67 ผลลัพธ์ สำหรับ *baroness*
/แบ๊ เหรอะ หนิ สึ/     /bˈerənɪs/
หรือค้นหา: baroness, -baroness-

NECTEC Lexitron Dictionary EN-TH
baroness(n) ภรรยาของท่านบารอน

Hope Dictionary
baronessn. ภรรยาบารอน, ท่านบารอนที่เป็นหญิง

Nontri Dictionary
baroness(n) ภรรยาท่านบารอน

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**ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Do you think it's the Baroness? Denken Sie, es ist die Baroness? Aftershocks (2015)
You think I poisoned The Baroness? Sie denken, ich habe die Baroness vergiftet? Frenemy of My Enemy (2015)
A gift from Baron Rojas, Baroness. - Geschenk des Barons, Baroness. Chapter IV: Two Tigers Subdue Dragons (2015)
I'm not baroness yet, Mari. Noch bin ich nicht Baroness, Mari. Chapter IV: Two Tigers Subdue Dragons (2015)
Baroness. Baroness. Chapter III: White Stork Spreads Wings (2015)
Morning, Baroness. Guten Morgen, Baroness. Pilot: Part 1 (2015)
The baroness who caught her death? Die Baroness, die sich den Tod geholt hat? Pilot: Part 1 (2015)
- I really don't know. (Baroness Le Feyre) Hat er eine Liebste? Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Anyway, she's old enough to be his aunt. I don't know. (Baroness Le Feyre) Sie ist alt genug, um seine Tante zu sein. Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
But you're not putting her forward. - Oh, mein Gott. (Baroness Le Feyre) Aber die wirst du um Himmels willen nicht vorschlagen, oder? Florence Foster Jenkins (2016)
Princess, can you hear me? Baronesse, hörst du mich? K-20: The Fiend with Twenty Faces (2008)
I suppose you know what Paris is saying about Countess Falconier... and her chauffeur? Sie wissen wohl, wie ganz Paris klatscht über die Baronesse Valconeur und ihren Chauffeur... Trouble in Paradise (1932)
And the lady in the corner is the Baroness Athona. Und die Dame ist Baroness Athona. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
-Unfortunately no. -l'll take a word with the Baroness. - Ich rede mal mit der Baroness. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
The Baroness' husband is Minister of Propaganda. All we know is she was on this train and now she's... gone. Der Mann der Baroness ist Minister, und der kann die Tournee abblasen. The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Here, my last employer, Baroness Lalotte, wishes me to be such grand success in America that I shall never desire to return to France. Meine letzte Arbeitgeberin, Baroness Lalotte, wünscht mir so großen Erfolg in Amerika, dass ich nie mehr nach Frankreich zurückkehren möchte. Heaven Can Wait (1943)
And Miss Maria, this is Baroness Matilda, our housekeeper. Und das ist Baroness Mathilde, unsere Hausdame. Freut mich! The Trapp Family (1956)
I think Baroness, that I will travel tomorrow. Ich glaube übrigens, Baroness... dass ich morgen verreisen werde. Das hatten Sie ja schon lange vor. The Trapp Family (1956)
Those are our children, Baroness. - Das sind unsere Kinder, Baroness. The Trapp Family (1956)
Yes Baroness. Ja? Ja, Baroness? The Trapp Family (1956)
I thank you in any case, Baroness. Ich danke Ihnen jedenfalls, Baroness. The Trapp Family (1956)
Okay, leave her alone right now. The Baroness is taking her to the station. Die Baroness bringt sie zur Bahn. The Trapp Family (1956)
Nee Plettenberg, if I'm not mistaken. Eine geborene Baroness Plettenberg aus dem Sächsischen, wenn ich nicht irre. Confessions of Felix Krull (1957)
Remember Baroness Von Livenbaum? That crazy lady-in-waiting to the empress? Erinnern Sie sich an Baroness von Livenbaum, die Hofdame der Zarin? Anastasia (1956)
My dear Baroness, you will never change. - Baroness, Sie sind ganz wie früher. Anastasia (1956)
The lady next to him is Baroness Von Livenbaum, lady-in-waiting to the empress. - Mein Verlobter. Daneben sitzt Baroness von Livenbaum, die Hofdame der Zarin. Anastasia (1956)
Ah, the Baroness Von Livenbaum, please. Baroness von Livenbaum, bitte. Anastasia (1956)
Baroness Von Livenbaum is on her way up-with a lady. Baroness von Livenbaum ist gleich hier. Anastasia (1956)
Yes, Baroness. Ja, Baroness. Anastasia (1956)
- Baroness. Baroness. Anastasia (1956)
Baroness, uh, the procedure. Baroness... Anastasia (1956)
Baroness. Baroness. Out of Africa (1985)
- Baroness. - Baroness. Out of Africa (1985)
Baroness? Baronesse? The Ninth Gate (1999)
Send a team to rendezvous with Storm Shadow and the Baroness. งั้นก็ส่งทีมไปสมทบ กับ สตอร์ม ชาโดว์ และ บารอนเนส ได้เลย G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Her name is Ana de Cobray. Baroness, if you're feeling formal. เธอชื่อ เอน่า เด โคเบร เรียกบารอนเนส, ถ้ารู้สึกเป็นทางการ G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Baroness? บารอนเนส? G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Duke! Duke, it's on the Baroness! ดุ๊ก ดุ๊ก มันอยู่ที่บารอนเนส ! G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Indeed, Baroness Vernon. In der Tat, Baroness Vernon. Belle (2013)
After lunch, it was that society broad, the Baroness Mwack, a widow. Heute Nachmittag erwischte ich einen alten Vogel, Baroness Mouaque, eine Witwe. Zazie dans le Métro (1960)
They just need to be filed. One day it will be known that your nephew has married the Baronessina Sedàra del Biscotto. Sie müssen nur noch geordnet werden und eines Tage wird man erfahren, dass Euer Neffe eine Baroness heiratet. The Leopard (1963)
Baron and Baroness of Yorkshire. Baron und Baroness von Yorkshire. My Fair Lady (1964)
The Baroness will have your teeth for a necklace and your eyeballs for earrings. Die Baroness wird Ihre Zähne als Halskette tragen und lhre Augen als Ohrringe. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
Ever since she was born, she was told, "You are the most intelligent... "you're the richest, the most envied, you're the Baroness Von Essenbeck." Seit ihrer Geburt hört sie, dass sie das intelligenteste, reichste, am meisten beneidete Mädchen ist: die Baroness von Essenbeck. The Damned (1969)
Baroness Von Essenbeck. Baroness von Essenbeck. The Damned (1969)
"The Baroness de Vero has promised to wear the Cisconia diamonds, "Die Baroness de Vero hat versprochen, die Cisconia-Diamanten zu tragen, The MacKintosh Man (1973)
Oh yes, and there was this British Baroness there; Es gab da noch eine galizische Baroness, sie stand da einfach rum, ohne sich zu bewegen. Private Vices, Public Pleasures (1976)
- Baroness. - Baroness. Out of Africa (1985)
Baronessa. - Baronessa. The Borgias in Love (2011)
Baroness N. has been assaulted. Baronesse N. Beleidigt. Rasputin (1981)

