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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
- I'll pass you to him.[CN] - 我让他和你说吧 Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)
So make them broke-ass blood-clots keep talking![CN] 让那些混球说去吧 随他们说吧! How She Move (2007)
Please, tell me to do it.[CN] 求你快说吧 Reservation Road (2007)
Yeah, come on, out with it.[CN] 是啊, 赶紧说吧 The Man from Earth (2007)
If you have something important to say to me, then just say it.[CN] 工作已经被... 如果你有什么重要的要告诉我,你就说吧 Cougar Club (2007)
Oh, you know what? We're good.[CN] 哦,我跟你说吧 那个也安排好了 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)
I'm gonna tell you, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.[CN] 我跟你说吧,要不是我,你现在还不知道 在哪儿呢 The Nines (2007)
So... speak, brother.[CN] 说吧,兄弟 Philippi (2007)
- Maybe later.[CN] - 再说吧 Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Yeah.[CN] 说吧 Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
- Well, just thought I'd mention it, that's all.[CN] - 呵呵,就当作我随便说说吧 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Talk.[CN] 说吧. Frontier(s) (2007)
- This is what I'm talking about.[CN] - 我就说吧 - 呣... I Think I Love My Wife (2007)
Let's talk about that later, okay?[CN] 以后再说吧,好吗? Reservation Road (2007)
Tell you something, Alex.[CN] 这样和你说吧,亚历克斯 如果你给科拉写了一首歌 Music and Lyrics (2007)
Try, and don't tell me I'm imagining it, 'cause they're showing up everywhere, and I want to know why.[CN] 说吧,别跟我说都是我的幻觉 因为它们到处出现,我想要知道到底为什么 The Nines (2007)
Oh, no, of course not. Pop is just for morons. Forgot that.[CN] 哦,不会,当然不会 流行乐只适合低能者,当我没说吧 Music and Lyrics (2007)
- Here we go, that's not it, and you know it.[CN] -这么说吧 不是因为那个 你知道的 Take (2007)
Hey! For the record, every time I laughed at one of your jokes, [CN] 嘿,老实跟你说吧 你说的那些笑话 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)
Tell me to do it![CN] 说吧! 快说啊! Reservation Road (2007)
Okay, Dad, let's have it out.[CN] 好吧 爸爸 我们说说吧 Starting Out in the Evening (2007)
Okay.[CN] 说吧 Turn the River (2007)
If you don't like the lyrics, be straight with me.[CN] 如果你不喜欢这歌词就直说吧 Music and Lyrics (2007)
- Shoot him![CN] 说吧 Shootout at Lokhandwala (2007)
Come on, tell me about it.[CN] 快点和我说说吧 Into the Wild (2007)
See you later.[CN] 下次见面再说吧 Secret Sunshine (2007)
"It's a beautiful day!" You will say that also, won't you?[CN] "今天真美"你也会那么说吧 Saawariya (2007)
No. Go ahead. Go see the movie you want.[CN] 不 不 你说吧 去看你喜欢的电影 Starting Out in the Evening (2007)
- Finally. Saddam will get killed before long.[CN] 说吧 萨达姆离死期不远了 Towelhead (2007)
I don't know. Let's wait and see.[CN] 不知道,再说吧 Reservation Road (2007)
Yeah, well, there's no such thing as a surefire deal, but go on.[CN] 呵呵,这世上可没有什么绝对能成功的生意 不过,继续说吧 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Say it.[CN] 说吧 Margot at the Wedding (2007)
Let me put it this way[CN] 这么说吧 Let me put it this way My Blueberry Nights (2007)
Name anything. Name it. Name it.[CN] 说你要我做什么,说吧 Superbad (2007)
I tell you what.[CN] 跟你说吧,如果我们要把 "内心空间"改掉 Music and Lyrics (2007)
Yeah. Yeah, go ahead.[CN] 可以,说吧 You Kill Me (2007)
No, no, no skipping. Come on.[CN] 不行不行, 不能跳过, 说吧 The Man from Earth (2007)
Oh, let them talk.[CN] 让他们说吧 I Think I Love My Wife (2007)
- Name it, Uncle Howard.[CN] 现在我需要你们的帮助 - 尽管说吧,霍华德舅舅 Cassandra's Dream (2007)
Well, maybe sometime, but I wouldn't really want money for it.[CN] 这个, 再说吧 但我真没想到过用它来赚钱 The Man from Earth (2007)
Can I talk to my sister, please? Where are you, Angie?[CN] 我来和我妹妹说吧 P2 (2007)
Pretend it's science fiction.[CN] 就当这是科幻小说吧 The Man from Earth (2007)
Let me just put it this way. I'll be safer in Iraq.[CN] 这么说吧,我在伊拉克会更安全的 Delta Farce (2007)
So start again. Cora Corman...[CN] 从头说吧,科拉・考曼 Music and Lyrics (2007)
No, come on![CN] 不行, 说吧 The Man from Earth (2007)
Yeah. If it sticks. We'll see.[CN] 万一不是呢 看看再说吧 我希望是的 Margot at the Wedding (2007)
- Yeah.[CN] - 说吧 You Kill Me (2007)
Come on, spit it out! Good lord![CN] 说吧, 全说出来! The Man from Earth (2007)
- Speak, karl.[CN] - 说吧,卡尔。 Cougar Club (2007)
You remember they said that, Mom?[CN] 你记得医生这样说吧,妈? Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming (2007)

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