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肌肉[jī ròu, ㄐㄧ ㄖㄡˋ,  ] muscle; flesh #4,214 [Add to Longdo]
肌肉发达[jī ròu fā dá, ㄐㄧ ㄖㄡˋ ㄈㄚ ㄉㄚˊ,     /    ] muscular [Add to Longdo]
肌肉萎缩症[jī ròu wēi suǒ zhèng, ㄐㄧ ㄖㄡˋ ㄨㄟ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄥˋ,      /     ] muscular dystrophy [Add to Longdo]
裘馨氏肌肉萎缩症[qiú xīn shì jī ròu wēi suǒ zhèng, ㄑㄧㄡˊ ㄒㄧㄣ ㄕˋ ㄐㄧ ㄖㄡˋ ㄨㄟ ㄙㄨㄛˇ ㄓㄥˋ,         /        ] Duchenne muscular dystrophy [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Beefcake, come with me. Where to?[CN] 肌肉男 跟我来 去哪? Downtown - Die nackten Puppen der Unterwelt (1975)
- Muscle shaping?[CN] 肌肉按摩? Girls in the Night Traffic (1976)
It's nothing, wait to touch the other![CN] 这算什么 等着摸别的肌肉! Scent of a Woman (1974)
I was in severe pain all night.[CN] 一到晚上肌肉就剧痛。 10 Rillington Place (1971)
If we're talking about muscles, there's nothing you can reproach the Americans for... they are like Greek statues, pagan deities, giants like Michelangelo's.[CN] 如果我们谈论肌肉 美国人真是无可挑剔... 他们就像希腊异教神雕塑 就像米开朗基罗的巨人 我说的对吗? The Cousin (1974)
Over here muscles.[CN] 过来 肌肉男 The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
It's called an epilepse because of the arching caused by muscular spasms the contortions.[CN] 这称为羊癫症 因为肌肉抽搐引起剧痛 Cleopatra (1963)
I just moved my facial muscles a little.[CN] 当这位女士看我时, 我只是抽动了一下面部肌肉 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
I just wanted to tell you that Bobbie here's madly in love with you and trembles at the sight of your rippling biceps.[CN] 我只想告诉你 芭比爱你爱得发狂 一见到你健美的肌肉 就全身颤栗 American Graffiti (1973)
Without moving the other hand nor looking to the sea... in the sand it drowns the violent wind and the pale, slow, cold knife slips into the flesh.[CN] 既没移动另一只手也没瞟一眼大海, 冰冷的刀闪着苍白的光在肌肉上缓缓滑过。 Successive Slidings of Pleasure (1974)
The lady who thought I smiled is my mother.[CN] 她开心是因为误读了我的肌肉运动, 她是我的母亲 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
Dr. Tegmeyer's going to transfer some muscles down around the hip area.[CN] 德梅尔医师将会移植一些部臀肌肉 The Naked Kiss (1964)
Tense your muscles.[CN] 拉紧肌肉 The Chambermaid's Dream (1971)
Claw my delicate skin. Crush my flesh in your hands and arms.[CN] 抓破我娇嫩的肌肤,把我的肌肉 捣烂在您的手里, 您的怀中吧。 Successive Slidings of Pleasure (1974)
I was only trying out my muscles.[CN] 我关心的是移动不同部位的肌肉 Being Two Isn't Easy (1962)
In the first moments, every muscle, every fiber will be afire with torment and agony.[CN] 一开始 每块肌肉每根纤维都会燃烧着 痛苦和折磨 The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)
It's the celibacy of the saddle. I had muscle spasms all night.[CN] 这是马鞍的独身生活 我整夜肌肉痉挛 Little Big Man (1970)
The bioelectric charge and discharge produced by the genital embrace... causes the orgasmic reflex - supremely pleasurable muscular contractions.[CN] 生物電的充斥是 由生殖器的性交造成的... 可以帶來性高潮的反射 即極度快感的肌肉收縮 WR: Mysteries of the Organism (1971)
Let the current stream sweetly through your muscles.[CN] 讓那股激流愜意地注入 你全身的肌肉 WR: Mysteries of the Organism (1971)
Nice muscles![CN] 肌肉真不错! Death in the Garden (1956)
They're all about 1, 100 pounds, but all muscle and sinew.[CN] 他們都差不多1100磅 但都肌肉發達 The Moment of Truth (1965)
How are your muscles?[CN] 288) }肌肉沒事吧? Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1976)
