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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
天哪[tiān nǎ, ㄊㄧㄢ ㄋㄚˇ,  ] Good gracious!; For goodness sake! [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Oh, my gosh![CN] 哦,我的天哪 Whipped (2000)
Two of them, my gosh, this could be an interns nightmare.[CN] 两个? 天哪,那真是白宫实习生恶梦 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
- Jesus Christ![CN] 天哪! 嘿! Shaft (2000)
The spray, you know.[CN] 血花飞溅... 血 天哪 Shaft (2000)
Oh my God, my dress![CN] 天哪 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
Oh, dear.[CN] 天哪 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Jesus![CN] 天哪! When the Sky Falls (2000)
Jesus. That's straight into hell.[CN] 天哪 那是地狱的入口 The Perfect Storm (2000)
[ Betty ] WHAT ?[CN] 天哪? Nurse Betty (2000)
Oh, my God.[CN] 哦,天哪 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Man, this is some repugnant shit.[CN] 天哪 真够恶心的 Shaft (2000)
Oh, my God.[CN] 天哪 The Perfect Storm (2000)
Jesus! Hey, Dad.[CN] 天哪 Romeo Must Die (2000)
I see the President is getting upset.[CN] 天哪,总统好像不太高兴 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
Oh, my God. What is this?[CN] 天哪,这是什么? Frequency (2000)
My God, it's the Pope.[CN] 天哪能,是教宗 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
JESUS CHRIST ! - HE'S WAITING.[CN] 天哪 他在等你回答 Nurse Betty (2000)
Jesus Christ![CN] 天哪 Traffic (2000)
- Oh, my God.[CN] 天哪 Frequency (2000)
Oh, Jesus.[CN] 天哪 Traffic (2000)
Jesus.[CN] 天哪 The Perfect Storm (2000)
My God! Someones' stolen my zipper![CN] 天哪,有人偷了我的拉链 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
MY FISH ARE OUT THERE ! I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW.[CN] 天哪,我的鱼在客厅里 Nurse Betty (2000)
Boy, did I love those high-kicks.[CN] 天哪能,我真喜欢她的飞踢 了不起 2001: A Space Travesty (2000)
Oh, my.[CN] 天哪 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
DRUGS ? GOD, NO ![CN] 天哪,毒品? Nurse Betty (2000)
Jesus Christ, Mac![CN] 天哪,麦克 Thirteen Days (2000)
Oh, my God.[CN] 天哪 Frequency (2000)
Christ![CN] 天哪 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Jesus. Get a plane out there and get him back[CN] 天哪,弄个飞机把他接回来 Thirteen Days (2000)
Oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise![CN] 天哪,没完没了的噪音 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Oh, my God.[CN] 天哪 Romeo Must Die (2000)
[ George ] GOD, I HAVEN'T FELT LIKE THIS...[CN] 天哪,从我和史黛拉分手之後 Nurse Betty (2000)
We got him, Dad. You got him.[CN] 天哪,你逮到他了,爸 Frequency (2000)
Jesus, lady, where's the passion in your life?[CN] 天哪 你没激情吗 The Perfect Storm (2000)
Damn it, I'm gonna enjoy this.[CN] 我的天哪 真爽 Almost Famous (2000)
Jesus Christ.[CN] 天哪,他们把我们搞惨了 Thirteen Days (2000)
Oh, gosh, she's been singing and dancing... since she was knee-high to a pig's eye.[CN] 哦,天哪,她一直 唱歌,跳舞.. 因为她膝盖高 对猪的眼睛。 Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
FUCKING CHRIST, WESLEY ![CN] 天哪,韦斯利 Nurse Betty (2000)
Jesus. Jesus. Get that away from me.[CN] 天哪,快拿开! Frequency (2000)
JESUS, I ALMOST PUKED. DID I TELL YOU THAT ?[CN] 天哪,我差点吐了 Nurse Betty (2000)
God help me.[CN] 天哪 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Oh, my God. What is he doin'?[CN] 天哪,他在干嘛? Frequency (2000)
Oh, shit![CN] 天哪! 我的车! Shaft (2000)
GOD, THIS IS MY FIRST TIME OUT OF KANSAS.[CN] 天哪,我第一次离开堪萨斯州 Nurse Betty (2000)
Jesus.[CN] 天哪 When the Sky Falls (2000)
Let's look at these mountains for a second. Okay, let me get my stuff. God, you're unbelievable.[CN] 好吧 我去拿东西 天哪 你真让人难以置信 Shanghai Noon (2000)
Oh, God.[CN] 天哪 Almost Famous (2000)
DECAPITATED. GOD, THAT'S AWFUL ![CN] 头当场被辗断 天哪,好可怕 Nurse Betty (2000)


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