I can run facial-recognition software on the photos, cross-reference them with our criminal databases. | | [JP] 彼らが思いもよらない方法で検索できるでしょ。 写真を顔認識ソフトにかけて、 犯罪データベースと照合してみます。 Eye Spy (2013) |
Can you run it through Shadownet's facial recog? | | [JP] 顔認識してくれる? Wanted (2013) |
Then I ran a facial recognition algorithm through all of the photographs that I've recovered, so far, from Foster's chip. | | [JP] この写真全部を 顔認識ソフトにかけたの フォスターのメモリチップに あったものよ The Recluse in the Recliner (2014) |
Only one way to find out. Have Birkhoff run him through facial recognition. | | [JP] バーコフに 顔認識して貰って Wanted (2013) |
So as long as Birkhoff got us into the right personnel servers, facial recog should.... | | [JP] バーコフが隊員名簿に アクセス出来るなら... 顔認識で... True Believer (2012) |
I'll do a search using facial recognition software. | | [JP] これから顔認識の プログラムにかけるわ The Recluse in the Recliner (2014) |
I used facial recognition to cross-reference student I.D. photos and found a kid that Aubrey should talk to, this psych student named... | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトを使って 学生証の写真と クロス検索したの オーブリーが話を聞く相手が 見つかるでしょ The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator (2014) |
The scramble suit itself is purportedly made up of approximately a million and a half fraction-representations of men, women, and children in every variant making the wearer of a scramble suit the ultimate Everyman. | | [JP] 最新の音声、顔認識技術であっても 検知不可能となります この"スクランブル・スーツ"は 聞くところによれば およそ150万人分の特徴・・・ A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
And then I get a facial recognition from the Bitcoin exchange across the street. | | [JP] 顔認識をしたら ビットコイン取引所によると Beholder (2014) |
Where are we with facial recognition? | | [JP] どこを顔認識している? Seeing Red (2014) |
Wylie's running it through the facial-recognition database. | | [JP] ワイリーが顔認識ソフトにかけてます Brown Eyed Girls (2014) |
We're running facial recognition now. | | [JP] 顔認識をしています The Freelancer (No. 145) (2013) |
I'll come by later, like around 8? | | [JP] 後で寄るわ、8時頃は? 顔認識‐対象同定 98. A Scanner Darkly (2006) |
A facial recognition won't work. | | [JP] 顔認識は不可能 A Gettysburg Address (2012) |
It's not much better, but I am gonna run it through facial recognition and see if we get a hit. | | [JP] ダメね... でも一応 顔認識にかけてみる Worlds Apart (2012) |
Running facial recognition software. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトウェア起動 諸君 Bad Dreams (2009) |
So far, I've run travel records, bank accounts airport facial recognition records, but I couldn't find anything that links to Ibrahim or any of his known aliases. | | [JP] 旅行記録と銀行口座 空港の顔認識プログラムも 調べたけど イブラヒムとは 結びつかなかった The Source in the Sludge (2014) |
I'm starting with the basics. I'm trying to teach it to track people using cell phone location data, facial recognition. | | [JP] 今は携帯を使った 位置情報や顔認識だけだが Ghosts (2011) |
Facial recognition can't do anything. | | [JP] 顔認識ができない Silver Wings of Time (2014) |
I once helped a Lebanese agoraphobe retain copyright on a piece of facial recognition software. | | [JP] 僕は かつて パニック障害のレバノン人が 顔認識ソフトの 権利を保持するのを助けたことがある We Are Everyone (2013) |
No sign of Liam yet. | | [JP] - 顔認識は? - リアムの反応は、まだよ Aftermath (2013) |
Felicity's running facial recognition on traffic cameras throughout the city. | | [JP] フェリシティが顔認識を 実行している 街中の交通カメラに― Seeing Red (2014) |
Voice print and face recognition analysis enabled. | | [JP] 音声と顔認識が一致しました Star Trek (2009) |
Try facial recognition. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトにかけろ Silver Wings of Time (2014) |
Then I found a photo sharing site that had a facial recognition app that was shut down by a lawsuit last year. | | [JP] それから昨年訴訟問題で 却下された顔認識アプリを発見した Bury the Lede (2012) |
Facial recognition did not come up with any matches, but... it brought up this old BOLO. | | [JP] 顔認識データは 誰とも一致しなかったけど この古い緊急手配書があった 大虐殺の現場で The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014) |