Just saw the twitch in one of your muscles.[CN] 我看到你的肌肉 了 Shock Corridor (1963)
A twitch in a thumb, a nerve or a muscle.[CN] 拇指抽动 不是紧张就是肌肉拉伤 The Seven Year Itch (1955)
He reacts. Good muscle tone. Can I see his teeth?[CN] 他还有反应 肌肉很结实 能看他的牙齿吗 Spartacus (1960)
Got a charley horse, [CN] 肌肉僵硬 The Night Strangler (1973)
Because of the pain I was having with the fibrositis, [CN] 因为 我有风湿,肌肉疼, 10 Rillington Place (1971)
Ammonium hydrosulphide, benzidine, superoxide of hydrogen.[CN] 氨盐基氢硫化物、肌肉松弛剂 In the Heat of the Night (1967)
Wrinkled old hands, tired old muscles, tickerjust keeps missing a tick now and then.[CN] 起皱纹的老手 疲惫的老肌肉 心脏不时错过一跳 Napoleon and Samantha (1972)
With big muscles, possessive, but not too good at love-making![CN] 肌肉大 占有欲大 但做爱不太好! The Cousin (1974)
Show that you have some muscles this time.[CN] 给我们看看你的本事,秀秀你的肌肉 Here Is Your Life (1966)
Remember. Over here muscles.[CN] 过来 肌肉男 The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
The poison rises from the goo-nads to the throat and then seeps down to various muscles.[CN] 毒物从goonads产生 经过喉咙渗入到肌肉 Little Big Man (1970)
For muscle control, balance and poise.[CN] 肌肉控制和身体平衡 The Love Factor (1969)
Is there anyone at all that can dance, sing, hum, show their muscles, do a striptease, fan dance or bubble dance?[CN] 还有人愿意跳一支舞、来首歌、嗯 来秀一下他性感的肌肉,来一段脱衣舞 范舞或者泡沫波波舞的么? This Sporting Life (1963)
Peristalsis, it's the contraction of the muscles of the esophagus.[CN] 蠕动,是食道肌肉 的一种收缩 Wake in Fright (1971)
- Thought you developed their muscles.[CN] - 这沙袋是用来锻炼学生们的肌肉的吗? Blackboard Jungle (1955)
The enormous amount of tissue loss prevents any detailed analysis however, the attacking squalus must be considerably larger than any normal squalus found in these waters.[CN] 大块肌肉不见 影响了 细部分析工作 不过攻击的巨齿动物 Jaws (1975)
A little bit muscular perhaps, but then you've got to expect that with the violent sort of exercise you take.[CN] 也许肌肉有点发达 不过魔鬼训练后料得到 Deadlier Than the Male (1967)
- No. Developing my own.[CN] - 不,只是为了锻炼我的肌肉 Blackboard Jungle (1955)
It's so hard now a man can punch me in the belly and it don't hurt me.[CN] 当我刚刚开始的时候,我腹部松弛的很,现在腹部全是肌肉 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
A network of muscles forms the protective armor around the pelvic region.[CN] 288) }在骨盆處一些肌肉組織 構成了保護區 Sweet Movie (1974)
Don't move a single muscle of that finely fleshed body.[CN] 别动这精美肉躯的一块肌肉 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970)
all bone and no brains. Zira, my dear, I wish you would not talk like that.[CN] 有肌肉没有大脑. 我希望你不要那样说话. Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
And he knows youre strong. Oh, what rippling muscle![CN] 他觉得你是一条汉子 混身的肌肉 The Way of the Dragon (1972)
He was hard muscled. I couId feel the blade just skitter along his ribs.[CN] 他的肌肉结实 我可以感觉到他的肋骨锐利如刀片 How the West Was Won (1962)
Let's touch muscles![CN] 让我摸摸肌肉! Scent of a Woman (1974)
But he has certain muscles...[CN] 但他有肌肉... The Cousin (1974)
The muscular orgasm of compulsive workers, athletes and artists![CN] 工人 運動員 藝術家的肌肉性高潮! WR: Mysteries of the Organism (1971)
And then the other muscles, they get the message and they get tired too.[CN] 很快其他肌肉... 也会累的 Shock Corridor (1963)


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