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CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
富士川[ふじかわ, fujikawa] (n) river in Shizuoka Prefecture #17,033 [Add to Longdo]
五摂家[ごせっけ, gosekke] (n) (See 摂関) the five regent houses; five families of the Fujiwara clan (Konoe, Kujo, Nijo, Ichijo, and Takatsukasa) entrusted as imperial regents and advisors starting in the Kamakura period [Add to Longdo]
四姓[しせい, shisei] (n) (1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes) [Add to Longdo]
小店;小見世[しょうてん(小店);こみせ, shouten ( shou mise ); komise] (n) (1) little shop; small shop; small store; (2) (しょうてん only) (hum) my shop; (3) (こみせ only) low class whorehouse in Fujiwara (Edo period); low class brothel; (4) (こみせ only) passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region) [Add to Longdo]
達磨歌[だるまうた, darumauta] (n) (obsc) confusing song or poem (esp. used derogatorily to describe a style of middle-age Japanese poetry popularized by Fujiwara no Teika) [Add to Longdo]
藤原の効果[ふじわらのこうか, fujiwaranokouka] (n) Fujiwhara effect; Fujiwara effect [Add to Longdo]
藤原時代[ふじわらじだい, fujiwarajidai] (n) Fujiwara period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 894-1185 CE) [Add to Longdo]
藤氏[とうし, toushi] (n) Fujiwara family [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
This project celebrates its greatest star, Fujiwara Chiyoko... who sustained it through much of its 70-year history...โปรเจ็คท์นี้เพื่อเป็นการยกย่อง ดาราที่ยิ่งใหญ่ที่สุด, คุณ ฟูจิวาระ ชิโยโกะ... ผู้ที่ได้ผ่าน 70 ปีแห่งประวัติศาสตร์ ของที่นี่มา... Millennium Actress (2001)
Does Miss Fujiwara live here alone?คุณ ฟุจิวาระ อยู่ที่นี่คนเดียวหรอครับ ? Millennium Actress (2001)
I'm Fujiwara Chiyoko.ฉัน ฟูจิวาระ ชิโยโกะ. Millennium Actress (2001)
Miss Fujiwara!คุณ ฟูจิวาระ ! Millennium Actress (2001)
Not at all, Miss Fujiwara!ไม่เลยครับ, คุณ ฟูจิวาระ ! Millennium Actress (2001)
The Legend of Fujiwara Chiyoko"!ตำนานของ ฟูจิวาระ ชิโยโกะ"! Millennium Actress (2001)
I've always loved the dialogue between you and Fujiwara Chiyoko.คุณ เอโกะ ครับ, นี่คือ เกนยะ, เด็กฝึกงานคนใหม่ครับ. Millennium Actress (2001)
You're Miss Fujiwara Chiyoko, aren't you?คุณคือ ฟูจิวาระ ชิโยโกะ, ใช่มั้ยครับ ? Millennium Actress (2001)
Kazuyoshi Seki Masamichi Fujiwara, Takehiko ChinoKazuyoshi Seki Masamichi Fujiwara, Takehiko Chino Swing Girls (2004)
Takumi Fujiwara, is it you?เป็นนายใช่มั้ย? ฟูจิฮาระ ทาคุมิ Initial D (2005)
Bunta Fujiwara.บุนตะ ฟูจิวาระ Initial D (2005)
Fujiwara no Yorimichi had the Byoudoin Phoenix Hall built in Uji.ฟูจิวาระ โนะ โยริมิชิ ได้สร้างเบียวโดอิน ฟีนิกส์ฮอลลล์ ในอุจิ Ohitori sama (2009)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
fujiwaraIs Mr Fujiwara at home now?

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
五摂家[ごせっけ, gosekke] (n) (See 摂関) the five regent houses; five families of the Fujiwara clan (Konoe, Kujo, Nijo, Ichijo, and Takatsukasa) entrusted as imperial regents and advisors starting in the Kamakura period [Add to Longdo]
四姓[しせい, shisei] (n) (1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes) [Add to Longdo]
小店;小見世[しょうてん(小店);こみせ, shouten ( shou mise ); komise] (n) (1) little shop; small shop; small store; (2) (しょうてん only) (hum) my shop; (3) (こみせ only) low class whorehouse in Fujiwara (Edo period); low class brothel; (4) (こみせ only) passage formed under the eaves of houses after heavy snowfalls (Tohoku region) [Add to Longdo]
達磨歌[だるまうた, darumauta] (n) (obsc) confusing song or poem (esp. used derogatorily to describe a style of middle-age Japanese poetry popularized by Fujiwara no Teika) [Add to Longdo]
藤原の効果[ふじわらのこうか, fujiwaranokouka] (n) Fujiwhara effect; Fujiwara effect [Add to Longdo]
藤原時代[ふじわらじだい, fujiwarajidai] (n) Fujiwara period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 894-1185 CE) [Add to Longdo]
藤氏[とうし, toushi] (n) Fujiwara family [Add to Longdo]

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