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-俺達はそのまま 巡回を続けたよ-

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-(おれ)(たち)そのまま 巡回(じゅんかい)続け(つづけ)-


  • (おれ) สรรพนามใช้เรียกตัวเองของผู้ชาย ไม่สุภาพ [LongdoJP]
  • (おれ(P);だいこう(乃公);ないこう(乃公)) (pn,adj-no) (male) I; me (rough or arrogant-sounding first-person pronoun, formerly also used by women); (P) [EDICT]
  • (ǎn, ㄢˇ) I (northern dialects) [CE-DICT]
  • (たち) (suf) pluralizing suffix (esp. for people & animals; formerly honorific); (P) [EDICT]
  • (dá, ㄉㄚˊ) attain; pass through; achieve; reach; realize; clear; inform; notify; dignity [CE-DICT]
  • (葉) ใบไม้ [LongdoJP]
  • () (int) (1) (pol) yes; (2) OK (used to get attention prior to an utterance); okay; (3) giddy-up; giddap; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (v5r,aux-v,suf) (hon) (ksb [EDICT]
  • () (suf) (ksb [EDICT]
  • (歯) (n) tooth; (P) [EDICT]
  • (刃) (n) edge (of a knife or sword); (P) [EDICT]
  • (派) (n,n-suf) clique; faction; school; (P) [EDICT]
  • (破) (n) (See 序破急) (in gagaku or noh) middle section of a song [EDICT]
  • (葉) (n) leaf; (P) [EDICT]
  • (其の) (adj-pn) (1) (uk) (See 何の・どの,此の,其れ・1,彼の) that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener); the; (int) (2) um...; er...; uh...; (P) [EDICT]
  • (間々) (adv) occasionally; now and then; sometimes [EDICT]
  • (間間) (adv) occasionally; now and then; sometimes [EDICT]
  • (じゅんかい) (n,vs,adj-no) going around; patrol; round; tour; (P) [EDICT]
  • (xún huí, ㄒㄩㄣˊ ㄏㄨㄟˊ) to tour [CE-DICT]
  • () (prt) (arch) (See を) marks object of action, etc. (also adds emphasis) [EDICT]
  • (つづける) (v1,vt) to continue; to keep up; to keep on; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (aux-adj) (1) (after the -masu stem of a verb) want to ... do something; would like to ...; (prt) (2) (kyu [EDICT]
  • () (exp) (abbr of ...ていたの) (See 乃・の・5,わ) (usu. sentence end) indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. [EDICT]
  • () (aux-v) (after a noun, usu. as 〜たる者, etc.) (See たり,たるや) (those) who are; (that) which is; often used in relation to qualifications and requirements for a position; in the capacity of [EDICT]
  • () (suf) (m-sl) (fam) (fem) (See ちゃん) (cute) suffix for familiar person [EDICT]
  • (他) (n-adv,n,adj-no) other (esp. people and abstract matters); (P) [EDICT]
  • (多) (n,pref) multi-; (P) [EDICT]
  • (田) (n) rice field; (P) [EDICT]
  • () (aux-v) (1) (non-五段 verbs, e.g. 食べよう) indicates speculation; (2) indicates will; (3) indicates invitation [EDICT]
  • () (exp,prt) (compound particle used at sentence-end) ...isn't that right? [EDICT]
  • () (adv,prt) (1) from; out of; since; at; (2) than; (3) other than; except; but; (4) more; (P) [EDICT]
  • (世) (n) world; society; age; generation; (P) [EDICT]
  • (節) (n) (arch) space between two nodes (on bamboo, etc.) [EDICT]
  • (余) (n,suf) (1) (余 only) (also written as 餘) (See 以上・1) over; more than; (pn,adj-no) (2) (arch) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I [EDICT]
  • (予) (n,suf) (1) (余 only) (also written as 餘) (See 以上・1) over; more than; (pn,adj-no) (2) (arch) formal or oratory first person pronoun; I [EDICT]

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