18 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *腫脹*
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EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
腫脹[しゅちょう, shuchou] (n, vs, adj-no) swelling [Add to Longdo]
リンパ節腫脹;淋巴節腫脹[リンパせつしゅちょう(リンパ節腫脹);りんぱせつしゅちょう(淋巴節腫脹), rinpa setsushuchou ( rinpa fushi shu chou ); rinpasetsushuchou ( rin tomoe fushi sh] (n) lymphadenoma; lymph node enlargement; lymphadenopathy [Add to Longdo]

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
there's too much swelling in the airway. [CN] 呼吸道腫脹太嚴重了 I Saw What I Saw (2009)
A lot of that swelling's from the birth. [CN] 可能是新生造成的腫脹吧 會消下去的 Hook, Line and Sinner (2010)
There wasn't any obvious swelling to the head. [CN] 我給他裝監護器 頭部沒有明顯腫脹 有較深的割傷 Under a Cloud (2013)
Well, her airway was too swollen.They couldn't get-- but what would cause that kind of inflammation in her throat? [CN] 腫脹阻塞了氣管 他們沒法... 但咽喉發炎的原因是什麼 I Saw What I Saw (2009)
The CAT scan and the MRI show severe swelling in the hippocampus and thalamus, where the brain stores most of its memory. [JP] CTスキャンとMRIでは 海馬と視床で 高度の腫脹を示しています その場所には 多くの記憶があります Thanks for the Memories (2014)
There was so much swelling, we couldn't find good veins. [CN] 她全身腫脹 找不到合適的靜脈 I Saw What I Saw (2009)
His brain is still swelling. [CN] - 他的大腦依舊腫脹 Disarm (2011)
Fever, sweats, rash, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, arthralgia, lymphadenopathy... [JP] 発熱 発疹 咽喉痛 吐き気 筋肉痛 関節痛 リンパ節腫脹... Pilot (2014)
There's a lot of swelling on the right foot. [CN] 右腳上有多處腫脹 Blink (2010)
Both my ears and my nose bled. My testicles were swollen. [CN] 288) }我的耳朵和鼻子都在流血,睪丸腫脹 Papierove hlavy (1996)
So, swelling, vomiting... [JP] それで、 腫脹、嘔吐 ... For the Girl Who Has Everything (2016)
"My liver is enlarged, my eyes are yellow and I have jaundice. [CN] 「我的肝臟腫脹,我的眼睛泛黃 我得了黃疸 Salvatore Giuliano (1962)
Pressure's plummeting. [CN] 體表靜脈腫脹 血壓驟降 These Arms of Mine (2010)
Eyelids swollen, with pronounced changes due to decay. [CN] 眼瞼腫脹,明顯開始腐爛 Love Affair, or The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator (1967)
His bowels are all swollen and hardened. [CN] 他的腸道都已經腫脹硬化了 Perfect Little Accident (2010)
We will be removing the left side of his skull to give his brain room to swell. [CN] 我們要切除左側顱骨 讓腦部有空間腫脹 Disarm (2011)

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