That movie he did, Swingers VinceVaughnis so cute! | | [CN] 坻腔饒窒萇荌▲⑴乾匋彌◎... 恅汜毓塋淩岆怮邟賸ㄐ D-Girl (2000) |
You really are smooth, aren't you, Mr. Porter? | | [CN] 斕淩劂蚐郲賑忕腔 祥岆繫ㄛ疏杻珂汜ˋ De-Lovely (2004) |
Ling, where are you? | | [CN] 淩儿人呢,人呢? The Banquet (2006) |
I don't want them to treat me nice... because of money. | | [CN] 衄賸ヴ腔搾盞 憩祥眭耋坻蠅勤扂岆淩腔疑遜岆樑腔疑賸 Hei ma wang zi (1999) |
this night never ends. | | [CN] 涴俀淩堍笴 Lucky Numbers (2000) |
But they do live in a very old house. | | [CN] 筍岆佽淩腔ㄛ坻蠅蛂腔華源涴繫導 Hei ma wang zi (1999) |
- Limbo! | | [CN] 淩波! Club Dread (2004) |
You said the importance of a good blue suit can never be overstated. | | [CN] 斕佽疑腔懦伎昹蚾淩岆怮笭猁賸 A Good Year (2006) |
Ling prepare the carriage | | [CN] 淩儿 备辇 The Banquet (2006) |
We've never been in a bind like this before, so thank you so much. | | [CN] 掛苺植羶酕徹涴欴腔衪祜 淩岆郅郅斕賸 School of Rock (2003) |
But she had a great body. | | [CN] 祥徹, 坴腔旯第淩岆階葋葋 Love for All Seasons (2003) |
It was 2 AM when I reached her bleak room. | | [CN] 等我到她住的那兒時 已經是淩晨兩點了 Four Seasons: Natsuko (1980) |
What better time to work than early in the morning? | | [CN] 有比淩晨更好的工作時段嗎? My Fair Lady (1964) |
- Who wants to limbo? . | | [CN] 誰想跳淩波微步舞? Club Dread (2004) |
And once you spend enough time on this thing, you can tell pretty quickly who's being real and who's just a player. | | [CN] 脹斕婓涴爵瘧劂壅 斕竭辦憩眭耋阰岆淩腔 阰硐岆俙縉 Elsewhere (2009) |
It's weird typhoons come so early this year. | | [CN] 踏爛淩も墅ㄛ涴繫婌羲宎衄馘瑞 Yau chat guen see um leun nei (2008) |
And that, seriously, doesn't freak you out? | | [CN] 佽淩腔ㄛ斕祥頗鷓鎘ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
- They're real cheap. | | [CN] - 坻蠅岆淩淏腔晞皊﹝ Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999) |
Limbo! | | [CN] 淩波! Club Dread (2004) |
One a.m., two a.m., three... Four. | | [CN] 淩晨一點,淩晨二點,三點... My Fair Lady (1964) |
Real good cooking. | | [CN] 淩淏腔疑報眙﹝ The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) |
Lucky. | | [CN] 堍淩疑 Elsewhere (2009) |
Is it ridiculous? | | [CN] ゎ堣珩蹦旯爺ㄛ淩髦梛 King of Beggars (1992) |
Really? What did you have in mind? | | [CN] 淩腔ˋ斕砑崋繫酕ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
Because he's unreasonable. And overbearing. | | [CN] 因為他不可理喻 且盛氣淩人 Adam's Rib (1949) |
She is so beautiful. | | [CN] 淩藝 Monsoon Wedding (2001) |
Yes, that's true. | | [CN] 岆, 涴給岆淩腔. Saints and Soldiers (2003) |
Otherwise, I have nothing to eat and look stupid . | | [CN] 不然就得吃西北風 氣勢淩人 And Then (1985) |
This canal is fucking stink! That's good. | | [CN] 鎮腔 涴堍碩淩岆堪教賸 Ghost Mother (2007) |
Isn't she pretty? | | [CN] 淩腔竭か謠徽ㄐ Cape No. 7 (2008) |
Seriously, J, is there anything with two legs that you wouldn't rub up on? | | [CN] 苤憫ㄛ佽淩腔 斕衄謗虯 祥婓奻醱艦脖腔陲昹鎘ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
Seriously, you could be a little nicer. | | [CN] 佽淩腔ㄛ斕祥蚚饒繫倜 Elsewhere (2009) |
Boy, am I glad you're back. I was so worried. | | [CN] 淩詢倓斕隙懂賸ㄛ扂竭童陑 Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild (2005) |
- I don't know about this, Fiona. | | [CN] 滑ㄛ涴欴酕淩疑鎘ˋ The Contender (2000) |
Soon we will be greeted by Allah, the one true god, and by the cheers of our forefathers and by 99 perfect virgins who will worship us for all eternity! | | [CN] 峔珨腔淩朸 -陝嶺, 撈蔚茩諉扂蠅, 逌珂珩頗峈扂蠅瘓粒 Postal (2007) |
-Your friends kind of creep me out. -Yeah. | | [CN] -斕腔攬衭淩歲 每岆 Blonde Ambition (2007) |
Seriously. We met on the Internet. | | [CN] 扂佽淩腔ㄛ扂蠅婓厙繚妎腔 Elsewhere (2009) |
- Nothing. - Really? | | [CN] 羶岈 淩腔鎘ˋ Elsewhere (2009) |
But, Mr. Higgins, it's early in the morning. | | [CN] 但是席根斯先生 現在是淩晨了 My Fair Lady (1964) |
Will I take her in Or hurl her to the wolves? | | [CN] 我該收容她? 還是讓她受盡淩辱? My Fair Lady (1964) |
Yes, about between 3:00 and 4:00 this morning, I understand. | | [CN] 是,大約是今天淩晨 三點至四點間 My Fair Lady (1964) |
Grace personified. | | [CN] 淩衄瑞僅陛 De-Lovely (2004) |
No. A real job. At Connelly and Connelly. | | [CN] 祥 淩腔岆跺疑馱釬 婓Connelly and Connelly鼠侗 Blonde Ambition (2007) |
They're huge, looming over cities, a thin tin sheet. | | [CN] { \1cH00FFFF }這個用薄錫製成的龐然大物 淩駕於所有城市之上... Vítejte v KLDR! (2009) |
It's really strange. | | [CN] 韃岆衄萸も墅祥徹岆淩腔 The Apartment (1996) |
Firebugs are substituted by light bulbs. | | [CN] 螢火蟲被電燈淩駕過去 And Then (1985) |
Till 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning? | | [CN] 等到淩晨3點或4點? Applause (1929) |
No, it's real good. | | [CN] ㄩ 祥ㄛ涴岆淩淏腔疑﹝ The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) |
El Niño sent some awesome 6-footers. | | [CN] 塌嫌攝霾隳巖堤珨虳淩堵6珜褐﹝ Billboard Dad (1998) |
Holy shit! That is you! | | [CN] 祥頗勘ㄛ淩腔岆斕 Elsewhere (2009) |