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猎手[liè shǒu, ㄌㄧㄝˋ ㄕㄡˇ,   /  ] hunter #39,146 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He is a good hunter. Sixty years on the job.[CN] 他可是个好猎手 他在森林里待了60年了 The Last Trapper (2004)
So I spent many months stalking the elk people... to prove I would soon become a good hunter.[CN] 我花了几个月时间找到狩鹿人部落 我要证明自己很快会成为一名好猎手 Dead Man (1995)
"and my heart sank, as I knew it could only be white hunters.[CN] ...我的心猛往下沉 因为我知道那只能是白人猎手 Dances with Wolves (1990)
You have enchanted many a hunter's heart.[CN] 你让如此多的猎手心情激荡 Lolita (1997)
So you're the big rabbit hunter from Wyoming?[CN] 你是来自wyoming的好猎手吗 Away All Boats (1956)
♪ Who is the hunter and who is the prey?[CN] 谁是猎手 谁是猎物? Nomads (1986)
I hear you're a bounty hunter, Mr. Gashade.[CN] 我听说你是赏金猎手, Gashade先生. The Shooting (1966)
A natural-born hunter![CN] 一个天生的猎手! Versus (2000)
- Are you a hunter or something?[CN] -你是个猎手吗? -是的. 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
Some have outrun all their predators[CN] 有些能快速逃脱猎手的追捕 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)
The fighter is a hunter, sir.[CN] 战斗机是猎手 Battle of Britain (1969)
Trappers.[CN] 俩猎手。 The Culpepper Cattle Co. (1972)
Trackers on a side, shooters on the other. We'd gain some time.[CN] 搜索的去一边 猎手去另一边 我们要抓紧时间 The Track (1975)
I Married A Beast Because I'm A Huntress.[CN] 我嫁给一个野兽是因为我是一个女猎手 Head in the Clouds (2004)
A hunter?[CN] 猎手? Versus (2000)
When you say "your larking charms", use your charms for the hunter.[CN] 当你说"欢笑的魔力" 的时候,对这些猎手使用魔力 Lolita (1997)
For far more than a hunter, ... ..I...[CN] 比猎手强了太多••• •••我••• Lolita (1997)
Let's all appreciate the accused's highly original philosophical theory, which aims to show that man is a hunter and that he is a champion hunter.[CN] 让我们赞赏被告的高度原创的哲学理论 旨在表明男人是猎手 而他是冠军猎手 Casanova 70 (1965)
- What? Is he a werewolf hunter?[CN] 他是狼人猎手吗? Cursed (2005)
I was a nomadic huntress, moving from town to town, room to room.[CN] 我是一个游牧女猎手,移动 从城镇到另一个城镇,房间到另一个房间。 Loverboy (2005)
He's bringing them out to you. lt'll be a Pachy....[CN] 钩猎手,准备好。 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
I know you're a bounty killer.[CN] 我知道你是个赏金猎手 Navajo Joe (1966)
"One night, a hunter woke before dawn[CN] 一天晚上,在黎明前一个猎手醒来 Deep Red (1975)
Whoo! We're train-chasing, baby![CN] 伙计,我们是火车猎手 The Station Agent (2003)
"Hunter"[CN] 电影叫青年猎手 Sweet Revenge (1977)
Specialised in search and destroy. Been in and out of Lebanon, Syria, Sudan.[CN] 曾多次进出黎巴嫩、叙利亚、苏丹 他是个猎手 Transporter 2 (2005)
Cmc, flight tracking from moondog, [CN] 救援中心,我是猎手号 CMC flight tracking from Moondog... Turbulence (1997)
It wouldn't take a week for a hunter... to clean up all around for five miles in each direction.[CN] 一个猎手根本用不着一个星期... 就可以把方圆5英里的地方清空 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
Why, in all the forest, there isn't a hunter as good as me.[CN] 为什么 在这个森林里 我是最好的猎手 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Cmc from moondog.[CN] 我是猎手号。 Turbulence (1997)
Snagger, Friar Tuck's on the loose, just about to cross your path.[CN] 钩猎手,"皱头和尚"逃跑了, 正要穿过你们的前方。 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Moondog maintaining position.[CN] 猎手号,保持位置。 Turbulence (1997)
You can see she has that stalker look in her eyes.[CN] 你看她那猎手一样的眼神 The Big One (1997)
Seduce the hunter.[CN] 引诱这些猎手 Lolita (1997)
The white hunters had been there first.[CN] 白人猎手早一步到达了 Cheyenne Autumn (1964)
The Huntress[CN] 女猎手 Warlock III: The End of Innocence (1999)
I remember when I was a child he was the greatest hunter and the bravest warrior.[CN] 他是最好的猎手和最勇敢的勇士 Devil's Doorway (1950)
Hunters found them not far to the north. Soon be here.[CN] 猎手们发现他们离北面不远了 很快就到这儿了 Dances with Wolves (1990)
Your cheetah is a great hunter.[CN] 你的印度豹可真是个好猎手。 Duma (2005)
My mighty hunter.[CN] 我亲爱的大力猎手. Phenomenon (1996)
You're a horseman, follow the pack to Black Skull Alley.[CN] 你是优秀的猎手 - 请带着队伍去布鲁克斯・斯昆尔小道吧 Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard (1967)
Don't be mistaken, Vogel, You're not the hunter and I'm not the prey[CN] 别搞错了 沃杰勒 你不处在猎手的位置 我不是猎物 Ruby & Quentin (2003)
You're bringing the hunter to your lair.[CN] 你要把这些猎手带往你的巢穴 Lolita (1997)
Bounty hunting is an ugly, unpredictable business.[CN] 赏金猎手的工作总是难以预料的 Barb Wire (1996)
The trout... is a perfect hunter, the master of his realm.[CN] 鳟鱼是好猎手 是它领域内的主宰 Chill Factor (1999)
He's a real hunter...[CN] 他是个真正的猎手 Immortal (2004)
She's the big Anti-Hippocratics hunter.[CN] 她是伟大的猎手 抗希波克拉底。 Anatomy 2 (2003)
Cmc, this is moondog.[CN] 救援中心,这里是猎手号。 越洲 - Turbulence (1997)
Whoo, we're train-chasing, baby![CN] 伙计,我们是火车猎手! The Station Agent (2003)
Moondog, this is commander rice.[CN] 猎手号,我是指挥官Rice。 我命令你射击。 Turbulence (1997)


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