General Musharraf has dubbed the recent public uprisings as a conspiracy by radical groups. | | [JP] ムシャラフ司令官(パキスタン陸軍)は 最近の民衆暴動を言い換えてる... .... 過激派の共謀であると Kabul Express (2006) |
In other words, don't fall in love with me so easily. | | [JP] "言い換えれば 私を簡単に 愛さないでください The Handmaiden (2016) |
In other words, your cells are still primed. | | [JP] 言い換えれば 用意は出来てる Power Outage (2014) |
It's probably just a different way of saying be yourself, right? | | [JP] 〝自分であれ〟を 言い換えた言葉だ Abiquiu (2010) |
In other words, don't limit your fun to only the virtual world. | | [JP] 言い換えると "楽しみを制限するな" "仮想世界だけで楽しむな" Who Am I (2014) |
Turns out | | [JP] 言い換えると Paul (2011) |
Of earth's magnetic field. - In other words, yes. | | [JP] 言い換えれば イエスだ Things You Can't Outrun (2014) |
It's time for a mental health day. So conjugate this: | | [JP] 今日は「病欠」した 言い換えれば・・・ Speak (2004) |
In other words, like your mother, a near miss. | | [JP] 言い換えれば 君のお母さんのように惜しい失敗 The Age of Adaline (2015) |
In other words, if I don't want you to see me, you can't. | | [JP] 言い換えると 俺が見せたくなければ 見れない Over My Dead Body (2012) |
In other words, the man who killed Rowlins... and the man who shot at Jones and Brennan... the stickup who's blitzing the liquor stores are all the same man. | | [JP] 言い換えれば ロリンズ殺しの犯人も... ジョーンズとブレナンを 撃った男も... 酒屋強盗も みんな同じ人物だ He Walked by Night (1948) |
"Thanks, but no thanks," in other words. | | [JP] 「ありがとう、でも遠慮するわ、」は言い換えて。 The Crocodile's Dilemma (2014) |
Let me rephrase that--your, uh, your sand, your sandy coastline. | | [JP] 言い換えると 君の砂 君の砂浜の中に 僕らがいることにね So Long, and Thanks for All the Red Snapper (2012) |
Hey, I got a whole mess of computer gobbedly gook that I don't understand, but it says otherwise. | | [JP] おい 全てめちくちゃだ コンピューターの 防御的応答は理解できん だが 言い換えれば Sacrifice (2013) |
Now in other words, object knowledge is represented in ventral streams Thanks | | [JP] 言い換えると 対象認識は 腹側視覚路で対応される Taken 3 (2014) |
It's important you as citizens continue to report all suspicious activity and individuals for, simply put, if there were no demand in our society there would be no market for these leeches to exploit. | | [JP] 大事なのは、市民として 報告を続けることです あらゆる疑わしい活動や個人を― 言い換えるなら、もし我々の社会に 需要がなければ A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
In other words, find your brother's killer on your own time, right? | | [JP] 言い換えれば 兄弟の殺人者を 自分で見つける だろう? Unfinished Business (2013) |
In other words, the girl needs you help. | | [JP] 言い換えれば この少女には 君の助けが必要だ Girl in New Orleans (2013) |
Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons. | | [JP] 言い換える ドラゴンを殺せないんだ How to Train Your Dragon (2010) |
Perhaps I should rephrase. | | [JP] 言い換えるべきかな The Devil's Rock (2011) |
In other words, he's lost the plot? | | [JP] 言い換えれば 彼には策略が無くなった MI-5 (2015) |
So, instead, he's, uh, eccentric. | | [JP] 言い換えれば エキセントリック Legacy (2012) |
Rephrase it. | | [JP] 言い換えてみて Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point (2008) |
That's so interesting you put it that way. | | [JP] それはとても楽しいこと、言い換えれば。 The Circle (2017) |
In other words, stay small, stay cool, stay out of sight. | | [JP] 言い換えれば、動きは最小に 落ち着いて、ばれないようにする A Red Wheelbarrow (2013) |
Thank you, Your Honor, but I'll rephrase. | | [JP] 有難う裁判長 でも言い換えます The Lincoln Lawyer (2011) |
In other words, bargain with a demon | | [JP] 言い換えれば、悪魔との交渉 Howl's Moving Castle (2004) |
Well, let's put it this way-- he sees the merits of the operation. | | [JP] まあ言い換えれば 作戦の価値を理解しているんだよ A Red Wheelbarrow (2013) |
In other words, self-sufficiency and self-management. | | [JP] 言い換えれば、自給自足で 自己を防衛する Lucy (2014) |
So in other words, when they say they're fine, they're fine? | | [JP] 言い換えると 反対意見は無視ってことか? Clue (2016) |
In other words, every time he ran from the scene of a crime, he ran in this general direction. | | [JP] 言い換えると 毎回 犯罪の現場から走りさる時 同じ方角に向かってた 素晴らしい The Sound and the Fury (2015) |
In other words, we have to abort. | | [JP] 言い換えれば あきらめるってことね Good Night (2013) |
And on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add. | | [JP] 言い換えれば 通商連合の飼い犬です Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999) |
I don't-- What's another word for fate? Like destiny. | | [JP] "運命"を言い換えると・・・ Finding Dory (2016) |
In other words, the world identifies itself with the Devil. Won't that be a bit too much? | | [JP] 言い換えれば 世界は悪魔そのものである The Church (1989) |
Actually, I'm paraphrasing. | | [JP] ボクが言い換えたんだけどね The Robotic Manipulation (2010) |
Ah, I see you two have a book open there, which more likely than not portends some sort of catastrophic disaster, which in turn, can only mean my date with Rosalee has been put on hold. | | [JP] あー! 2人が 本を開いているのが見える 恐らく大災害を知らせる前触れで 言い換えると Endangered (2013) |