She invited them to the theatre she was in and the play was awful, my parents left in the middle. | | [CN] 他妈邀请我父母去她工作的剧院 演出烂的要死,我父母中场就走了 Warsaw '44 (2014) |
- At intermission? | | [CN] 在中场休息时? Quai des Orfèvres (1947) |
It'd be good for you to-- | | [CN] 这将会是对你有好处中场休息 Nina Forever (2015) |
Dico! | | [CN] 巴西中场阵容的变化 似乎扰乱了苏联队的阵脚 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
I am still waiting on intel from HQ. | | [CN] 那中场表演呢,贾许? Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
One and two, with two out. And a line drive to left center. | | [CN] 有两人出局, 安达将球击向左中场 A Few Good Men (1992) |
Clean yourself up. | | [CN] 我们收到消息 费奥拉决定换上 防守型中场球员齐托 冲锋型右边锋加林查 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
We weren't issued feelings, sir. | | [CN] 对于期待的中场表演你们有何感想? Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
Two Saturdays from today, meet me at half-court. | | [CN] 两周后的星期六,中场见. Little Giants (1994) |
Yeah, when can I get my lap dance from Beyoncé? | | [CN] 贾许,能不能跟我们说说 中场表演的事情? Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
I'll have half a million here by post time tomorrow. | | [CN] 明天中场时,我会带一百万来 The Sting (1973) |
I'm now in intermission | | [CN] 不好意思,我现在中场休息 Oi chum mai (2014) |
Hello? | | [CN] 达拉斯将是他们最后一站 他们会在周四的中场表演中 与天命真女一起登台 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
And this isn't the middle of the fucking game. | | [CN] 去他妈的中场休息 Turn the River (2007) |
'CAUSE YOU'VE GOT THAT BIG DANCE-OFF AT THE GAME TOMORROW, SO... | | [CN] 你明天还要参加球赛中场的舞蹈对决呢 Zapped (2014) |
I rotated a little in the first years, but... left back... and then I started playing midfield, distributing the ball, which is my thing. | | [CN] 第一年我轮着踢各个位置... 左后卫... 后来就开始踢中场 Ma ma (2015) |
Look at this guy go. He's 40 past midfield. | | [CN] 看看这个人,他跑过中场,对方半场40码 Woodlawn (2015) |
- It's about changing that image. | | [CN] 笨重的中场球员齐托 罗圈腿前锋 马内·加林查 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
- It's gonna be fine. | | [CN] 贾许,让这些大兵为中场表演 尽快进入战备状态 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
Well, ready or not, you still look pretty darn cute. | | [CN] 舞台经理说我们在中场表演中 得看起来有"战备状态"才行 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
- Everyone here? Good. Okay. | | [CN] 抱歉打扰,你们得准备中场表演了 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
Dude, we finally saw Beyoncé. | | [CN] 中场表演已经结束了 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
He's past midfield. | | [CN] 他穿过中场 Woodlawn (2015) |
- Shit! | | [CN] 还记得我们要参加中场表演吗? Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
Koskov will leave the concert at the interval. | | [CN] 科斯克夫在中场会离开 The Living Daylights (1987) |
Swung on, and it's a high fly ball to centre field. | | [CN] 击球 是朝中场的高飞球 Amazon Women on the Moon (1987) |
Give me a ring in intermission. | | [CN] 中场时你何不打电话给我呢? Dial M for Murder (1954) |
Good pass to Cesc from mid-box, in the back of the net! | | [CN] 法布雷加斯的中场妙传 球进了 Ma ma (2015) |
Lavagetto's at third, Babe Phelps is catching... left field is either Moore or Medwick and center, Ernie Koy in center. | | [CN] 拉瓦基多在三垒,巴贝・菲尔普斯做接球手 左外场安排摩尔或者美德维克,中场安排欧尼科伊 Save the Tiger (1973) |
Where were you during intermission? | | [CN] 在中场休息, 你去哪了? Quai des Orfèvres (1947) |
One second, one second, one second. | | [CN] Oh! One second, one second, one second. - 好的 中场休息 放手了 The Whites of His Eyes (2015) |
FOR THE FIRST BASKETBALL GAME OF THE SEASON. | | [CN] 中场休息时要搞什么节目 Zapped (2014) |
I guess I have to give them the old Knute Rockne at half-time. | | [CN] 我得在中场休息时 给他们精神讲话 MASH (1970) |
No. Our boys will eliminate him from the equation. | | [CN] 菲里茨·沃尔特与瑞典中场球员西格·帕尔林 发生激烈冲撞 结果断送了自己辉煌的职业生涯 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
Now, if that happens to be the mother of all clusterfucks, then we should blame it on bad intelligence. | | [CN] 这次中场表演,我们面对的 可是收看全国联播的四千万观众 Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) |
Rennings throws and it is a liner toward the gap in right-centre field. | | [CN] 投球 是一记直奔右中场空区的直线球 Bingo (2015) |
Yes, melodramatic, I know, but effective. | | [CN] 是的 中场休息 我知道 不过很有效 Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989) |
For the next two weeks, waves of wildebeest will pass through the Grumeti. | | [CN] But this isn't the end of the drama, just an intermission. 但这并不是故事的结尾 只是中场休息 For the next two weeks, 接下来两个星期 The Hardest Challenge (2015) |
There are no comfort breaks in this game. | | [CN] 没有中场休息。 There are no comfort breaks in this game. Clovis (2014) |
- Just resting between rounds. - Oh. | | [CN] 中场休息一下 Design for Living (1933) |
Time out. | | [CN] 中场休息! The Karate Kid (1984) |
And put some gas into it, huh? | | [CN] 我叫齐托 中场球员 职业队的 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
I don't know, I kind of preferred it that way, though. | | [CN] 然后我想到我们中场休息时溜进去 Tramps (2016) |
Mid-level reliever at best. | | [CN] 中场的最棒选手 { \3cH202020 }Mid -level reliever at best. By the Skin and the Teeth (2006) |
- The Soviet Union very physical out of the gates! | | [CN] 这位是有经验的中场球员迪迪 他比年轻的迪科·纳西门托高出一个头来 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
- It's half-time, you were sleeping. | | [CN] - 这是中场休息时,你正在睡觉。 40 Carats (1973) |
We're still deliberating. I'm just on a break. | | [CN] 我们还没决定 我只是中场休息下 Judge and Jury (2014) |
And you're definitely not old enough, so you're, like, in that weird middle place... | | [CN] 而你绝对不是足够老, 所以你一样, 在这奇怪的中场. Trust Exercise (2014) |
- From a kid who, as word has it, was on the verge of being cut from the youth team. | | [CN] 到了中场 射门 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016) |
- In the interval? ! | | [CN] - 中场休息时跑去找她? Chariots of Fire (1981) |