They'll send a lot more to hunt down murderers. | | [JP] 殺人犯となれば 沢山の者が犯人探しに駆り出される The Rains of Castamere (2013) |
Who's strangling us, together with Kaledin? He is! | | [JP] となれば我々の敵は はっきりしている Tikhiy Don II (1958) |
But when it comes to investigation, | | [JP] でも いざ捜査となれば An Unnatural Arrangement (2013) |
Not to mention a life sentence on the murder charge. | | [JP] 殺人となれば終身刑だ Eggtown (2008) |
But there are other crimes which he'll be less inclined to so easily forgive... | | [JP] だがある種の 犯罪となれば話は別だ 奴にとって容易には 許せんような... Tangled Up in Blue (2013) |
Too many folks go missing, tourism drops, so we heal them with a little vamp blood, erase their memory, send them on their way, no muss, no fuss. | | [JP] 失踪者が続出となれば 観光に響く だから吸血鬼の血で癒やす 記憶をいじって 彼らは解放する House of the Rising Son (2013) |
Destroyed them if they became inconvenient. | | [JP] 不都合となれば 破滅にだって Second Listen (2013) |
If worse comes to worst, they think they can let the weak carry the can and send them packing elsewhere! | | [JP] いざとなればさ トカゲの尻尾切りで→ どっかに飛ばしゃいいと 思ってんでしょうが! Episode #1.8 (2012) |
But an experiment, that's something else. | | [JP] だが 実験となれば話が違う Splice (2009) |
And everyone knew it, saw it, | | [JP] { a1pos(93, 268) } あからさまに 食料を横取りしたとなれば Now (2015) |
The royal wedding may end up being the most expensive event in living memory. | | [JP] 王のご結婚となれば 大変高価な支出となります Walk of Punishment (2013) |
If you're speaking for athletes and cancer, that's potent. | | [JP] 君が選手や癌の代弁者となれば 説得力がある The Program (2015) |
If they choose to investigate the issue, it may leave you quite vulnerable. | | [JP] もしこの件を 調査となれば 貴方はとても不利になります Ted 2 (2015) |
You take a boat out, you go missing, everybody assumes you're at the bottom of the ocean. | | [JP] ボートに乗って行方不明となれば 誰だって 海の底に沈んでるんだと思うでしょう Miss Red (2009) |
If we have read these signs... do you not think others will have read them too? | | [JP] 我らが予兆に気付いたとなれば 他に気付いた者もいるはず The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) |
And when that asshole finds out that patty hewes knowsut he'll have to settle. | | [JP] パティに知られたとなれば 和解するだろう Do You Regret What We Did? (2007) |
And if that's clear, then it's straight down -- straight shot, 30 feet. | | [JP] となれば直線距離で 10m下だろ? Journey to Xibalba (2013) |
Well we can't leave anything operational once we've shut down, way too risky. | | [JP] 軍用には出来ない 計画終了となれば 危険が大きすぎる Split Second (2013) |
But if I find out he's been playing you, doctor you'll get the same lobotomy as Scofield. | | [JP] 結構 だがもし 奴が君を騙していたとなれば━ わかっているだろうな The Sunshine State (2008) |
I bet your greedy ass would be so worked up about the prospect of losing your cash that you wouldn't catch it. | | [JP] 現金を失うかもとなれば お前は間違いなく 居ても立っても 居られなくなると思ったよ To'hajiilee (2013) |
Something I promised your father I wouldn't, but if you're gonna be working for the DEO you need to know. | | [JP] 秘密にすると 父さんと 約束した事なの だけどDEOで働いてるとなれば 知っている必要がある How Does She Do It? (2015) |
I know Commander Adama and I'm counting on the fact... that when push comes to shove, he is the kind of man... who will not want bloodshed. | | [JP] 私はアダマ司令官を知っています そして事態をこう読んでいます いよいよとなれば 流血を望まないと Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 2 (2005) |
You Dastan, might take fewer chances, if such a jewel waited you in your chamber. | | [JP] しかし、ダスタン、 こんな宝石が部屋で待っているとなれば お前も今ほど無茶をせぬことだろう Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) |
I just need the tiniest bit of closure, and then I can leave New Orleans, and I'll be sure to take Klaus with me, which, let's face it, would make your life a whole lot easier. | | [JP] そうすれば私は去れるの ニューオリンズを そして確実に クラウスを連れていくわ となれば率直に言って 貴方の悩みも晴れて万々歳よ Girl in New Orleans (2013) |
We're not buying time as a stopgap measure. verify the facts. | | [JP] (内藤)その場しのぎの 時間かせぎでは ございません➡ ナルセンほどの会社が 破綻するとなれば 銀行としても 正確な事実確認が必要になります Episode #1.8 (2013) |