CMU Pronouncing Dictionary
 /B EH1 R AH0 N IH0 S/
/แบ๊ เหรอะ หนิ สึ/

Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
 (n) /b a1 r @ n e s/ /แบ๊ เหรอะ เหนะ สึ/ /bˈærənes/
 (n) /b a1 r @ n e s i z/ /แบ๊ เหรอะ เหนะ สิ สึ/ /bˈærənesɪz/

WordNet (3.0)
baroness(n) a noblewoman who holds the rank of baron or who is the wife or widow of a baron
dinesen(n) Danish writer who lived in Kenya for 19 years and is remembered for her writings about Africa (1885-1962), Syn. Baroness Karen Blixen, Blixen, Isak Dinesen, Karen Blixen
orczy(n) British writer (born in Hungary) (1865-1947), Syn. Baroness Emmusca Orczy
sand(n) French writer known for works concerning women's rights and independence (1804-1876), Syn. Baroness Dudevant, Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, George Sand
thatcher(n) British stateswoman; first woman to serve as Prime Minister (born in 1925), Syn. Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher, Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven
ward(n) English economist and conservationist (1914-1981), Syn. Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth

Collaborative International Dictionary (GCIDE)

n. A baron's wife; also, a lady who holds the baronial title in her own right; as, the Baroness Burdett-Coutts. [ 1913 Webster ]

DING DE-EN Dictionary
Baronin { m }; Freiherrin { m } | Baroninnen { pl }; Freiherrinnen { pl }baroness | baronesses [Add to Longdo]
Triangel-Falterfisch { m } Indischer Baronesse-Falterfisch { m } (Chaetodon triangulum) [ zool. ]triangle butterfly [Add to Longdo]

EDICT JP-EN Dictionary
ミカドチョウチョウウオ[mikadochouchouuo] (n) eastern triangular butterflyfish (Chaetodon baronessa) [Add to Longdo]
男爵夫人[だんしゃくふじん, danshakufujin] (n) baroness [Add to Longdo]

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