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尼斯[Ní sī, ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ,  ] Nice (city in France) #22,265 [Add to Longdo]
威尼斯[Wēi ní sī, ㄨㄟ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ,   ] Venice; Venezia #14,408 [Add to Longdo]
吉尼斯[jí ní sī, ㄐㄧˊ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ,   ] Guinness (publishers of book of records) #22,891 [Add to Longdo]
突尼斯[Tū ní sī, ㄊㄨ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ,   ] Tunisia; Tunis (capital of Tunisia) #23,180 [Add to Longdo]
丹尼斯[dān ní si, ㄉㄢ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ˙,   ] Dennis (a person's name) #42,811 [Add to Longdo]
突尼斯市[tū ní sī shì, ㄊㄨ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ ㄕˋ,    ] Tunis (capital of Tunisia) #197,415 [Add to Longdo]
哥尼斯堡[Gē ní sī bǎo, ㄍㄜ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ ㄅㄠˇ,    ] (until WWII) Königsberg, capital of East Prussia on the Baltic; (since WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic #206,669 [Add to Longdo]
阿多尼斯[Ā duō ní sī, ㄚ ㄉㄨㄛ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ,    ] Adonis, figure in Greek mythology #244,106 [Add to Longdo]
威尼斯商人[Wēi ní sī shāng rén, ㄨㄟ ㄋㄧˊ ㄙ ㄕㄤ ㄖㄣˊ,     ] the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Well, Kenneth woke up this morning and Jessica wasn't there, and her bed hadn't even been slept in.[CN] 凯尼斯早上起床的时候 她不见了 她的床没有睡过 The Gift (2000)
We can stay with Aunt Agnis over at her shop.[CN] 我们可以和姑妈艾格尼斯住在她店里 The Shipping News (2001)
Carla the Venetian.[CN] 威尼斯的卡拉 Cheeky (2000)
I was married to an Italian and you speak English like him.[CN] -是威尼斯的,你怎么知道? 我前夫是意大利人 你说英语的口气和他一样 Cheeky (2000)
That's your great-aunt Agnis.[CN] 是你的姑奶奶艾格尼斯 The Shipping News (2001)
In fact, the goal of the Venetian Government wasn't so much the conquest of territory, but rather the construction of solid outposts in commercial harbors of the Balkan area, from which they could more easily penetrate the rich silk and spice markets of the East.[CN] 实际上威尼斯政府的目的 不是攻池掠地 而是在巴尔干半岛建立 Cheeky (2000)
Told them to notify my sister, Agnis Hamm.[CN] 告诉他们通知我妹妹艾格尼斯. 汉姆 The Shipping News (2001)
-Sounds like your place in Venice.[CN] -听起来像是你在威尼斯的家 Toodle-Fucking-Oo (2000)
I was going to do to Venice.[CN] 我本来打算去威尼斯。 Italian for Beginners (2000)
And Petal. Petal, yes... Agnis Hamm.[CN] 帕多, 帕多, 是... 艾格尼斯. The Shipping News (2001)
How is the contesse enjoying Venice?[CN] 伯爵夫人在威尼斯玩的愉快吗? Chocolat (2000)
Donald J. Barksdale was found guilty... in the sex and strangulation killing of Jessica King, daughter of the prominent Brixton businessman, Kenneth King.[CN] 唐尼・J・巴克斯代尔因性侵犯以及 扼死布里斯顿著名商人凯尼斯・金的 女儿杰茜卡・金 被判有罪 The Gift (2000)
Hey, listen. I know why Kenneth King wasn't in church today.[CN] 我知道凯尼斯・金今天没来教堂的原因 The Gift (2000)
That's Mennis' office, I don't know his home address.[CN] 這是明尼斯的辦公室, 我不知道他住哪裏 Brother 2 (2000)
Me, Wayne Collins and Kenneth King... went to see a woman, name of Annie Wilson.[CN] 我 韦恩・科林斯和凯尼斯・金 见了一名叫安妮・威尔逊的女士 The Gift (2000)
