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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
娃子[wá zi, ㄨㄚˊ ㄗ˙,  ] baby; small child; (arch.) slave among ethnic minorities #29,995 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You do not fly a Nvwa Zi boiling[CN] 你个女娃子不靠谱 滚开 Full Strike (2015)
Today, my Holdfast looks like it was built by drunk children.[CN] 现在都什么跟什么呀 我的塔楼看上去 跟一群醉娃子糊出来的一样 The North Remembers (2012)
It belongs up there. Who wouldn't want to know that kid?[CN] 它就应该在这上面挂着 谁不想认识这萌娃子呢? And the Life After Death (2013)
This girl must be God-sent. Indeed.[CN] 這個女娃子倒是挺有見識,啊 是啊 The Herdsman (1982)
I'll talk to you as I ruddy will like, you thief![CN] 我想他妈的怎么说就怎么说,你个贼娃子 Cloud Atlas (2012)
When you return, you'll organize the Educated Youth girls... to form an all girl cavalry[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }說了回來是要帶頭的喲 { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }把你們幾個知青女娃子組織起來 { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }成立一個女青年牧馬班 Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl (1998)
Gang of thieves Wazi[CN] 那帮贼娃子 Full Strike (2015)
What's a girl to do[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }一個女娃子 Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl (1998)
A dead pig feels no pain.[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }這種女娃子,死豬都不怕開水燙 Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl (1998)
Poor girl seems miserable.[CN] 可怜的女娃子真遭罪 Super (2012)
You Bump Me, you Weep[CN] 你个瓜娃子 Crazy Stone (2006)
I'll tell you Miao crybaby. I'm not a crybaby![CN] 我说你这个苗族娃子 Death and Glory in Changde (2010)


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