ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: q., -q.- |
| i.q. | ดูintelligence quotient | liq. | abbr. liquid ของเหลว | q. | v. abbr. quod vide (ดู, โปรดดู) | q.e.d. | abbr. (Latin) quod erat demonstradumซึ่งต้องพิสูจน์ | q.s. | abbr. (Latin) quantum sufficit พอเพียง, quarter sectionหนึ่งในสี่ส่วน |
| | et seq. | (adv) abbreviation for the Latin phrase et sequentes meaning และต่อ ๆ ไป |
| Lisbon, we just got another message from Joe Q Public. | Lisbon. Wir haben wieder 'ne Mail von Joe Q. Public. Carnelian, Inc. (2009) | Yours truly, Joe Q Public." | Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Joe Q. Pub/ic." Carnelian, Inc. (2009) | At exactly 11:05 a.m. today at 35.04 north and 116.49 west you'll see an arrogant and greedy person punished with death and you will know I am serious." Signed, "Joe Q Public." | Dann wissen Sie, dass ich es ernst meine. Unterschrift: Joe Q. Public. Carnelian, Inc. (2009) | Signed, "Joe Q Public." | Gezeichnet: Joe Q. Public. Carnelian, Inc. (2009) | But I gotta tell you, the whole Joe Q Public ruse, genius. | Aber eins lass ich Ihnen. Der Joe Q. Public-Schachzug, genial. Carnelian, Inc. (2009) | Comms expert. Ex-SEALs. Ex-Special Services. | Kommunikationsexperte, Ex-Seal, Ex-Special Service, und vor kurzem bei einer verdeckten Operation bei unseren Freunden des GCHQ. Episode #8.5 (2009) | "Robotripping" lowers the IQ. | "Hustensaft-Trip" vermindert den IQ. Ignorance Is Bliss (2009) | Sorry, Q. It'll be all over the blogosphere by this afternoon. | Entschuldige, Q. Es war heute Nachmittag in allen Blogs. Throwdown (2009) | There must be something, Tariq. | Da muss etwas sein, Tariq. Episode #8.5 (2009) | Look at that, Susie Q. | Sieh dir das an, Susie Q. The Lovely Bones (2009) | (Del) Two, q, a, n. | Zwei. Q. A. N. | Q, a, n. | Q. A. N. | He's a dangerous idiot who happens to have a high IQ. | Er ist ein gemeingefährlicher Idiot mit hohem IQ. Astro Boy (2009) | Code 423-GKQ. | Code 423-GKQ. Orbital (2009) | It is a dreadful thing, Mary, to withdraw a promise! You inspired me to do this! | "Vereinbarung zwischen J. Buxton Esq. und der Grand Junction Railroad über den Verkauf der Cottages an der Tinden Lane. Return to Cranford: Part Two - October 1844 (2009) | Q, a, n. | Q. A. N. | I'm Tareq. | Ich bin Tareq. Cairo Time (2009) | You're my first mate, Susie Q. | Du bist mein erster Maat, Susie Q. The Lovely Bones (2009) | I do love a good BBQ. | Ich liebe gutes BBQ. Daybreakers (2009) | Transform me from zero to hero, geek to chic. | Von 0 auf 100, von Freak nach Chiq. Physical Education (2010) | With Tareq. | Nein, mit Tareq. Cairo Time (2009) | My name's Elroy, I wrench for Cody and Q. | Also ich bin Elroy, und ich schraube für Cody und Q. The Violent Kind (2010) | - Come on. | Komm schon, Q. Unauthorized Magic (2015) | - Ahlan, Ms. Juliette. | Guten Tag. Ich möchte zu Tareq. Cairo Time (2009) | One sip then souk. | Ein Schluck, dann Suq. Sex and the City 2 (2010) | This can't be happening, Q. | Das darf doch alles nicht wahr sein, Q. The Violent Kind (2010) | Bond needs Q. Chuck... hey, hey, hey. | Bond braucht Q. Chuck... hey, hey, hey. Chuck Versus the Other Guy (2010) | It's okay. -I have to go back to the souk. | - Nein, ich muss noch mal auf den suq. Sex and the City 2 (2010) | Cody's right, Q. We gotta stay and help them. | Cody