Did you try facial recognition? | | [JP] ディグ、顔認識は試した? City of Blood (2014) |
Facial recognition didn't pull up any names, either. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトにもヒット無し Forest Green (2014) |
I've had facial recognition software scanning closed circuit cameras all over town. | | [JP] 私は顔認識ソフトを持ってた 町中の閉回路カメラをスキャンできる Three Ghosts (2013) |
Once I pulled clean photos from the footage, it was just a matter of running a facial recognition program. | | [JP] ビデオから 明瞭な写真を取り出して 顔認識プログラムにかけただけです White Lines (2014) |
We've tried running facial recognition software. | | [JP] 顔認識プログラムでは The Equation (2008) |
Now I'm gonna run this against the DMV database and see what we come up with. The use of a generic skull is gonna result in far too many hits. You don't have many friends, do you? | | [JP] 行方不明の断片を 推測するのよ それで顔認識システムにかけるの ヒットしたものの中から探し出す 一般的な頭蓋骨だと 一致する数が多すぎませんか あなた友達少ないでしょ? The Lady on the List (2013) |
So we run all the security footage through facial recognition software, and when we find the man that visited all four banks before the robberies, we find our ringleader. | | [JP] だから 顔認識ソフトを使って すべての監視カメラの映像を調べて 強盗前に 4つの全部の銀行を 下見して回った男を見つければ Not One Red Cent (2012) |
I've ran facial recognition through all of them looking for Mathis, but come up empty. | | [JP] マティスが捜してる 全員の顔認識を実行した でも 空振り Broken Dolls (2013) |
Chell, pull up your facial recognition program. | | [JP] チェル あなたの顔認識プログラムを立ち上げて 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. (2014) |
Hey, we just got a ping from the facial recognition software on Bivolo, aka, Prism. | | [JP] ビボロ... 名付けてプリズムが 顔認識ソフトウェアで引っ掛かった Flash vs. Arrow (2014) |
And facial recognition hasn't spotted him in any airport, bus, or train station. | | [JP] それに、顔認識も見つけられず どの空港も バス、または、鉄道の駅 City of Blood (2014) |
Asked the FBI to run it through the facial recognition software, got a few hits, and this one seemed like the best shot. | | [JP] FBIに顔認識ソフトで調べてもらったら 数人ヒットしました これが 一番うまく映ってる My Bloody Valentine (2012) |
Facial recognition software... it's designed for archeologists, and it should help us ID your crispy corpse. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトウェア... 考古学者用に作ったが 君の死体の身元確認に 役立つと思うよ Power Outage (2014) |
No facial recognition hits for driver's license, passport, social media accounts, credit cards, not even a goddamn student I.D. | | [JP] 顔認識システムで 免許やパスポートー SNS クレジットカードのIDも 全く一致なしだ Terminator Genisys (2015) |
I borrowed the FBI's facial recognition software. | | [JP] FBIの 顔認識ソフトウェアを借りた Crucible (2013) |
We've been running facial recognition software. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトウェアでは The Dreamscape (2008) |
Well, sir, we're running facial recognition on him right now. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトで 検索中です Olympus Has Fallen (2013) |
So I ran facial recognition And data searches on all three of them. Durant and cooper! | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトで 3人を調べたんだけど デュラントとクーパーだ The Lance to the Heart (2014) |
Since when do we have facial recognition software? - Happy Chanukah. | | [JP] 顔認識ソフトがあったのね? Flash vs. Arrow (2014) |
She ran Chloe's picture against online images using facial recognition software. | | [JP] クロエの写真を 顔認識ソフトにかけたそうです The Geek in the Guck (2014) |
Where's facial recognition? | | [JP] 顔認識システムとの照合は Achilles Heel (2011) |
Even with our facial-recognition programs going through that much data is going to take time. | | [JP] 顔認識プログラムも 時間が掛かる One Night in October (2011) |
Also see if that fancy new face-recognition software gets us anything. | | [JP] 最新の顔認識ソフトならどうかな The Good Soldier (2011) |
Let's start putting everybody through facial recognition... cross-referencing with I.N.S., D.M.V. - every database we've got. | | [JP] まず顔認識システムで全員を確認 INS DMVと照合 あらゆるデータベースを活用して Semper I (2011) |