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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
一起[yī qǐ, ㄧ ㄑㄧˇ,  ] together #213 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Hi, Miss[CN] 嗨 我们一起去玩吧 Mismatched Couples (1985)
He was with my sister![CN] 他和我妹妹在一起,我看到的 Trade (2007)
We'll be waiting for you.[JP] どうぞ一緒に来てください 請和我們一起同高興吧! 今晚請一起來吧! Cape No. 7 (2008)
Together, forever.[CN] 嗯 我们永远在一起 Koizora (2007)
The two must be put together[CN] 要兩個加在一塊,加在一起 Tai cheung lo dau (1985)
They left tonight.[CN] 他们... 今晚一起 Sin City (2007)
Yes, he was with me, but I lost sight.[CN] 是的 他刚才和我在一起 但是我们走散了 Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1987)
So what's your conclusion?[CN] 结论是什么呢? 混在一起... Armageddon (1997)
Why would Keung be with those guys'?[CN] 小彭怎么跟他们在一起 Heart of a Dragon (1985)
Did you go with a woman?[CN] 和个女人在一起 Closed Diary (2007)
If don't drink, he won't either Anyway, he's the one being tricked[CN] 反正出丑的是你 好 陪你一起 Mismatched Couples (1985)
I live with them. I'm boring.[CN] 我和他们 住在一起... Cube (1997)

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