度的话 那么就会出现二维数学异态 Thru the Moebius Strip (2005)
A 180-degree window facing the golf course plus club membership costs less than a million[CN] 百八十度玻璃,面对哥尔夫球场 连会籍都不用一百万 Infernal Affairs (2002)
Well, he's really different from Seung-Jo, completely the opposite.[CN] 跟勝祖是一百八十度不同的類型呢 Episode #1.11 (2010)
His life has done a U-turn for you.[CN] 为了妳,他的生活做了一百八十度大转弯 Combustion (2013)
Three years at Bard and suddenly now as a senior, this epic drift?[CN] 在巴尔德那里三年,现在大四了 却突然一百八十度大转变 The Weight (2002)
We'II have a 180-degree view at anything coming from the west, and still have a flanking area northeast of Midway for our carriers.[CN] 这样我们对西方有 -百八十度的视角 中途岛的东北方则由我航空母舰监视 Midway (1976)
Leopard seals are giants among their kind, they have teeth bigger than a lion and a mouth that can open nearly 180 degrees.[CN] 豹斑海豹是海豹中的巨兽 它们的牙齿尺寸比狮子还大 嘴巴可以张大至一百八十度 Challenges of Life (2009)

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