We were booking a double room in Venice.[CN] 我们正在订 在威尼斯双人间。 Italian for Beginners (2000)
- To Mr. Mennis. He's in Moscow.[CN] - 明尼斯,他現在就在莫斯科 Brother 2 (2000)
Dennis...[CN] 丹尼斯... The Shipping News (2001)
Agnis tells me we got to move for the winter.[CN] 艾格尼斯告诉我冬天要搬家 The Shipping News (2001)
We can then affirm with documented certainty that the Venetian Republic's penetration of the Mediterranean markets...[CN] 我们可以从文件中确知 威尼斯共和国对地中海... 市场的深入 Cheeky (2000)
While he's fighting with Dennis, he basically forgets where the ball is, and so I choose this opportune time to make my steal, and I came back to strip the ball away.[CN] 当他正与丹尼斯对抗时 他显然忘记要保护球了 所以我选择去断球 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)
You asked your partner Mr. Mennis from Chicago, to look after Mitya.[CN] 你的合夥人,明尼斯來自芝加哥 你就是要他照顧米塔亞 Brother 2 (2000)
Agnis hello from...[CN] 艾格尼斯问好... 代 The Shipping News (2001)
So, off he goes, out to sea on his own, in just a skiff and finds Dennis.[CN] 这样, 他出海了 一个人, 一只小船 并且找到了丹尼斯 The Shipping News (2001)
Cousin Nolan. You know why Agnis come back?[CN] 表兄Nolan 你知道艾格尼斯为什么回来? The Shipping News (2001)
Yes, she's enjoying it very much. Venice.[CN] 她喜欢威尼斯 Chocolat (2000)
You'll like it at Dennis' house, sweetie.[CN] 你会喜欢丹尼斯的房子, 宝贝 The Shipping News (2001)
And do you know what Dennis said?[CN] 你知道丹尼斯怎么说? The Shipping News (2001)
OK, let's go see Mennis.[CN] 好了,我們去見明尼斯. Brother 2 (2000)
Dennis?[CN] 丹尼斯? The Shipping News (2001)
So, Dennis is forbidden the sea.[CN] 所以, 丹尼斯被禁止出海 The Shipping News (2001)
The scent of Venice.[CN] 威尼斯的香味 Cheeky (2000)
- Hello. - This is Kenneth King.[CN] 你好 我是凯尼斯・金 The Gift (2000)
Where's Mennis?[CN] 明尼斯在哪裏? Brother 2 (2000)
Will my money keep on going to Mennis' account?[CN] 我的錢又要像以前那樣, 流進明尼斯的腰包嗎? Brother 2 (2000)
- Yes, from Venice.[CN] -是的威尼斯人 Cheeky (2000)
You are humid like your city...[CN] 你那里湿得就像威尼斯 Cheeky (2000)
That's Dennis Buggit, master carpenter.[CN] 是丹尼斯巴戈特, 木工大师傅 The Shipping News (2001)
Men go in the water. Dennis is lost.[CN] 人们掉到海里 丹尼斯不见了 The Shipping News (2001)
Then I'll just say the magic words:[CN] 我要作法囉 -丹尼斯羅德曼! Bedazzled (2000)
Tell the truth you little piglet, in Venice also, you walk around without your panties?[CN] 你在威尼斯 也不穿内裤到处跑吗? 不是我对内裤过敏... Cheeky (2000)
Venice?[CN] 威尼斯? Italian for Beginners (2000)
I adore Venice, especially Venetian women.[CN] 我喜欢威尼斯 特别是威尼斯的女人 Cheeky (2000)
Venice.[CN] 威尼斯。 Italian for Beginners (2000)
Take Mr.Mennis to the hotel.[CN] 帶明尼斯先生去旅館 Brother 2 (2000)
Dennis and Karl are going to get down on the post, and they're going to do all their little necessary banging.[CN] 丹尼斯跟卡尔在低位卡位 当然会有必要的身体接触 Michael Jordan to the Max (2000)
... alsoto thepolitical and cultural affirmation of Venice, we can accurately say that the mercantile penetration of Venice was the base of its own artistic splendor.[CN] 这也是威尼斯政治和文化主张 我们可以精确地说 威尼斯的商业深入 Cheeky (2000)
Janis Paige, John Raitt, Eddy Foy, Jr.[CN] 詹尼斯派吉、約翰雷特 Bedazzled (2000)
Bloody Adonis.[CN] 活生生的阿多尼斯(美少年) Sexy Beast (2000)


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