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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
庇佑[bì yòu, ㄅㄧˋ ㄧㄡˋ,   /  ] to bless; to protect; protection (esp. divine) #46,519 [Add to Longdo]
庇佑[bì yòu xià, ㄅㄧˋ ㄧㄡˋ ㄒㄧㄚˋ,    /   ] under the aegis of (a God); protected by [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
We ask that you bless and watch over this family.[CN] 我们请求祢庇佑 并眷顾这个家庭、阿们 August: Osage County (2013)
Bless you, for building, [CN] 庇佑你 建立了 Red Tails (2012)
Bless you[CN] 庇佑 Red Tails (2012)
The resurrection of our prince must come to pass with the blessing of the God of our ancestors.[CN] 王子的复活 需要在祖先的庇佑之下完成 仪式在先灵谷举行 Painted Skin: The Resurrection (2012)
As we are a nation under God, so I am sworn...[CN] 因为我们是上帝庇佑下的一个国家, 所以,我发过誓... Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Bequeath protection upon thine followers who walketh in the footsteps of Vinsibas Aroptum.[CN] 汝上天之灵将庇佑着跟随 汝之仆人... Knights of Badassdom (2013)
♫I will live in yöur care♪[CN] 在你庇佑中 我生命長存 Dhoom 3 (2013)
That you bless this good woman and keep her in your in your... grace.[CN] 庇佑这位善良的女士 让她活在你的... 恩典中 August: Osage County (2013)
All I have to do is subtly suggest Serena needs saving, and Lily jumps into protective mother mode, ready to do anything to shield her precious daughter from another relationship gone wrong.[CN] 我只需要巧妙地暗示 Serena需要得到挽救 Lily就會立刻開啟慈母模式 時刻准備著庇佑她的寶貝女兒 防止她走上另一段錯誤的感情 Monstrous Ball (2012)
We ask that you watch over Beverly, too, as he as he as he makes his journey.[CN] 我们也请求祢庇佑毕佛利,愿他... 愿他一路好走 August: Osage County (2013)
Dear Lord, we ask that you watch over this family in this sad time, O Lord.[CN] 亲爱的主 我们请求祢庇佑这个家庭 在这个悲伤的时刻,噢,主啊 August: Osage County (2013)
We thank you, our ancestors, for watching over us.[CN] 感谢你们,我们的祖先 感谢你们的庇佑 Betrayal (2013)

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