hat recht, Q. Wir müssen bleiben und helfen. The Violent Kind (2010) | I never took you for a coward, Q. | Ich habe dich nie für feige gehalten, Q. The Violent Kind (2010) | Mr. John Q. Crazy. | Mr. John Q. Crazy. Chuck Versus the Final Exam (2010) | - Tareq? | Tareq. Cairo Time (2009) | The magic powder, the gunk. I need some. Notify Q. | Das magische Pulver, das Katzenzeug, fragen Sie Q. Tooth Fairy (2010) | You know, for a person with such a high IQ, you're not being very smart. | Wissen Sie, für jemanden mit einem so hohen IQ... sind Sie gerade nicht sehr intelligent. Stand-off (2010) | And Margaret Allison Hart, Esq. Is under the employ of Colonel Bell. | Und Margaret Allison Hart, Esq., wurde von Colonel Bell angeworben. Rule Fifty-One (2010) | Who's Murray Q. Frederikson? | - Wer ist Murray Q. Frederikson? Harmony (2010) | We are not most people, Mr. Siddiq. | Wir verschließen nicht die Augen, Mr. Siddiq. Corruption (2010) | Kasim Tariq. | Kasim Tariq. One Way (2010) | Kasim Tariq. | Kasim Tariq. One Way (2010) | Meet Masood Davi, Fowad Zachari, Abdul Talwar, and our old friend Assam Rafiq. | Trefft Masood Davi, Fowad Zachari, Abdul Talwar, und unseren alten Freund Assam Rafiq. Anonymous (2010) | An importer. His name's Siddiq. | Einen Importeur, sein Name ist Siddiq. Corruption (2010) | The print on the concrete barrier belongs to a man named Assan Rafiq. | Der Abdruck an der Absperrung gehört zu einem Mann namens Assan Rafiq. Anonymous (2010) | Tahir al-Malik, one of Al Rawi's battalion commanders. | Tahir Amaliq. Einer von Al Rawis Bataillonsführern. Green Zone (2010) | I think I found the perfect guy to fill that job at GQ. | Ich habe den idealen Kerl für die freie Stelle beim GQ. Friends with Benefits (2011) | No, and I don't want to. | Das ist mal was Neues hier. Jemand mit IQ. A Christmas Wish (2011) | That's a promise, Suzzy Q. | Na aber, Susie-Q. Chillerama (2011) | I work at GQ now. | Ich bin beim GQ. Friends with Benefits (2011) | Yeah, hey, this is Dylan Harper from GQ. | Hallo, hier ist Dylan Harper vom GQ. Friends with Benefits (2011) | Well, look, there's no question that you are talented at what you do, but this is GQ. | Es steht außer Frage, dass Sie Talent haben, aber wir reden hier von GQ. Friends with Benefits (2011) | Farooq. | Farooq. Pilot (2011) |
| | ระบบควบคุมคุณภาพ | (n) quality control, See also: Q.C., Syn. ระบบคิวซี | เฝือ | (clas) rice-field area of 100 sq.m., Example: ปู่มีที่นาอยู่เฝือหนึ่ง, Thai Definition: ลักษณนามของที่นา 25 ตารางวา หรือ 100 ตารางเมตร เรียกว่า เฝือหนึ่ง | เฝือ | (n) rice-field area of 25 sq.m., See also: 100 square metres, Example: มรดกที่ยังคงเหลืออยู่ก็มีแค่ที่นา 2-3 เฝือเท่านั้น, Thai Definition: ที่นา 25 ตารางวา หรือ 100 ตารางเมตร เรียกว่า เฝือหนึ่ง | ตะลุมพอ | (n) Intsia palembanica Miq., Syn. กะลำพอ, หลุมพอ, ต้นตะลุมพอ, Example: เขาใช้ไม้ตะลุมพอในการก่อสร้าง, Count Unit: ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้ต้นขนาดใหญ่ชนิด Intsia palembanica Miq. ในวงศ์ Leguminosae ขึ้นอยู่ในป่าดิบทางภาคใต้ เนื้อไม้ใช้ในการก่อสร้าง | ฉำฉา | (n) Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr., Syn. จามจุรี, พายัพ, สำสา, Count Unit: ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้ต้นขนาดใหญ่ชนิด Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. ในวงศ์ Leguminosae เรือนยอดทึบแบน แผ่สาขากว้างใหญ่จึงให้ร่มเงาได้ดี ดอกสีชมพูแก่ ฝักแก่สีน้ำตาลไหม้ ยาวประมาณ 12 เซนติเมตร รสหวาน | เซ่ง | (n) Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq., Syn. เส้ง, Count Unit: ต้น, Thai Definition: ชื่อไม้พุ่มขนาดเล็กชนิด Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. ในวงศ์ Tiliaceae ดอกสีเหลือง ผลกลมเล็ก มีขนแข็งคล้ายหนาม |
