- Sorry for barging in on you. | | [JP] - あ押しかけてすまない Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) |
The three of them dug up a bear somewhere and took him in a carriage to see the actresses. | | [JP] 仲間たちと熊を引き連れ 女優の家に押しかけ War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky (1965) |
but | | [JP] 私 今回いきなり お義母さんところに 押しかけてきちゃいましたけど Episode #1.8 (2013) |
Did he invite you here to dinner or did you invite yourself and us too? | | [JP] 彼に招待されたんじゃなく 押しかけたんでしょ A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973) |
They'll be coming back to finish him off. | | [JP] ならず者が押しかけてくる All Happy Families Are Alike (2015) |
I'm sorry to just barge in on you like this, but, uh, I was hoping that I could have a moment to talk with you. | | [JP] 急に押しかけて 済まないが ちょっとだけ話を 聞いてもらいたかったので To'hajiilee (2013) |
You mean crashing that poor guy's wake and eating his widow's shrimp skewers? | | [JP] 他人の葬儀に押しかけて 海老の串焼きを食ってることが? Desert Cantos (2009) |
I think it's another woman, but I can't bother him at work. | | [JP] 女の人だとは思うんですけど 会社に押しかけたりは できないし The Mamiya Brothers (2006) |
- If you rule a city and you see the horde approaching, you have two choices: | | [JP] もしあなたが治める街に 大群が押しかけてきたら あなたには 2つの選択肢があります Lord Snow (2011) |
Yeah, well, the other thing that could happen is I could come and find you, kick your ass and throw you out of your own party. | | [JP] あぁ、言い忘れたが、俺は お前のパーティーに押しかけて... ケツ蹴っ飛ばして、 とっ捕まえることだってできるぜ。 Live Free or Die Hard (2007) |
I'm barging in | | [JP] 押しかけですから Honey & Clover (2006) |
Just shove over. | | [JP] 押しかけるわ Black Water (2007) |
Or maybe-- maybe I should just drive down there and we can discuss this in person. | | [JP] でなけりゃ 押しかけるぞ 会って 直に話すか? Cellular (2004) |
They will kill your father if we don't do something. | | [JP] 手を打たないと 彼らは父さんを殺す 彼らは 病院に押しかける... The Intruder (1962) |
You just show up here and you start harassing | | [JP] こんな所まで押しかけて 兄貴の家族に The Returned (2014) |
Gods and heroes will envy the treasures he owns. | | [JP] 財宝を目指して 神も勇士も 押しかけてくる Siegfried (1980) |
Who are the party crashers? | | [JP] 押しかけたのは誰なの? Beta (2014) |
And they'll come not for money or inspiration, but to change the world! | | [JP] 世界を改良しようとして 押しかけるだろう Stalker (1979) |
Huh? When they come for you? | | [JP] 家に押しかけてきたら? Cobalt (2015) |
Well, you've got a lot of animals waiting in line to audition, Mr. moon. | | [JP] たくさんの参加者たちが 押しかけてます ほんと? Sing (2016) |
You ever think about what's happening with others before you barge in on them? - Sorry. | | [JP] 押しかける前に人を気遣って The Fourth Man in the Fire (2008) |
That hunter jacked Tyler Lockwood of his werewolf venom last night, so basically he's got vampire poison in a bottle, and I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna eat him. | | [JP] 昨夜はハンターがタイラーに 押しかけ狼毒を抜きやがった なわけで 奴は 吸血鬼の毒瓶を手にした 俺が奴を見つけて 俺は奴を餌食にする The Rager (2012) |
I'm sorry for coming by during your time off. | | [JP] すみません お休み中に 押しかけたりして Nakama? Soretomo jibun? (2015) |
Crash a prom or something. | | [JP] パーティーにでも押しかけろ All in the Family (2014) |
A terrible event and the church piles in gleefully. | | [JP] 教会は 嬉しそうに どやどやと押しかけて来る Episode #1.6 (2013) |
I'm, uh, sorry to, uh, to show up while you're working. | | [JP] 私は、あー ごめん、ええと、 仕事中に押しかけて。 Strange Visitor from Another Planet (2016) |
Just give my family some room, please. | | [JP] 家族の所まで押しかけないで下さい Flight (2012) |
How dare you invade my home? | | [JP] よく家まで押しかけてきたな? Our Man in Damascus (2015) |
Hate to crash the party, but a mutual friend thought I could help in here. | | [JP] 押しかけるのは嫌い でも 共通の友人を ここで助けられると思ったの Beta (2014) |
I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, Mr. Sacks. | | [JP] 押しかけてごめんなさい サックスさん Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) |
Although only supporters are allowed near the president for security reasons, there are, in fact, many protesters demonstrating against his policies here today. | | [JP] セキュリティ上の理由から 支持者たちだけが 大統領に近づくのを 許されていますが・・・ 実際 反対論者たちも大勢 押しかけており Eyeborgs (2009) |
Ruddy we have a crowd outside! | | [JP] 群衆が押しかけてる! The Intruder (1962) |
"Before my time, it was assumed that Kallikantzaroi were goblins | | [JP] "私が解明するまでは クリスマスの間中街に押しかけて" The Grimm Who Stole Christmas (2014) |
So the plan is just to show up at this guy's house and try to get information out of him? | | [JP] いきなり押しかけて 聞き出す、っての? Annabelle Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket (2016) |
Crash the party. | | [JP] パーティーに押しかけるんだ His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts (2012) |
Funeral crasher. | | [JP] 押しかけ参列なんて Desert Cantos (2009) |
And you come in here, to my office, and berate me when you're the one who's exposed us? | | [JP] 自分が元凶なのに 押しかけて私を叱るの? Chapter 10 (2013) |
Yes, we're inviting ourselves. Accept it and move on. | | [JP] ええ、押しかけですよ 認めるから乗せてちょうだい The Way Way Back (2013) |
What's going on? You got a lot of animals waiting to see you, Mr. moon. | | [JP] あなたに会いたがってる動物が わんさと押しかけています Sing (2016) |
Otherwise people are going to ask what the hell's going on. | | [JP] じゃなきゃ みんなが押しかけてきそうだ The World's End (2013) |
I didn't muscle in. People turned to me. | | [JP] 私は 強引に押しかけてない あっちが勝手に来たんだ Episode #1.6 (2013) |
If not today, then tomorrow! And not just tens of them, thousands! | | [JP] それも千単位で押しかける Stalker (1979) |
You come in here, tell me where to go, where to do my work? | | [JP] 押しかけてきて 俺に指図する気か? Chappie (2015) |
He come round at night, kicked my door in, dragged me out of bed, proceeded to boot the utter fuckin' shite out o' me. | | [JP] 夜中に押しかけてきて ドアを蹴破り ベットから引きずり出され 喋るまで 蹴り続けやがった Route Irish (2010) |