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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
云雀[yún què, ㄩㄣˊ ㄑㄩㄝˋ,   /  ] lark; skylark #37,518 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I've just about OD'd on the small town lark.[CN] 我就要告别小城云雀 Final Exam (1981)
She sings like a skylark![CN] 她唱歌像云雀! The Cousin (1974)
The sky is blue, and the larks are singing... and the brooks are brimming full.[CN] 天空是蓝色的 而且云雀正在唱歌 而且小溪是盈满的 Wuthering Heights (1939)
You know as long as I'm drunk I'm as happy as a lark![CN] 你知道... ...只要我喝醉了 我就像云雀一样快活 Deep Red (1975)
You see Camillina, the lark with green feathers.[CN] 你瞧... ...卡米丽娜 绿羽云雀 X-Rated Girl (1971)
Skylark, two-minute warning.[CN] 云雀,两分钟的警告。 The Interview (2014)
It was the nightingale, not the lark, that pierced the hollow of thine ear.[CN] 那刺进你惊恐的耳膜中的, 是夜莺的声音,不是云雀 Sieben Sommersprossen (1978)
When the blazing sun hangs low in the western sky... when the wind dies away on the mountain... when the song of the meadowlark turns still... when the field locust clicks no more in the field... and the sea foam sleeps like a maiden at rest... and twilight touches the shape of the wandering earth...[CN] 当太阳逐渐西下 当山风悄然远逝 当野云雀的歌唱依旧 Spartacus (1960)
An orphan's prayer soars heavenwards like a lark.[CN] 一个孤儿的祈祷像云雀般飞往天国。 Manon of the Spring (1986)
But my friend, there's no joy in happiness.[CN] 朋友,幸福并不像云雀那么轻松 Le Plaisir (1952)
Like a lark who is learning to pray[CN] 就像云雀习祷,喜悦轻盈 The Sound of Music (1965)


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