| แฟ้ก | [faēk] (x) EN: FAQ FR: faq [ f ] ; f.a.q. [ f ] ; foire aux questions [ f ] | น้อยที่สุด | [nøi thīsut] (adj) EN: least ; smallest ; slightest ; tiniest ; minutest ; fewest FR: le moins ; minimal ; minimum (adj.) (us. critiq.) | ระบบควบคุมคุณภาพ | [rabop khūapkhum khunnaphāp] (n, exp) EN: quality control ; Q.C. | ซึ่งต้องพิสูจน์ (ซ.ต.พ.) | [seung tǿng phisūt] (x) EN: Q.E.D. ; quod erat demonstrandum |
| | | I.Q. | n. a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100). Syn. -- intelligence quotient, IQ. [ WordNet 1.5 ] Variants: IQ | Q.C. | n. Quality control. [ abbrev. ] [ PJC ] | QED | interj. [ From Latin, quod erat demonstrandum, i.e. which was demonstrated. ] Which was demonstrated; -- a phrase used after the conclusion of some line of reasoning, especially in mathematical or logical proofs. [ abbrev. ] [ PJC ] Variants: Q.E.D |
| 活儿 | [huó er, ㄏㄨㄛˊ ㄦ˙, 活 儿 / 活 兒] work (colloq.); (lots of) things to do #17,676 [Add to Longdo] | 哥们儿 | [gē mén r, ㄍㄜ ㄇㄣˊ ㄦ˙, 哥 们 儿 / 哥 們 兒] erhua variant of 哥們|哥们, Brothers!; brethren; dude (colloq.); brother (diminutive form of address between males) #18,061 [Add to Longdo] | 卬 | [áng, ㄤˊ, 卬] (regional colloq.) I; me; surname Ang; variant of 昂, to lift; to raise; to raise one's head; high; high spirits; soaring; expensive #117,512 [Add to Longdo] | 咸盐 | [xián yán, ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄢˊ, 咸 盐 / 鹹 鹽] (colloq.) salt; table salt #152,238 [Add to Longdo] | 哥们 | [gē men, ㄍㄜ ㄇㄣ˙, 哥 们 / 哥 們] Brothers!; brethren; friend (colloq.); brother (diminutive form of address between males) [Add to Longdo] | 对不对 | [duì bù duì, ㄉㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄟˋ, 对 不 对 / 對 不 對] right or wrong?; Is it right?; (colloq.) OK [Add to Longdo] | 就晚了 | [jiù wǎn le, ㄐㄧㄡˋ ㄨㄢˇ ㄌㄜ˙, 就 晚 了] (colloq.) then it's too late [Add to Longdo] | 得证 | [dé zhèng, ㄉㄜˊ ㄓㄥˋ, 得 证 / 得 證] to obtain a proof; Q.E.D. [Add to Longdo] | 想得美 | [xiǎng dé měi, ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄉㄜˊ ㄇㄟˇ, 想 得 美] (colloq. derog.) "in your dreams" [Add to Longdo] | 打兑 | [dǎ duì, ㄉㄚˇ ㄉㄨㄟˋ, 打 兑 / 打 兌] to arrange (colloq.); to transfer creditor's rights (in a debt case) [Add to Longdo] | 认脚 | [rèn jiǎo, ㄖㄣˋ ㄐㄧㄠˇ, 认 脚 / 認 腳] (colloq.) to know your right shoe from your left; to know which of two you want [Add to Longdo] |
| | 代 | [だい, dai] (n) (1) substitution; (2) material; (3) price; (4) margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.); area required for something; (5) (arch) (See 段) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.) #376 [Add to Longdo] | 畝 | [ほ, ho] (n) (obs) (See 畝・ほ) se (Japanese unit of area equal to 30 tsubo, ~99.174 m.sq.); (P) [Add to Longdo] | 畝 | [ほ, ho] (n) (obsc) (See 畝・せ) mu (Chinese measure of land area, formerly ~600 m.sq., currently ~667 m.sq.) [Add to Longdo] | 方寸 | [ほうすん, housun] (n) (1) (See 寸) a square sun (i.e. approx 9sq. cm.); (2) one's mind; space occupied by one's heart [Add to Longdo] |
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