Hmm, well, Jay was a smart man who needed to park his boat somewhere for free, so why not put someone else's plates on the trailer and let it get towed by the very eager police? | | [JP] ジェイは 賢い男だった そういう男が 自分のボートをどこかに タダで留めておかなきゃならない となれば ボートを乗せたトレーラーに 他人のナンバープレートをつけて So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper (2012) |
Sick and wan they will waste away if they are forced to forego Freia | | [JP] 病み 色あせ 老いさらばえて 消えていくばかり もし フライアを失う事態となれば Das Rheingold (1980) |
Yeah, when it comes, it'll present us with conundrums and dangers greater than any we faced during the war, bloody as it's been. | | [JP] いざ終戦となれば戦争以上に 危険な問題が待っている かもしれない Lincoln (2012) |
Who's strangling us, together with Kaledin? He is! | | [JP] となれば我々の敵は はっきりしている Tikhiy Don (1957) |
Or biding their time until the right moment. | | [JP] いざとなれば 本性を表すかも Quantico (2015) |
In stage four, acute behavioral chaos, you will no longer function as a productive member of the Collective. | | [JP] <"ステージ4"となれば、もはや... > <"共同体"メンバーとして働けず... Equals (2015) |
" When the dark foe of love in anger begets a son the doom of the blessed ones will not long be delayed " | | [JP] "もしも あの陰気な愛の敵が怒りの 力で息子を作る事態となれば 至福な神々の終末は時を移さず実現する" Die Walküre (1990) |
Neither is this: | | [JP] となれば これも当然の結論だ Risk Management (2013) |
Or is it precisely because this experiment, which you imagine took place may very well discredit your own primitive belief system? | | [JP] それとも... ...それは、まさに この実験から あなたが起きたと 想像したとなれば... Victor Frankenstein (2015) |
Tricky. If a leader dies on American soil, whether real or fake, it'll look suspicious. | | [JP] だが、こっちで死んだとなれば 疑いを掛けられる The Sword's Edge (2012) |
You're my friends and I want you to be 110% satisfied. | | [JP] 友達のためとなれば110%の満足度じゃなくっちゃ My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (2010) |
If they know you've been warned, it will jeopardize us and everything we're working for. | | [JP] "もし彼等の知る所となれば" "我々はおろか 全てを危険に晒します" "もう切ります" Quill (2012) |
Demeo this, Demeo that. Starts a war, so now everyone thinks you're involved. | | [JP] 全面戦争となれば お前は関係者だ The Iceman (2012) |
Crimes which, if he's found guilty, will elicit a very long custodial sentence, and yet... his legal team... has chosen to offer no evidence whatsoever to support their plea. | | [JP] もし有罪となれば 長期の実刑判決が 下りるにもかかわらず 弁護側の証言は ...皆無 The Reichenbach Fall (2012) |
Plus you wouldn't be able to have them when you're actually in the active duty Army because who's going to be there to take care of them if you have to go off and actually fight? | | [JP] ずっとも無理だ 実際に軍の任務となれば 任務で離れたら誰が面倒を見る? Winter's Bone (2010) |
The Trojans can beat us so easily. How long before the Hittites invade? | | [JP] トロイに負けたとなれば すぐさまヒッタイトどもが侵略に来ます Troy (2004) |
In the event of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote. Citizens! | | [JP] 同票となれば 大統領が決定票を投じます 市民の皆さん! Colonial Day (2005) |
It's a different story if window dressing was involved. let's say we did window dress. | | [JP] 粉飾となれば 話は別です 仮に 仮にだぞ 100万歩譲って うちが粉飾したとしよう➡ Episode #1.1 (2013) |
Well, once we cut ties, I can't contact their government officially or unofficially. | | [JP] 国交断絶となれば 私は接触できない Chapter 9 (2013) |
I think they might find a way to make it work in your case | | [JP] しかし、犯人が君となれば 話は違う Inception (2010) |
You tell him golden boy plotted his demise and you missed it, fires you in three. | | [JP] 期待の星が彼を葬ろうとした それを見逃したとなれば New Car Smell (2012) |
The only other black witch in this place goes missing, | | [JP] もう一人の黒人の魔女が 消えたとなれば Go to Hell (2014) |
It was expected of me, as it will be of you if you ever become Joffrey's queen. | | [JP] そうすることになっているからよ いつかジョフリーの妃となればあなたも同じ Blackwater (2012) |
They can smile but be a monster on the inside. | | [JP] 微笑んでいても いざとなれば牙をむく Quantico (2015) |
Very handy in a tight spot, these lads, despite the fact they're dead. | | [JP] 死んではおるが いざとなれば使える手駒だ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) |