20 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *例の件*
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
例の件[れいのけん, reinoken] (n) the matter you have been talking about [Add to Longdo]

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Look, I just heard from Ray Fiske. She signed the papers. Call it off? [JP] 彼女がサインしたから 例の件は中止だ Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker (2007)
Oh, and by the way, that thing we talked about, the.... [JP] ところで― 〝対処しろ〟と言った 例の件だが Negro Y Azul (2009)
Have you found out who's behind this? [JP] 例の件の裏ってとれてるの? Reason (2017)
Excuse me, Christa, I've taken care of it for you. [JP] クリスタ 例の件 やっておいたよ Michael (2011)
Thank you for your help with the other matter. [JP] 例の件はありがとう Two Swords (2014)
Listen, I've been thinking a lot about what we talked about. [JP] 例の件だが Day 8: 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (2010)
I imagine you may need a new assistant to help with the... you-know-what. [JP] 君が助手を─例の件の─ 求めてないかと思って The Machine (2013)
Is it true that matter is about to get exposed? [JP] 例の件が 露見しそうだというのは 本当ですか? Episode #1.9 (2013)
Uh, can you let me know when you hear something from you-know-who, yeah? - Okay. [JP] 例の件 進展があったら連絡を The Song (2013)
Okay, we've been talking about it for months now. It's time to make a decision. [JP] さて そろそろ 例の件を決めないと Mandala (2009)
Sir, that THING at the Intermouse... ..seems like it's done. [JP] はい 例の件ですが ネズミ警察で準備が整ったようなんです Cat City (1986)
You pitch Freddie my idea? [JP] 例の件 話しといてくれた? Pilot (2009)
Your votes are the only ones that matter, and you know it. [JP] 君の票は、たった一人だ 例の件をしってるだろう Til Death (2012)
-You got something for me? [JP] 例の件は? Peekaboo (2009)
I've been thinking a lot about what you said. [JP] 例の件 考えてた Pain & Gain (2013)
Ah, what's the-- what's the progress on the-- [JP] あー 例の件で進展はあったか The Angel of Death (2011)
But, uh, I'm gonna leave this thing on in case anything gets climactic. [JP] でも例の件は まだです クライマックスは また後で Life in a Day (2011)
Let's go. Break it off. Remind your folks about Neighborhood Watch, okay? [JP] 例の件 親に話せ Pain & Gain (2013)
Oh, that thing, uh, didn't work out. [JP] 例の件だが うまくいかなかった The Next World (2016)

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